Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Disney: Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are


Disney Princes are supposed to be heroes… but while some would give up their lives to save the day, others actually do very little.

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Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Disney Princes are supposed to be the heroes of the stories – the ones that save the princess in distress (especially in the earliest movies, before princesses started to save themselves). They are intended to fulfill all the ideals of ‘heroism’: strong, kind, handsome, brave, and capable of taking on a dragon to save the day (although only one on this list battles a literal dragon).

Not all the Princes live up to these ideals, though. Some do almost nothing, some may actually be vaguely villainous, and only a few are worthy of being considered a true hero. So who is the bravest of the bunch, and who is largely ornamental?

10 Prince Florian (Snow White)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Many Disney fans don’t even know the name of Snow White’s prince, because he does essentially nothing in the movie. While the Dwarves are running around working to support her, trying to save her, and chasing down the Evil Queen after she attacks her, Snow White’s Prince essentially just sings a song at the start of the film, and then kisses a corpse at the end. He may well be heroic in some other way, but from the film, there’s just no way to know (and the corpse-kissing is disturbing).

9 Prince Charming (Cinderella)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Much like Florian, Prince Charming (who doesn’t even get a name) does essentially nothing. He shows up to a ball that he is bored with, dances with a beautiful woman, falls for her, and then marries her (once she is found). In fact, he attempts to release the guards and hounds on her when she tries to leave, and arguably forgets what she looks like when she isn’t all dolled up, which aren’t in line with a hero at all.

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8 Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Prince Adam, aka The Beast, is definitely one of the most controversial Princes, because he quite literally sends an old woman out to die in the cold, kidnaps people, and has serious rage issues. However, he gets a few points on this one, because unlike the previous two, he does actually do things.

He is willing to give up his chance at humanity so that Belle can save her father, and he has his big final showdown with Gaston – where the heroic part isn’t that he wins, but that he refused to kill the man literally storming his castle.

7 Prince Naveen (The Princess And The Frog)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Prince Naveen doesn’t really do anything bad, but he doesn’t do a whole lot of good, either. Naveen is, at the start, a lazy layabout who just wants to live on his parents money, and who expects Tiana to take care of them both when they are turned into frogs. In the end, the spell is broken because he and Tiana marry as frogs, not because he did anything particularly heroic.

6 Aladdin (Aladdin)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Aladdin certainly has more heroism in him than Naveen and Adam, but he’s still far from a true hero. He’s got some big hero moments, from trying to protect small children from an arrogant Prince who would whip them (definitely hero material), to fighting to take down Jafar and save the kingdom. Of course, he loses points too – because had he been a pure hero, he would have kept his word to the Genie, freed him, and all those Jafar-fighting heroics would be unnecessary.

5 Li Shang (Mulan)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Now we’re getting into the much clearer hero-level Princes, with Li Shang, a man who commanded an army and spared Mulan’s life when the law said he should have killed her.

Fighting for his country, training and leading an army (and focusing on discipline and kindness as well as pure brute strength), and showing mercy are all heroic acts. Of course, he does lose points for abandoning Mulan and then refusing to listen to her.

4 Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Prince Phillip may not do quite as much as some of the other Princes, but he does fight an actual dragon, and unlike many of the others, he doesn’t really do anything to lose points. After meeting and falling for Aurora, he stands up to his father, then realizes that Maleficent is to blame for Aurora’s sleep spell, then rushes off to do battle and save the day. He wouldn’t have been quite so capable without the fairies, of course, but he still gets an A for effort and intention.

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3 Prince Eric (Little Mermaid)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Prince Eric is definitely one of the purest and most heroic of the Princes, and no fan could hold his engagement to Ursula against him, seeing as he was literally under her spell. From the start, though, Eric is hero-material. He tries to help save his ship during that first storm, and when he finds a voiceless Ariel washed up, he takes her in (to the palace) and takes care of her, despite her being a total stranger. Then, later in the film when he realizes what has happened, he rows out into the open ocean alone to battle an enormous Sea Witch to try and save the woman he loves.

2 Eugene (Tangled)

Disney Ranking The Princes By How Heroic They Are

Tangled’s Eugene/Flynn loses some point because he is definitely not a hero at the start of the film – instead, he’s a double-crossing thief, willing to screw over his partners in crime, and then trying to manipulate Rapunzel into just heading home. However, he makes up for this and then some at the end, when he does everything he can to get back to Rapunzel to save her, gives up his crown and riches for her, and is then willing to literally die to give her freedom from Mother Gothel.

1 Hercules (Hercules)

Could anyone else get the top spot, considering that the entire premise of the movie Hercules is for this Prince to prove that he is a true hero? He manages to save towns and cities, defeat monsters, save the Gods themselves, goes to the Underworld to save the woman he loves, and then gives up godhood to be with her. There is, quite simply, no greater hero in the Disney Prince pantheon.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/disney-princes-most-least-heroic-ranked/

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