DCs New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters Immortal

DC’s New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters Immortal

DC’s Lazarus Island has earned its name, as a new preview shows that anyone participating in the tournament on the island is made immortal.

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DCs New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters Immortal

Warning! Spoilers for Robin #2 by DC Comics below.

DC Comics’ new Lazarus Island has earned its name, as the host of the deadliest fighting tournament actually makes the participants immortal. In new previews for Robin #2, Damian Wayne awakens after getting his heart ripped from his chest and soon finds out that death on Lazarus Island isn’t really a thing – as it’s revealed nobody can actually die there.

Damian Wayne has escaped the Bat-Family and found himself on Lazarus Island. The mystical island is home to the Lazarus Tournament, which brings together some of the deadliest fighters in the DC Universe in a fight to the death. Damian arrogantly decided to start fighting before the rules were explained to him and took on a new hero named Flatline. Damian is quickly put in his place, as Flatline rips his heart out of his chest, leaving the hero dead. However, new previews reveal Robin can’t actually die for good in the tournament.

In previews for Robin #2 by Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov, Luis Guerrero, and ALW’s Troy Peteri, the issue opens with a lifeless Damian laying on the ground with a hole in his chest. However, the hole closes itself which brings Robin back to life. Upon reawakening, Damian is met by Ravager, who tells him she’s “embarrassed” by his behavior, telling him he wouldn’t have died in the first place if he listened to her, to begin with. She offers to take Robin on a tour of Lazarus Island and tells him that nobody can actually die on the island.

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DCs New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters ImmortalDCs New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters ImmortalDCs New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters ImmortalDCs New Deadly Tournament Makes All Fighters Immortal

It’s explained that killing opponents in the fights allow participants to show all of their skills in battle. Robin can’t help but be distracted when the pair encounter Flatline again. Robin wants an immediate rematch but Ravager tells him he should at least know the rules before fighting again. She says the tournament’s rules were explained when he was bleeding out after getting his heart ripped out.

Robin needs to chill with his fight-first mentality before he gets into another deadly fight. First of all, he doesn’t know the rules of the Lazarus Tournament and whether he can actually die for good. While fighters on Lazarus Island might get revived after death, there’s no telling how many times they can do that or if it’s just a one-time thing. As much as Damian likes to march to the beat of his own drum, he’d be best to sit and listen and figure out the rules of the tournament before he gets himself killed again. Robin #2 is in comic book stores on Tuesday.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/robin-lazarus-island-immortal-fighting-tournament-dc-comics/

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