DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

DC: The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What They’re Worth)


Superman has been around since the late-30s. There have been hundreds of comics written about him, some of which are worth a fortune.

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DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

The Man of Steel has been a staple of American culture ever since his first appearance over 75 years ago. Hailing from the planet Krypton, Superman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time, and due to his massive appeal, some of the rarest comics he’s featured in are worth a lot of money.

We look at the 10 rarest Superman comics of all time and let you know just how much they’re worth. From his first appearance in Action Comics #1 all the way back in 1938 to his own comic book series, there’re plenty of expensive issues featuring the wonderful stories of the Man of Krypton.

10 Action Comics #20 – $35,000

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

Superman doesn’t always save people when he’s wearing the blue and red tights, and in Action Comics #20, Clark Kent saves an actress called Dolores Winters from an assassin. As a favor for rescuing her, she grants Kent an interview for the Daily Planet. Like always, however, things don’t exactly go to plan.

Winters has had supervillain Ultra-Humanite’s mind transplanted into her head, and as a result, she tries to kidnap a bunch of wealthy citizens. Thankfully, Supes is on the case and manages to save the day once again. Dolores Winters proves an interesting villain and isn’t playing about when she kills someone in cold blood.

9 Action Comics #23 – $65,725

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

The highest sale for Action Comics #23 was in August 2015, when it sold for $65,725, with a CGC grade of 8.5. Lois gets caught by an exploding shell and falls unconscious, allowing Superman to grab one of the shells and hurl it back at the bombarding battery.

While investigating the war, Kent finds that Lex Luthor is behind it. Lois Lane is captured, leaving Superman to find her and bring an end to the conflict. By destroying the floating dirigible, Superman breaks the mechanism that keeps it in the air, sending it crashing to the ground. It is also the first issue to feature the DC bullet on the cover.

8 Action Comics #19 – $79,000

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

Once again, the Ultra-Humanite is causing havoc in Metropolis. Clark Kent investigates a man who is covered in “purple, rotting blotches,” and with the help of Professor Henry Travers, they discover that the purple plague from the middle ages has returned, and is causing the population of Metropolis to suffer as a result.

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Travers has a crisis of confidence, but thanks to a rousing speech by Superman, he manages to find a way to fix his earlier errors with a cure for the purple plague and helps to save the city, healing everyone who was affected by the disease. In 2011, it sold for $79,000, with a CGC grade of 9.4.

7 Superman #2 – $94,000

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

Not one to shy away from serious matters, but Superman #2 starts with former boxing heavyweight champion Larry Trent from committing suicide. Superman sees him falling from the bridge and is there to save his life. Larry reveals how he lost faith in the people around him and himself after his manager drugs him before the fight in which he lost.

In a way to bring Larry Trent back to the top, Superman disguises himself as the champ and fights his way back to the title match, where Trent steps back inside of the ring. Despite some attempted interference by his former manager and the mob (where Superman stops without breaking a sweat), Larry Trent manages to win the title back.

6 Action Comics #2 – $95,002

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

In May 2017 with a CGC grade of 7.5, Action Comics #2 sold for $95,002. Although Superman isn’t on the cover, it features the second appearance of the Man of Steel. His full design wasn’t iconic at that point, and he went through a phase of wearing different colored boots, with him donning blue footwear in his appearance.

Once again, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are sent on an expedition to cover a war brewing in San Monte in South America. Before Lois is executed as a spy, Superman manages to save her and finds out that the war is being fomented by a munitions manufacturer led by a man called Emil Norvell.

5 Superman #4 – $96,000

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

This issue of Superman went for $96,000 at a CGC grade of 9.2 in 2013, and features the second appearance of Lex Luthor sporting his luscious red hair, and sees Clark Kent investigating a secret military weapon that can artificially cause earthquakes. Luthor is hot on the heels of the invention and does all he can to secure the weapon for his own dastardly use.

As detailed at the start of the issue, it is the first time Metropolis is ravaged by an earthquake, but thankfully Superman is there to save the day. The classic team of writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster are responsible for the comic, bringing their signature style to the forth solo Superman issue.

4 Action Comics #7 – $143,400

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

Action Comics #7 sold for $143,400 in 2008 with a CGC grade of 8, and has the second cover to feature Superman, but its story isn’t exactly filled with death-defying fights, explosions, and tons of action. Instead, Clark Kent takes pity on a poor-performing circus and offers to help them bring new audiences to their show. Superman becomes the circus’ new strong man and showcases his abilities to Jordan, the circus’ owner.

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Superman wrestles a tiger, saves a trapeze artist from falling to her death, rescues Lois Lane, and puts two criminals in jail. While it isn’t one of the best stories, it’s undoubtedly one of the most expensive, with a recorded sale of $188,000. Perhaps the weirdest thing about the issue is Superman’s choice of boots, wearing yellow instead of the famous red.

3 Action Comics #10 – $258,000

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

Action Comics #10 is the second highest-selling comic in the series, and features the third time Superman appears on the cover. The story tells the tale of a prisoner who was abused by the Coreytown Chain Gang, and how Clark Kent shares his story with the world through the Daily Star – the paper Kent worked at before the Daily Planet.

The gang isn’t too fond of the article, sending someone to question Kent about who his source was. The ace reporter remains tight-lipped, but the prisoner is found by Superintendent Wyman, a member of the Coreytown Chain Gang. Thankfully, Superman puts an end to the gang and saves the day. It’s the first time the red ‘S’ appears on the chest of Superman’s outfit.

2 Superman #1 – $456,000

DC The 10 Rarest Superman Comics (& What Theyre Worth)

It goes without saying that the most expensive Superman comic in existence features the origin story of the Man of Tomorrow. At a CGC grade 5, it went for $456,000 earlier this year. However, a near-pristine could bag you a humongous $18,000,000. It may have been released all the way back in 1939, but the panels are rich in color and detail, giving the famous story of Superman plenty of life.

Sent from the planet Krypton moments before its destruction, Kal-El is sent by his father on a space ship to Earth in an effort to save his life. Crashing in a small Kansas town known as Smallville, he is raised and adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. The rest as they say, is history.

1 Action Comics #1 – $3,200,00

In 2014, the most expensive comic of all time sold on eBay for $3,207,852. Action Comics #1 was the one that kick-started the superhero genre and was the first appearance of Superman, Clark Kent, and Lois Lane. The issue sold on eBay was dubbed the ‘Holy Grail,’ not just for its rarity, but also how pristine its condition was.

Even if the comic is tattered and torn, it can still reach up to six figures due to how few copies are left in circulation. Within the issue, Superman’s powers are given a scientific explanation, and Clark Kent is assigned to find out more about the most iconic superhero to have ever existed.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/rare-superman-comics-worth/

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