Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

Days Of Future Past: 10 Best Quotes In The X-Men Film


The X-Men film series eventually tackled one of the most famous stories from the comics, and with it came a lot of heady quotes.

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Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

Throughout the years, the X-Men films have become very confusing. The series began with Charles’ school fighting against Magneto and other mutants that threatened humanity. A prequel film called First Class focused on Charles and Erik’s time as friends and how the original group of X-Men was created. Days of Future Past combined the two time periods in order to change the history the characters ended up living in.

Logan goes back in time to try to save his friends from the world they now face. Seeing people he’s known for a long time years before he met them created a lot of interesting interactions and memorable quotes.

10 “Mutants, And The Humans Who Dared To Help Them, Fighting An Enemy We Cannot Defeat. Are We Destined Down This Path, Destined To Destroy Ourselves Like So Many Species Before Us? Or Can We Evolve Fast Enough To Change Ourselves, Change Our Fate?”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

The opening lines of the film were a monologue spoken by Charles. The audience quickly learned what he was talking about as they saw some of the most beloved members in the group fight against the Sentinels, their greatest enemies yet. After the battle, they had a conversation on what they could do to truly defeat their enemies and decided to send Logan back in time to change history.

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9 “Never Before, In All Of Human History, Has There Been A Cause Which Could Unite Us As A Species, Until Now.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

Bolivar Trask became one of the mutants’ greatest enemies as he experimented on them and created the Sentinels. Many thought that he hated them. However, later on in the movie, he revealed that he didn’t. He saw them as a way to bring all of the humans together, not wanting countries to fight against each other anymore. Turning the mutants into the humans’ enemies was the only way for them to join each other.

8 “It’s Not Their Pain You’re Afraid Of. It’s Yours, Charles. And As Frightening As It May Be, That Pain Will Make You Stronger. If You Allow Yourself To Feel It, Embrace It, It Will Make You Even More Powerful Than You Ever Imagined.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

In the ’70s, Charles Xavier did not act like the person he would end up becoming. Instead, he gave up on the world and was always unhappy. After thinking that he didn’t have what it would take to help stop the future, he was able to see what would happen and speak to his future self. The Charles from the future said these words, inspiring his past self to become a hero.

7 “I’m Sorry, Charles. For What Happened. I Truly Am.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

In the end of First Class, Charles and Erik became enemies after being best friends. Erik’s actions resulted in Charles needing to use a wheelchair. To make matters worse, Mystique left Charles and believed that Erik’s ideas were right.

Charles hadn’t seen them for a long time but agreed to work with Erik again after speaking to Logan. When they found him, Erik apologized for what he did.

6 “Killing [Trask] Will Not Bring Them Back. It Will Set You On A Path From Which There Is No Return, An Endless Cycle Of Killing, Us And Them, ‘Till There Is Nothing Left. But We Can Stop It Right Now, You And I. You Just Have To Come Home.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

Knowing that Mystique would end up killing Trask if the future didn’t change, Charles tried to convince her not to go through with it. However, as he always told her what to do when they grew up together, she got tired of listening to him and made decisions for herself. She pushed him aside and continued to go down the dangerous path that would cause the Sentinels to fight the mutants.

5 “A Long Time Ago— Actually, A Long Time From Now— I Was Your Most Helpless Student And You Unlocked My Mind. You Showed Me What I Was. You Showed Me What I Could Be. I Don’t Know How To Do That For You.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

After Charles told Logan that he shouldn’t have been the one to come to the past, Logan agreed with him. The only reason that he was the one to go there was due to his powers to heal quickly. If anyone also attempted to go back in time, they would die, but since Logan could survive any attack, he was the only one who could save his world. He told Charles how much he had helped him in the future and wished that he could do the same for his friend.

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4 “The Past, A New And Uncertain World. A World Of Endless Possibilities And Infinite Outcomes. Countless Choices Define Our Fate. Each Choice, Each Moment, A Ripple In The River Of Time. Enough Ripples, And You Change The Tide. For The Future Is Never Truly Set.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

The monologue at the end of the movie was also spoken by Charles. While he said these words, Logan was brought back to the surface after drowning. Stryker and his men were the ones to find him and Stryker said that he would take him.

However, as his eyes turned yellow, fans knew that it was actually Mystique who had found him and that she was pretending to be Stryker.

3 “The X-Men, Promise Me You’ll Find Us. Use Your Power, Bring Us Together, Guide Us, Lead Us. Storm, Scott, Jean, Remember Those Names. There Are So Many Of Us. We Will Need You, Professor.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

After meeting the past version of Charles and getting to know him, Logan was worried that going back in time would stop Charles from becoming a Professor again and helping the mutants. When Logan was first introduced to Charles, Jean, Scott, and Storm in the original movie, he didn’t want anything to do with them. He has come a long way, even though he hadn’t met them yet.

2 “I’ve Been Trying To Control You Ever Since The Day We Met, And Look Where That’s Got Us. Everything That Happens Now Is In Your Hands. I Have Faith In You, Raven.”

Days Of Future Past 10 Best Quotes In The XMen Film

In a final attempt that Charles made to convince Mystique to not kill Trask, he admitted that he was wrong for how he treated her. She didn’t need to do what he wanted and could make decisions for herself. This helped her decide to not kill Trask and to save the future, creating a new reality. She would become a role model for many mutants and be considered as a hero.

1 “To My Mutant Brothers And Sisters Out There, I Say This: No More Hiding, No More Suffering. You Have Lived In The Shadows And Shame And Fear For Too Long. Come Out. Join Me. Fight Together In A Brotherhood Of Our Kind, A New Tomorrow That Starts Today.”

Learning what would happen in the future, Erik became even angrier with humanity than he already was. He had the world hear these words and tried to become an inspiration to all of the mutants that lived in fear. He planned on killing Trask, the President, and everyone else that worked with them in harming the mutants. However, Mystique was actually pretending to be the President and shot him.

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