Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

Doctor Who: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor


The colorful Third Doctor is one of the best incarnations of the titular Doctor Who, and these are the best quotes from his reign as the character.

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Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

The Third Doctor was a tall, imposing fellow with an aristocratic, flamboyant sense of self-importance. Played wonderfully by Jon Pertwee, he was a father figure, a leader, and a fisticuffer who rarely backed down from a challenge. In comparison to his previous two selves, the Third Doctor was unique in that his incarnation was forced upon him by the Time Lords, after which he was exiled on Earth.

Intellectual, analytical, and strong-willed, the Third Doctor would take Doctor Who into an entirely new era — one of color TV vs. black and white, while introducing several foes that would go on to serve as series regulars to this day. Here are ten of his most memorable quotes throughout his run.


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“All right, all right, I suppose you want to see my pass? Yes well, I haven’t got one. And I’m not going to tell you my name, either! Now, you just tell Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart that I want to see him. Well, don’t just stand there arguing with me, man! Get on with it!”

The newly regenerated Third Doctor would emerge from his dormant Tardis disoriented and weak, following his forced regeneration at the hands of the Time Lords. He escapes a group of Autons controlled by the Nestene Consciousness, and makes his way to UNIT HQ to re-introduce himself to Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart all over again. This new Doctor would quickly establish his straightforward, no-nonsense personality and imposing authoritativeness on anyone who dared question him.


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“You see, your people are used to living in extreme heat, whereas these areas on Earth are of little interest to man. I believe with your advanced technology that you could build cities in parts of the world that man has hitherto completely ignored.”

The Third Doctor was a skilled diplomat who would much rather use words to win a fight, rather than weapons. “The Silurians” found him trying to broker peaceful negotiations between humanity and the Silurian race, which previously ruled the planet before humans arrived on the scene. His attempts prove fruitless when the Brigadier blows up the Silurian base under direct orders. It’s worth mentioning that this serial would serve as the inspiration for an actual scientific term known as the Silurian hypothesis, focusing largely on our ability to detect evidence of any prior advanced civilizations.

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Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“You know Jo, I sometimes think that military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.”

The Autons would return for another throw-down with the Doctor in this 1971 serial, giving him another reason to rebuke the armed forces and their inability to deal with a crisis in an effective manner. This sardonic quote would bring out the ironic humor of the words “military intelligence,” which would later be used by thrash metal band Megadeth in their seminal classic “Hangar 18” — “Military intelligence, two words combined that can’t make sense!”


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“When I meet a regime that needs to import savage alien life forms as security guards, I begin to wonder who the real criminals are!”

This excellent serial focuses on the Daleks’ success at conquering a future Earth after the assassination of a key political delegate which would later lead to nuclear war. The Doctor confronts the Controller, a senior operative working directly for the Daleks who attempts to fool him into thinking that the future Earth is one of prosperity and happiness. This prompts the Doctor to question the need for the use of the Ogrons as a security force in order to put the Controller on the defense, already knowing the true answer.


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“I reversed the polarity of the neutron flow.”

This little quip from the 1972 serial “The Sea Devils” would go on to serve as a Third Doctor mainstay whenever Jon Pertwee had trouble memorizing the technical jargon of the scripts. The phrase would be uttered by future Doctors as a nod to the Third, turning it into a hilarious drinking game all its own.


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“Courage isn’t just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It’s being afraid and doing what you have to do, anyway.”

The Doctor would find himself on a hostile alien planet crawling with invisible Daleks in this 1973 story. Here, he gives some sage advice about what courage is really about, and it has nothing to do with fearless heroes charging into battle. Instead, it’s about recognizing that you’re afraid, and choosing to fight against that fear for the sake of yourself, or others.

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Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting!”

This 1974 serial finds a lone Sontaran crash-landing right into the heart of medieval England, forcing him to strike a deal with a bloodthirsty bandit in exchange for shelter. Here, the Doctor shows that despite his third incarnation’s no-nonsense approach to life, he’s still easily swayed by a sense of adventure, and all the mischievousness he can engage in if allowed so to do!


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“It’s rather a pity, in a way. Now the universe is down to 699 wonders.”

We like to talk about the 7 wonders of the world, but the much-traveled Doctor witnessed 700 of them across the expanse of the universe — at least until he landed on the planet Exxilon. After forming an uneasy truce with a group of disabled Daleks, the Doctor investigates the mysteries of the Exxilon city. After he sabotages the city’s supercomputer brain, the entire thing begins to break down in front of his eyes, prompting him to express remorse that the universe is now one wonder short.


Doctor Who 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Third Doctor

“A tear, Sarah Jane? No, don’t cry. While there’s life, there’s…”

This serial would serve as the last of the Third Doctor’s era before he regenerated into the Fourth, and allowed Tom Baker to take over the role. After a fatal encounter with the Great One, the Doctor succumbs to death, but not before uttering this line, which Sarah Jane Smith finishes for him.


“Jehoshaphat, it really is you. Yes, well I should have known you’d be behind all this. That’s my best enemy. He likes to be known as the Master, don’t you?”

The 1983 serial “The Five Doctors” would see all five of his incarnations roped into one story, giving Jon Pertwee another shot at reprising his role. It also put him face to face with the Fifth Doctor’s incarnation of The Master, whom he recognized quite easily on the side of a road. The Master was the predominant villain of the Third Doctor’s serialized run, and his acknowledgement of the newest Master is a nice nod to that continuity.

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