Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

Dexter: 10 Things Only Die-Hard Fans Know About The Show


There are lots of fun facts that fans of Dexter know about the show, but only true, die-hard loyalists know about these things.

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Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

When Dexter first aired on Showtime in 2006, the show quickly developed a loyal legion of fans who oddly fell in love with the vigilante serial killer lead character, Dexter Morgan. As the show progressed, new fans emerged and quickly got caught up in the drama, intrigue, and unique concept.

As most fans know, the series was initially based on the book Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. Subsequent seasons diverted to new storylines, even though Lindsay continued the books taking the character down his own path. But only true fans know details of the show beyond just the basics.

The Books Are Much Gorier

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

Anyone who read Dearly Devoted Dexter knows that there are many differences between the book and the show Dexter. But what fans who haven’t picked up the novel and read from start to finish don’t know is that it’s far gorier, bloodier, and even more disturbing than Showtime’s interpretation for television.

In the book, Dexter is far more detached than he is in the series. One of the most significant differences is the fate of Sergeant Doakes who ends up captured by a psychopathic doctor named Dr. Danco. He is then tortured, having his limbs and tongue removed, becoming a mere torso living in agony, begging to be put out of his misery.

The Original Showrunner Left After Season 4

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

Die-hard fans of the series will be the first to admit that things went south after season 4 with the season that introduced characters like Lumen and Travis Marshall. This wasn’t just the result of the show losing its edge, however, as many do. It was likely, at least in part, due to the departure of the original showrunner, Clyde Phillips.

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Philips, who has said in numerous interviews that he would have ended the original series much differently, has returned to work as showrunner for the limited series revival, Dexter: New Blood. To any fan of the original that considers season four with John Lithgow as Trinity Killer to be the best of them all, this is music to their ears.

Harry Chose Not To Adopt Brian

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

Fans know that Dexter’s adoptive father Harry not only knew his mother Laura Moser, but he had also engaged in a secret relationship with her. That is why once he discovered her dead, Harry decided to adopt Dexter and take care of him as his own.

But it was revealed by the end of the first season that Brian, a.k.a. the Ice Truck Killer, was actually Dexter’s older brother, who Harry also knew existed. Harry made the choice to adopt Dexter and not Brian because he said he could see in the young boy’s eyes that he was a “f***ed up kid.”

The Series Finale Had the Largest Overall Audience Ever For Showtime

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

When the maligned finale of Dexter aired on Showtime back in 2013, it became the network’s most-watched finale episode ever in history. The finale, which left fans with a bitter taste in their mouths, attracted 2.8 million viewers.

What’s most impressive is that it even aired against the Emmys. Unfortunately, the Dexter series finale goes down as one of the most hated series finales of all time, something the franchise hopes to rectify with the new limited series revival.

Michael C. Hall And Jennifer Carpenter Were Married

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

While actors Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter were playing brother and sister, Dexter and Debra, respectively, there was a time when they were actually dating in real life and got married. The pair were married from 2008 to 2011, which would coincide with seasons 3-6, in terms of release dates.

In 2010, they had filed for divorce, noting that they had already been separated for some time. Admirably, the two continued to work together for several more years and are working together again in the limited series revival.

Showtime Reportedly Refused To End With Dexter Dying

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

One of the reveals original showrunner Clyde Phillips made about how he would have ended Dexter had he still been working on the show was that he wanted the character to die. Phillips had everything planned out, with a scene that would see Dexter on the execution table, seeing all his victims standing in the observation gallery watching as his life ends.

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With that said, even if Phillips worked on the show through to the end, he might not have gotten his wish as Showtime was supposedly completely against the character being killed off.

Trinity Killer Was Inspired By BTK

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

It might not come as a surprise that the fan-favorite season 4 character Arthur Mitchell, a.k.a. Trinity Killer, was inspired by a real-life serial killer: BTK.

Though the Trinity Killer is one of the best fictional TV serial killers, the success was in large part due to John Lithgow’s tremendous performance. But it could also be because the character was believable in that he was eerily similar to Dennis Rader (BTK). Both appeared to be normal, average family men who went to church and spent time with their families and helping others when, in fact, they were brutal murderers.

David Zayas (Angel Batista) Was A Cop In Real Life

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

There’s a reason David Zayas was able to play police sergeant Angel Batista so wonderfully: he was actually once a police officer in real life. While serving in his job, Zayas was also trying to follow his dream and passion for acting, and taking auditions.

When Zayas was in his 20s, he would secretly audition for parts while simultaneously working in law enforcement. Only his partner knew what he was up to, and he would even help him run lines while they were on patrol.

Jeremy Renner Could Have Been The Ice Truck Killer

Dexter 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Show

Jeremy Renner is no stranger to playing serial killers, having played Jeffrey Dahmer in the 2002 biographical horror film about the killer, simply called Dahmer. It was that role, in fact, that led to Renner being offered the opportunity to play Dexter’s serial killing brother Brian, However, he ultimately declined.

Renner, who went on to enjoy a massively successful movie career, including playing Hawkeye in the Avengers, decided that he wasn’t up for playing another horrifying murderer. The part eventually went to Christian Camargo.

Michael C. Hall Was Being Treated For Cancer Through Season 5

During season 5, which is also the first season the show had a new showrunner, actor Michael C. Hall, who played Dexter, was secretly battling cancer. But viewers would never know. While he was undergoing chemotherapy, he wore a wig to cover his bald head.

Hall confirmed his diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January 2010, but continued to work through his treatment period, finally confirming his full recovery in April of the following year. He continues to be in remission.

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