DC Universes Iconic Locations Are Now Zoom Backgrounds

DC Universe’s Iconic Locations Are Now Zoom Backgrounds

DC Comics’ virtual backgrounds of their most well-known settings will transport you from the deep seas to the deep reaches of space on Zoom.

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As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to spread, people are relying on technology to communicate more than ever, so DC Comics is offering new virtual backgrounds of its most famous locations to add a little more fun to conference calls.

With people turning to Zoom for their conference call needs, DC has provided 20 new backgrounds for use with the service. The backgrounds feature locations like Gotham City, the Batcave, Arkham Asylum, the Daily Planet, the Fortress of Solitude, Themyscira, the Hall of Justice, STAR Labs, Atlantis, Gorilla City and the Cosmos.

Some of the more interesting locations on the list include a vintage Gotham City train station with an old-school locomotive puffing smoke, as well as the Fortress of Solitude in the Bermuda Triangle from Brian Michael Bendis’ Superman run. The “Cosmos” section shows New Genesis smashing into Apokolips, the Justice League Satellite orbiting Earth with the sun peeking over the horizon and a spiraling staircase within an inter-dimensional bubble floating through hyperspace from Dwayne McDuffie’s Justice League of America run.

All of these locations are available on DCComics.com for free to download onto your computer or phone.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/dc-universe-locations-zoom-backgrounds/

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