Deadpool Fans Guess Whats in His Pouches in Viral Twitter Challenge

Deadpool Fans Guess What’s in His Pouches in Viral Twitter Challenge

Gail Simone, comic writer and regular Twitter trendsetter, has a new challenge: #DeadpoolPouchJunk where she asked fans to guess his pouch contents.

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Comic writer Gail Simone is back with another fun challenge – this time involving Deadpool – asking fans on Twitter to guess what’s inside his iconic pouches. The Deadpool writer may have some insight into what the contents are, but fans have some pretty good suggestions. Many of the Twitter responses are definitely what one might expect to find if given the chance to sift through Wade Wilson’s pockets.

Deadpool’s pocket contents have been varied over the years. From actually useful items to things that make no sense, Wade has carried a wide assortment of objects. In one comic, he had bus fare, snacks, a hockey puck, and explosives. Other Deadpool comics have had Wade use his pouches for his severed body parts for faster healing, and leftover Mexican food. Now, future writers of Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth may have another source of inspiration for Deadpool’s pouch stashes: the wisdom of fans.

On Twitter, Gail Simone asked fans to name three items the mercenary carries in his pouches. The hashtag was #DeadpoolPouchJunk and, as usual for this comic creator, it was trending before too long. Some of the responses were definitely fitting of Deadpool’s irreverent attitude and his particular appetite. Other responses to Simone were direct nods to his tendency to break the fourth wall, his time in film, and his various obsessions.

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Name three items in Deadpool’s pouches. Please use hashtag:#DeadpoolPouchJunk

Some of the responses were definitely right on the nose for what fans have seen in film and based on Deadpool’s equipment. Unicorns were a popular motif – from plushes to fuzzy stickers. Ammo is also another staple that Deadpool usually has at the ready (obviously), though fans had some humorous suggestions about the mercenary’s preparation not being quite on par with his arsenal.

#DeadpoolPouchJunk – a fan card from a very sweet 4 year old who thought he was Spider-Man. – a unicorn pez – a small selection of bullets which are somehow never compatible with the gun he has on him at the time.

Several responses made nods to the comics, referencing Deadpool’s trading card sets and ammo, though with a few additional surprises. Hello Kitty was thrown into the mix a few times, from band-aids to tasers. If there is Hello Kitty-adorned weaponry to be found in the world, it does seem likely Deadpool would want to get his hands on it.

1. Bullets 2. Hello Kitty taser 3. Deadpool’s Guide to Super Villains Cards#DeadpoolPouchJunk @unbeatablesg

Fans also weren’t hesitant to break out X-Men items. Numerous action figures were suggested, as well as photos of Wolverine and Colossus. One of the most interesting X-Men-related objects was definitely X-Men cologne. What better way to take out targets than by being able to smell like Wolverine himself?

1. A tamigotchi (still alive) 2. X-Men cologne 3. An old and tattered signed photo of Bea Arthur#DeadpoolPouchJunk

Deadpool fans are also always ready to break out a few jokes at comic creators’ expense when possible. This is especially true when it comes to Wade Wilson’s co-creator Rob Liefeld, who is known for his artistic and excessive use of pouches.

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It’s just more pouches, like some insane nesting doll of 90’s aesthetics. The final pouch holds all the feet certain 90’s comic artists didn’t want to draw. #DeadpoolPouchJunk

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds were, naturally, both subjects of Deadpool’s pouch contents. From photos of Jackman to Green Lantern rings stolen from Ryan Reynolds, fans know Deadpool will want to break the fourth wall when it comes to his knick-knacks. And who could ever forget his obsession with the Golden Girls and Bea Arthur?

A Bea Arthur autographed head shot One half-eaten Chimichanga Hugh Jackman figurine from ‘The Greatest Showman’#DeadpoolPouchJunk

Who is anyone kidding, though? When it comes to filling up pockets and pouches, it’s more likely than not Deadpool will have this particular item turning up. This counts as a snack, right?

Once again, comic writer Gail Simone has found a fun new way to engage fans. Deadpool’s pouch contents are ever-changing, so it wouldn’t be surprising if a Bea Arthur action figure ever showed up. Wade Wilson is full of surprises, after all.

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