DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

DCEU: 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Weren’t Real Friends


Batman and Wonder Woman have had a relationship since they first debuted many years ago. With that said, their DCEU counterparts have a relationship that is flawed at best. Here are some examples of how these two pillars of the superhero community might not really like each other.

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DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

The DCEU had a characterization problem. Superman was mopey, Lex Luthor was an annoying, quirky mad scientist, and Batman was a bloodthirsty psychopath. However, one character The DCEU got right was Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman was THE highlight of The DCEU, and she made all the other characters shine.

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The DCEU falls to the wayside, fans who look back to the old movies will find that Wonder Woman and Batman have an interesting back and forth. With that said, to call them friends would be pretty generous, as there are a lot of problems with their relationship.

10 He Puts A Lot On Her Shoulders

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

At the end of Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Bruce Wayne aka Batman and Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman attend Superman’s true funeral in Smallville. At the funeral, Bruce tells Diana that he failed Superman in life and that he will not fail his death.

He then asks Wonder Woman to help him find “The Others.” That may sound somewhat reasonable, but in practice, that’s a lot of weight to put on the shoulders of someone he just met a few days prior.

9 She Stole From Him

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

You could argue that this was before they really had a relationship, but it isn’t exactly a good omen. In BVS, Bruce infiltrates a party hosted by Lex Luthor to steal data from LexCorp. When he isn’t looking, Diana steals the data for her own motives.

Though she eventually gives the data back to Bruce, and him getting the data back leads to the infamous double dream. However, it’s hard to argue that this is hardly a solid first impression on Diana’s part. Friends don’t really make a habit of stealing from each other.

8 They Don’t Really Hang Out

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

When you’re friends with someone, it seems reasonable that you’d want to spend as much time with that person as possible, but that isn’t the case with Batman and Wonder Woman. Throughout BVS and Justice League, they only interact when the plot demands it, and they never really share friendly banter.

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There were rumblings about the sexual tension between the two, but that isn’t exactly evident in the movies. The two people live very different lives, and they don’t really go out of their way to see each other.

7 They’re Initially Aloof

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

There’s a certain scene in Batman V. Superman where Bruce confronts Diana at a special event. Diana wants to get away from him rather than do the right thing and pick Bruce’s brain. During this scene, they aren’t forthcoming with each other, despite the two having very similar goals.

This is something that improves in Justice League, with the two being a bit more willing to talk about what’s going on. However, Bruce and Diana being aloof at the start of their relationship isn’t a good sign.

6 She Has To Go To Him

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

Batman isn’t what you would call a people person. He likes to keep his distance from typical superhero gatherings, and that can play havoc on his relationship with his peers. This is maintained in The DCEU, as Batman keeps his distance from Wonder Woman, which leads to her having to seek him out in Justice League.

For example, in Wonder Woman, rather than deliver the photo of her and Steve Trevor in person like a friend would, he has representatives of Wayne Enterprises deliver it to her. You didn’t even send Alfred, Bats? Dang, that’s cold!

5 She Could’ve Stopped Him

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

Batman’s motivation to kill Superman makes sense…to a point. Bruce Wayne witnessed the collateral damage in Man of Steel firsthand and Superman isn’t very friendly with him when they first meet. That said, if he had interacted with Superman more, maybe he would have realized they had more in common then first thought.

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Their battle, organized by Lex Luthor, could have been avoided if the two of them had just given this more thought than they did, and Wonder Woman could have easily stepped in to stop it. By the time Wonder Woman showed up, it was too late, and Superman’s fate was sealed.

4 His Unfriendly Email

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

The email scene in Batman V. Superman is pretty infamous. The scene where Wonder Woman watches footage of the future members of The Justice League that Bruce sends her is really forced and just feels like a setup for future movies that people would rather be watching.

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However, what people don’t really talk about is his message to her before this. Bruce sends her an image of the photo of her and Steve Trevor, says it doesn’t belong to her, and demands to know he she is. It’s a harsh, cold way to get her attention, and isn’t something a friend would do.

3 She Argues With Him About Superman

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

Batman going full Frankenstein to get Superman back into the game in Justice League is really stupid, but at least we got a more faithful version of The Man of Steel because of it, even though it felt half-hearted. However, Diana’s reaction to Bruce’s plan doesn’t feel like that of a friend.

Rather than finding a middle way, she directly calls out how insane the plan is, and isn’t exactly helpful when it comes to giving constructive criticism. Granted, it’s a crazy plan, and Diana should talk him out of it, but she shouldn’t compare him to Lex Luthor while she’s at it.

2 His Reaction To Being Critiqued Is Poor

DCEU 10 Reasons Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince Werent Real Friends

With that in mind, Bruce doesn’t really do himself a lot of favors in this scene. In the scene where Bruce and Diana argue about Bruce’s plan to bring Diana back, Bruce kind of acts a bit childish when Wonder Woman tells him he needs to move on, and what makes it worse is that he makes it personal.

He inquires “Did Steve Trevor tell you that?” This results in Diana shoving him against some equipment and Cyborg calling him a jerk, which is the diplomatic term for what he actually called him in the scene. Bad form, Bruce!

1 She Won’t Remember Him

It’s a mildly safe bet that we’ll see Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman meet Robert Pattinson’s Batman one day. However, it’s unarguable that she will never interact with Ben Affleck’s Batman again. With Ben Affleck departing the role, alongside The DCEU’s restructuring after the failure of Justice League, Affleck’s Batman probably won’t even be a thought in Wonder Woman’s mind.

On one hand, that’s kind of sad, as the two could have really gone somewhere with their relationship. However, it’s the best call to move on, and the possibilities of Gadot’s Diana interacting with a new Dark Knight are endless. Perhaps Pattinson and Gadot could give fans the Batman-Wonder Woman romance they’ve craved for? Only time will tell.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dceu-10-reasons-bruce-wayne-and-diana-prince-werent-real-friends/

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