DCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic Novel

DC’s Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic Novel

Current Green Lantern of Earth Jessica Cruz will have plenty to fear and conquer in an upcoming graphic novel, which revisits her tragic origin.

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DCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic Novel

DC Comics’ Latinx superhero Jessica Cruz has gone through quite an emotional and tumultuous journey even before she was chosen with protecting the galaxy, as Earth’s latest Green Lantern. The character has proven popular with fans of the Green Lantern, and now, she’s receiving her own graphic novel.

With the fall release of young adult writer Lilliam Rivera and artist Steph C’s Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story, DC looks to implement an extra layer to the early backstory of the first Latina Green Lantern. Introduced back in 2014 Jessica Cruz was the sole survivor of an unplanned mob hit, Cruz’s association with the event proved transformative but did not completely adhere to the character’s background or upbringing. At the forefront of the upcoming graphic novel is a reimagining of Jessica Cruz’s backstory, which more accurately enforces her crimefighting duties as a Green Lantern. Cruz must balance her new home in the fictional Coast City, with her native home of Mexico in order to embrace a future of courage and exploration.

In preparation for Jessica Cruz’s September close-up, DC Comics has released a series of preview pages focused on the interconnection ( or lack thereof) between Cruz and her classmates, showcasing how deep the character’s alienation runs. While Rivera hints that readers can look forward to otherworldly destinations that may or may not be familiar to fans of the Green Lantern mythos, the seven-page comic preview is solely focused on Jessica’s life as a High School student. Not just the daily rigors of monotonous school life, but the fact that Jessica is seemingly acting as the only Latina nonnative attending Coast City High School, and the particular effect that has on her mental psyche. But, Cruz is not the only famous minority or Lantern attending Coast City High, with the Green Lantern Corp’s first eventual African American Lantern enforcer John Stewart as a fellow classmate.

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DCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic NovelDCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic NovelDCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic NovelDCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic NovelDCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic NovelDCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic NovelDCs Newest Green Lantern Gets A Realistic New Origin in Graphic Novel

The notion of fear, often manifested through former Green Lantern Sinestro and his Yellow Lanterns, represents the greatest threat to any member of the Green Lantern Corps. While a physical manifestation of fear may not play a part, Cruz’s latent fears and insecurities for the wellbeing of her family will lay at the center of this standalone tale. As Cruz’s own father is forcibly taken away by I.C.E., Jessica will find herself being forced to take drastic measures in an attempt to keep her remaining family together. Cruz acquiring the mental fortitude to stand up against the injustices of her own world as well as combat adversity is what ultimately makes Jessica such an asset and valued member for the Corps.

Though Unearthed may be based in a world comprised of superheroes, Rivera and Steph C. look to bring their own commentary on human migration and the thousands of immigrant children separated from their families on a weekly basis. As Cruz is due for a potential live-action debut in HBO Max’s upcoming Green Lantern TV series, an updated origin for Green Lantern allows for an effortless method to integrate Jessica Cruz into a contemporary setting that not only brings both awareness to a pressing world issue but better reflects this current zeitgeist.

Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story will release to select book retailers during National Hispanic Heritage Month on September 14, 2021.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/green-lantern-jessica-cruz-unearthed-dc-comics/

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