Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Daenerys Targaryen Vs. Sansa Stark: Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros?


On Game of Thrones, Daenerys and Sansa couldn’t be more different, but the both came close to the Iron Throne. Who would have been the better ruler?

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Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Daenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark both came close to claiming the Queen of Westeros title during Game of Thrones. From the season 1 finale onward, the Mother of Dragons has her sights firmly fixed on the Iron Throne, and eventually sails home to reclaim her family’s dynasty. Season 1 also saw the beginning of Sansa’s queenly dreams; when King Robert and Queen Cersei come to Winterfell, Sansa is betrothed to their heir, Prince Joffrey, making her the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. In the end, Sansa inherited the Northern crown, as neither claimant emerged from the finale on the Iron Throne.

The two queens were qualified to rule the country in varying ways, however. GoT concluded with Bran Stark as King of Westeros — though Queen Daenerys or Queen Sansa was more than plausible.

10 Daenerys: Had A Stronger Army

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Few monarchs commanded as much power during the series as Daenerys Targaryen. The exiled princess begins the story powerless and penniless. Throughout her journey, she amasses a vast army of Unsullied soldiers, sellswords, and Dothraki screamers, as well as controlling three dragons.

Daenerys had the power to enforce her rule over the Seven Kingdoms, unlike Sansa, who commanded only the depleted Northern army. If a war had broken out between the two queens, Sansa would have difficulty defeating her opponent in battle.

9 Sansa: Grew Up In Westeros

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Daenerys regarded herself as the rightful Queen of Westeros, yet the Targaryen contender spent little time in the country she wanted to rule. Daenerys was spirited from Dragonstone to Braavos after her birth, before spending years traveling through the Free Cities of Essos.

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Sansa spent all of her life in Westeros and experienced multiple cultures in different cities such as Winterfell and King’s Landing. Unlike Dany, the Northern queen understood the country she wanted to rule.

8 Daenerys: More Experience

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Contrarily, Daenerys had more experience ruling as queen than Sansa. The young exile begins to assert power as Drogo’s Khaleesi in season 1. After the birth of her dragons, Daenerys leads a conquest of Slaver’s Bay before establishing her reign as Queen of Meereen.

Sansa might have flourished as the Lady of Winterfell but overall, she had far less experience with rulership than Dany. Daenerys had to make difficult choices and unpopular decisions as Queen of Meereen that prepared her for ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

7 Sansa: Learned From Esteemed Political Figures Like Cersei And Littlefinger

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Sansa lacked experience as a leader, but she learned from some of the best teachers Westeros had to offer. Throughout the series, Sansa takes subtle lessons from adept political players like Cersei, Littlefinger, and Margaery Tyrell in all areas from scheming to winning over a kingdom.

Littlefinger’s lessons made Sansa a shrewd figure in the game of thrones, capable of anticipating her enemy’s movements. From Margaery and Cersei, Sansa learned how to make people love her — and hate her.

6 Daenerys: Protected Westeros From The White Walkers

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

The claimant Queen of Westeros lived up to her Protector of the Realm title in season 8’s “The Long Night.” Daenerys pauses her war against Cersei to defend Winterfell and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms from the Night King, deploying her armies and dragons on the battle’s front lines.

While Sansa remained in the crypts, Daenerys led the living’s defense from her dragon. The Targaryen queen incinerated countless wights with Drogon before confronting the Night King and Viserion.

5 Sansa: Understood The Politics Of King’s Landing

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Sansa spends a pivotal amount of time in King’s Landing during the first half of the series. Season 1 begins with her betrothal to Prince Joffrey, the future King of Westeros. The vicious king ultimately weds Margaery instead, while Sansa remains trapped in the Capitol as a hostage of House Lannister.

Sansa’s captivity was a harrowing ordeal that exposed her to the reality of Westerosi politics. In the end, she escaped from the city with a newfound knowledge of monarchy that would have served her well as Queen of Westeros.

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4 Daenerys: A Revolutionary Queen

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Before “The Bells,” Daenerys wasn’t just a queen; she was a revolutionary. The Targaryen queen cares for other people, unlike other ruler characters Joffrey and Tywin. A large portion of her arc is dedicated to her crusade in Slaver’s Bay that saw her abolish slavery and reinstall a new, fairer regime in Meereen.

Dany’s compassionate nature was highlighted by Jorah Mormont, Varys, and Tyrion Lannister. During her discussions with Tycho Nestoris, Cersei comments on Daenerys’ revolutionary reputation and her differences as a monarch.

3 Sansa: Wanted To Be A Beloved Queen

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

Young Sansa delights at the prospect of becoming Joffrey’s queen in season 1. The glamorous appearances of Queen Cersei and the rest of the royal party dazzle the impressionable young Stark girl. After Cersei reveals her true colors in the books, Sansa vows that she will be different, proclaiming “If I am queen I will make them love me.”

Sansa wanted to rule by love instead of fear. She was more jaded by the time she assumed the Northern crown, though many of her early ideals likely remain.

2 Daenerys: Had A Stronger Claim To The Iron Throne

Daenerys Targaryen Vs Sansa Stark Who Should Have Been Queen Of Westeros

As the last living child of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella, Daenerys had one of the strongest claims out of all of the contenders for the Iron Throne. Until the R+L=J revelation, Dany was the sole survivor of the Valyrian dynasty, as well as the heir to House Targaryen.

The Khaleesi’s quest to become Queen of Westeros is understandable considering her family’s history. The Targaryens built the Iron Throne and united the country under their rule centuries before Robert’s Rebellion.

1 Sansa: One Of The Smartest People In The Seven Kingdoms

Sansa’s rise to power was unanticipated, to say the least. The Northern lady endures hardships at the hands of Joffrey, Cersei, and Ramsay Bolton. Sansa survives all of her abusers and learns from their mistakes to become one of the smartest people in the Seven Kingdoms.

Arya applauded Sansa’s intellect to Jon Snow during season 8, which concludes with the eldest surviving Stark sibling becoming Queen in the North. Sansa displayed an impressive prowess that resulted in her coronation. Realistically, either she or Daenerys could have emerged from the finale on the Iron Throne.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/daenerys-vs-sansa-best-game-thrones-queen-westeros/

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