Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

Doctor Who: Murray Gold’s 10 Best Songs, Ranked


Music is an integral part of movies and TV shows, and the best tracks composed by Murray Gold for the Doctor Who series proves that.

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Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

Murray Gold has been composing music for Doctor Who since the modern era began in 2005. His songs are famous for their depth and emotional impact. His ability to perfectly convey unfolding moments and the characters’ feelings and inner monologues is second to none. Music is one of the key elements to movies and television series, for, without it, it would be difficult to convey all the necessary emotions.

From melancholy and cheerful, to the suave and fierce, Gold covers it all. Because the list of Murray Gold’s songs is so immense and this list so short, a few honorable mentions are “All The Strange, Strange Creatures,” “The Rueful Fate Of Donna Noble,” “Infinite Potential,” “Together Or Not At All,” and “Amy’s Theme.”

10 The Long Song

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

The Long Song was a musical score that took place within the events of the episode, not just a backing track. Sung in the “Rings of Akhaten” to put the Old God into a slumber and end the suffering of all the planet’s people. It was the episode Clara sacrificed her mother’s leaf, a leaf that held all the days that were never lived, a life stopped in its tracks. The song is melodic and pleading, with operatic singing and a lulling beat. Although the episode itself may have only gotten a 7.4 on IMDb, the music is the strongest element and definitely struck a chord with the viewers.

9 This Is Gallifrey Our Childhood, Our Home

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

The Master and the Doctor. Forced as boys to stare into the heart of the time vortex, the untempered schism, “a gap in the fabric of reality from which can be seen the whole of the Vortex.” When the Tenth Doctor explained the Master’s past to Martha and Captain Jack he spoke of the effects the act of staring into the time vortex had on the people subjected to its power. “Some would be inspired, some would run away, and some would go mad.” This song is in remembrance of the Doctor’s home planet, signifying it’s power, wonder, and majesty. The planet mourned by the hero of the series, with its shining mountains and silver leaves caught in the sun, burning like a forest on fire.

8 I Am The Doctor

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

In stark contrast to the Doctor’s before him, the Eleventh Doctor’s theme, “I Am The Doctor,” is jovial and loud, a crash and bang of a hearty song. From the moment the Eleventh Doctor landed in young Amy Pond’s backyard and jumped out of his T.A.R.D.I.S. his energy followed him throughout the series.

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This is the essence of River Song’s Doctor. His very beginning. The Doctor who can make whole armies turn away and open the TA.R.D.I.S. with a snap of his fingers, with a swagger in his step and a love that is both confused and fierce. But there is also underlying darkness to the music, a jarring rashness, and impatience. What will this Doctor choose to become?

7 A Good Man?

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

If there is a song that captures the brave hearts of the Doctor, it is certainly this piece by Murray Gold intended as the Twelfth Doctor’s theme, running for a whopping 7 and a half minutes and passing through multiple spine-tingling phases of musical genius. The beginning of the song is quite slow and wispy, representing the innocence of the newly regenerated Doctor and his uncertain frame of mind. Is he a good man? However, as the song continues, the tempo picks up and builds crescendo, accessing the more confident, sarcastic, and chilling side of The Doctor. The Doctor with his chalkboard and red silk-lined coat, his electric guitar, and sonic glasses.

6 The Doctor’s Theme

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

One of Murray Gold’s earliest compositions for Doctor Who was “The Doctor’s Theme.” This chilling and peaceful anthem is mostly played throughout the Ninth and Tenth Doctor reigns. As the Doctor is a new character to most of the viewers of Modern Who, Murray Gold’s symphony is in harmony with Russel T. Davies’ vision of the broken and haunted Doctor, lost from the after-effects of the Time War and struggling with his demons. Something old viewers of the show will understand and the new ones will come to appreciate. The serene and melodious voice of the female singer is said to be a reference to the Classic Who series and a call through the time vortex.

5 The Shepard’s Boy

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

Perhaps one of the most daring and accurate depictions of the Doctor’s overwhelming dedication to persevere is the Twelfth Doctor’s portrayal in season 9 episode “Heaven Sent.” Having just lost his dearest friend to a cruel death in “Face The Raven,’ the Doctor is imprisoned in a world beyond his comprehension and hunted by a creature that never sleeps.

Day after day and night after night, he must face the same routine in an attempt to escape, to break the diamond wall and reach Gallifrey, the long way round. “How long can I keep doing this, Clara? Burning the old me… to make a new one?” Murray Gold’s song “The Shepard’s Boy” is played at the height of the Doctor’s desperation and determination.

4 Vale Decem

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

“I don’t want to go.” Vale Decem translates to Farewell Ten in Latin, a fitting end to the amazing incarnation that was David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. The song is played as the Doctor struggles, in pain, stumbling to his faithful T.A.R.D.I.S. as the Ood sing him to sleep. In the Doctor’s final and dramatic multiple-episode ending, the audience saw him lose his way and challenge the laws of the universe. They saw him yell in desperation and face the mortality of his regeneration, a regeneration that he had been trying so hard to avoid, how he painfully removed himself from the life of his best friend to be left forgotten even in memory and said goodbye to the shadow of his loved one before she knew who he was. All of this was tragically encapsulated in this 3-minute composition.

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3 The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box)

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

Doctor who? Doctor who? The age-old question that remains to be answered, the mystery that travels across time and space, a Time Lord who knows that it is his job and his alone to protect the universe and all of the species within. He has found his swagger and knows that he can combat anything that is thrown in his direction. The Doctor who lamented in the past and was so cautious of his actions has gone and been replaced with the Doctor that forgets. He is bold and determined, almost careless. The song represents the transition from the Eleventh Doctor’s hopeful beginning to a Time Lord who is confident and powerful.

2 Doomsday

Doctor Who Murray Golds 10 Best Songs Ranked

What can be said about “Doomsday?” In short, it is a beautiful synergy. In long, it is one of the most effective pieces of Murry Gold’s to convey the emotional state of Rose and the Doctor perfectly. The song began when the Doctor and Rose became separated into parallel worlds and stood on opposite sides of the wall, longing, yearning for one another’s presence but knowing they will never see each other again.

The music begins with a soft slow repetitive echo and a woman’s ethereal singing, introducing an ever-increasing beat, melancholy strings and a rise of tension. Through this song, the audience was able to enter the minds of the two characters, feeling their great loss and heartbreak.

1 Doctor Who Theme

The opening theme of Doctor Who, reimagined by Murray Gold for the Modern era is ranked number one on this list. It is the theme tune that brings people running from their room of the house and into the living room to watch their favorite alien on screen. It is extraterrestrial and familiar at the same time. The rhythmic drumming that hypnotizes the viewers is followed by a high melodic tune that is both chaotic and energetic. It is a difficult job to stay true to a theme that has been loved for years, but Murray’s ability to subtly clarify and refresh the muffled tune of the 1960s theme and focus on the key elements and focal sounds by making it bigger than life was done to perfection.

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