Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

Disney: The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time, Ranked


No villain is complete with out some evil henchmen, as proven by the henchmen and right hands of these famous Disney villains

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Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

It’s so hard to find good help these days, and nobody knows that better than the Disney villains. Stealing a magic lamp, or taking over the world is, of course, no easy job. Not even the most practiced of villain can do it without a little aid.

That’s why these fan-favorite villains enlist the help of various sidekicks and henchmen to help them carry out their dastardly deeds. Whether they are fully capable or there for comic relief and from animated to live-action, here are the 10 best Disney villain henchmen, ranked from least to best in terms of how they did their job and how evil they are.

10 Maleficent’s Goons (Sleeping Beauty)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

These goons are admittedly not the most competent on the list, but they definitely aren’t forgettable. With their orcish appearance and various designs, they are certainly the most visually interesting on our list, but probably not the most intelligent.

After all, they did spend sixteen years looking for a baby. Maleficent might have had the right ideas, but her chosen minions were a disgrace to the forces of evil.

9 The Beagle Boys (Ducktales/Mickey Mouse)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

It’s never the best idea to pick brawn over brains, but the Beagle Boys missed the memo. While they might not tackle on grand schemes like cursing a kingdom, they have a history giving Scrooge McDuck and Mickey Mouse a rough time.

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Though they’re further developed in the Ducktales reboot, the Beagle Boys are essentially three musclebound meatheads that continually try to rob Scrooge’s fortune. Complex they are not, but they are at least consistent.

8 Syndrome’s Guards (The Incredibles)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

Now here are a group of baddies who know what they’re doing. Similar to the Beagle Boys, Syndrome’s security force isn’t very complex in the grand scheme of things.

They’re basically an army of faceless soldiers with various weapons and gadgets to pit themselves against any foe. Well… “foe” without superpowers anyway. Bullets and guns won’t do much good when pressed against a family of supers.

7 Chernabog’s Minions (Fantasia)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

Though the spirits of the underworld don’t exactly do battle with any hero or outside force, they know how to make their master look all the more terrifying.

Chernabog, the demonic Slavic god of darkness on Bald Mountain, is already one tough customer, but the gargantuan gargoyle doesn’t work alone. He’s got all manner of ghosts and malevolent spirits to conjure up from the fires of Hell to dance the night away with.

6 Le Fou (Beauty & the Beast)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

Some henchmen simply follow orders, others bungle and screw them up entirely, but Le Fou does deserve a little bit of credit for at least trying to be useful.

Whether it’s the comedic and cartoony version in the original or the festive and flamboyant sidekick in the 2017 live-action adaptation, Le Fou is always there with a smile and a song to encourage his burly and brawny buddy, Gaston.

5 Horace & Jasper (101 Dalmatians)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

While their animated counterparts are mildly amusing, it’s the live-action versions from the ’90s that truly deserve the attention. Played by Mark Williams and Hugh Laurie respectively in the 1996 live-action adaptation, these two kooky crooks set the standard for entry-level bad guys.

They’ve got an abandoned hideout, a getaway van, and a tolerance for pain. Plus, it’s Doctor House and Arthur Weasley chasing after cute Dalmatian puppies, what’s not to like?

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4 Kronk (The Emperor’s New Groove)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

Kronk’s technically not a bad guy; he just runs with the wrong employer. He might be the brawn to Yzma’s brain, but that’s only scratching the surface.

In truth, he’s a one-man army when it comes to henchman duties and not a one-trick pony by any means. He’s an assistant, he’s a chef, he’s a navigator, he’s a squirrel translator – and those are just the talents audiences saw in the film. What more could an evil advisor want?

3 Mr. Smee (Peter Pan)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

Mr. Smee might be a bit soft-hearted (or soft-headed), but he’s as loyal and hardworking as they come. As Captain Hook’s first mate, one would assume he’s not as simple as he appears.

He does seem to be the only member of Hook’s crew to get up close and personal with the cruel captain, especially when the old codfish has been known to shoot members of his own crew.

2 Shenzi, Banzai, & Ed (The Lion King)

Disney The 10 Best Villain Henchmen Of All Time Ranked

There are few henchmen as memorable as these three cackling cronies who hang around with Scar. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are three of the funniest and fiercest villains, sidekick or otherwise, in the Disney canon.

They’re not just the comic relief, they’re predators. The latter point was made terrifyingly clear when they turn on their former master and make lunchmeat out of him by the end of the climactic fight for Pride Rock.

1 Pain & Panic (Hercules)

They’re a duo of dimwitted demons that have wormed their way into the hearts of every Disney fan. The top spot goes to this pair from the realm of Hades, and it’s none other than the tandem of Pain and Panic.

They’re a bit less-than-successful, but they don’t throw in the towel easily. They’re competent enough to at least attempt to get the job done right the first time, and who doesn’t love sidekicks with personality? Not the sharpest tines on the pitchfork, but still infernal as well as indispensable!

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/disney-animated-movies-best-villain-henchmen-ranked/

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