Deadpool is Freeing Penguins From Nazis in A Story From Jay Baruchel

Deadpool is Freeing Penguins From Nazis, in A Story From Jay Baruchel

In the latest issue of Deadpool: Black, White and Blood, Jay Baruchel pens a short story that sees Wade Wilson saving Penguins from Nazi nuns.

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Deadpool is Freeing Penguins From Nazis in A Story From Jay Baruchel

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #3

In one of Deadpool’s more ridiculous stories, Wade Wilson battles Nazi nuns on a mission to save penguins (literally). To make things even wilder, the story is featured in Deadpool’s current Black, White & Blood miniseries written by none other than Hollywood star Jay Baruchel. Apparently, Wade Wilson now has a deep love for penguins and wants one of his very own. However, in order to get one, he has to venture to a “penguin convent” (because those exist) where he soon faces nuns who are much more sinister than Deadpool expected.

Hilariously, it quickly becomes clear that the short story “The Worst Convent in The World” by Baruchel and artist Paco Medina is a Deadpool-themed riff on the classic “What’s black, white, and read all over?” joke. However, rather than a newspaper being the expected punchline, Wade Wilson provides a much bloodier one involving said penguins and the slaughter of evil Nazis disguised as nuns. As the story begins, Deadpool kills a bunch of cartel gunmen for a hotel manager whose tourists were being shot, though Wade doesn’t want to be paid with cash. Instead, he wanted to be paid with a live penguin. However, while the manager had purchased a penguin named “Penguin” from a convent of nuns, he hadn’t heard back, motivating Wade to go to the Himalayas to secure his penguin for himself.

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Although Deadpool’s love for penguins has never been a thing before (which Wade himself notes in the issue), Wade is determined to get his penguin named Penguin. However, he soon realizes that the nuns running the convent aren’t real nuns, seeing as how they’re all armed with assault rifles and have a crazy amount of cocaine lying around. When he inquires, the nuns openly admit that they’re just a bunch of drug-addicted Nazis who somehow got ahold of a convent and a bunch of penguins with no idea what to do next. In response, Deadpool logically slaughters them all, while also freeing Penguin and his fellow penguin friends in the process.

All in all, this short story is a wild ride in every sense of the word: the premise, the Nazi nuns, Deadpool’s sudden love for penguins, the whole point being a parody on the newspaper joke simply because the issue’s colors are black, white, and red, and the fact that it was all written by Jay Baruchel. However, the cherry on top has to be the final panel where Penguin has a full-on conversation with Wade, wanting to catch up on Real Housewives on the flight home while also being able to hear Wade’s internal monologue. Clearly, it truly is a ridiculous story that could only work with Deadpool, and as such it may be one of the greatest additions to Marvel’s Black, White & Blood anthologies thus far.

Most Deadpool stories are inherently ridiculous to begin with thanks to Wade’s mental instability, his ability to break the fourth wall, and his overall characterization. That being said, “The Wost Convent In The World” is hilariously a cut above, and Baruchel and Medina should be commended. The levels of wacky and weird are super high for such a short story, making this particular issue of Deadpool: Black, White & Blood incredibly entertaining and worthwhile for fans of the Merc with the Mouth.

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