Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

Doctor Who: The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween


While fans might not think that Doctor Who is a show that revolves around horror, it has incredibly creepy episodes. Here are the scariest of all.

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Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

Halloween is a special time of year when people celebrate the timeless act of scaring the pants off of themselves. Doctor Who is a show that has always flirted with horror and scares, from the Daleks to the Weeping Angels, making it one of the perfect substitutes to the traditional slasher horror movie marathon on Halloween night.

Both the original series and its 2005 continuation have caused children of all ages to hide behind the sofa on more than one occasion, and that trend doesn’t seem willing to let up any time soon. The scariest episodes of the series blend psychological terror with visual scares, imaginative monsters, and a tense narrative to sell the experience.

Updated on September 8th, 2021 by Derek Draven: While Doctor Who has never backed away from horror elements, it has also always tried to present a logical and scientific explanation for whatever is happening during the story. Whether it’s the Doctor’s most fearsome foes enacting horrifying master plans, demonic terrors from before the beginning of time, or alien beings that inspired humanity’s most enduring gothic myths, there’s plenty of scares to be had. Some episodes are best watched with the lights off on Halloween night, and straight through ’till daybreak.

15 Genesis Of The Daleks (1975)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

The Daleks quickly went from frightening alien foes to lovable pop culture icons during the ’60s and ’70s, and that presented problems for their longevity. Thankfully, original creator Terry Nation drafted up a story that made the creatures scary again, by going back to the moment of their creation.

Not only is Genesis of the Daleks one of the single-best Doctor Who stories ever, but it’s deeply frightening. The clever use of lighting and camera angles gives the Daleks an intense presence, especially when they are first activated. The story itself is dark, deeply complex, and woven together with philosophical and moral questions that resonate to this very day.

14 The Seeds Of Doom (1976)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

This classic 1976 Who story finds the Fourth Doctor in Antarctica investigating a mysterious pod that houses a lethal alien plant species known as the Krynoids. This invasive weed is capable of devouring animal life – humans included, and begins doing so right away.

The serial is notorious for its violent imagery in comparison to past Who stories – a fact capitalized on by Mary Whitehouse, an outspoken advocate for censorship (and a thorn in the side of the BBC) widely criticized for her knee-jerk, out-of-context reactions to what she considered objectionable material.

13 Asylum Of The Daleks (2012)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

Asylum of the Daleks is a different kind of Dalek story, altogether. It features a kidnapped Doctor deposited onto a prison planet populated exclusively with clinically insane Daleks who are too dangerous to be controlled. It represents one of the dumbest Dalek plans ever conceived, but it does make for a fun story.

The story has its humorous moments, but the bulk of it is tense, nerve-wracking horror as the Doctor, Amy, and Rory descend into the bowels of the Dalek asylum. These highly dangerous and unpredictable Daleks are just one problem; the other being the reanimated corpses of a human crew infected with a Dalek pathogen.

12 The Unquiet Dead (2005)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

The 2005 reboot of Doctor Who started out largely as a sci-fi adventure series, but it wasn’t long before the show started diving into horror territory. The Unquiet Dead was a ghost story full of spiritual human possessions, séances, and reanimated zombie corpses designed to give viewers the willies.

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This episode revealed the ghostly antagonists to be the Gelth, a form of life devastated by the Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks which caused their bodies to convert into a gaseous, apparition-like form. It helped give the Ninth Doctor a bit of backstory leading up to the season one finale.

11 Pyramids Of Mars (1975)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

One of the Doctor’s most fearsome and unrelenting foes is undoubtedly the alien Sutekh, an Osiran masquerading as an ancient Egyptian God who wished to bring the “gift of death” to humanity, and had more than enough powers to make it happen.

Sutekh was capable of destroying entire star systems at the peak of his power, and not even the Time Lords would have been able to stop him. This is shown to be the case when Sutekh’s will is more than enough to dominate the Doctor’s mind and turn it to his own control.

10 Snakedance (1983)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

A recurring foe of the Fifth Doctor was the dreaded Mara, an entity bred of complete and utter violence, hatred, and malice. It spreads via psychic interaction with victims, one of whom was the Doctor’s companion, Tegan. It made its first appearance in the episode Kinda, before being vanquished.

Later in Snakedance, it resurfaced to ensnare Tegan’s mind so it could exact a plan to gain back its corporeal existence. The story is notable for its frightening imagery, psychological terror, and the final act showing a giant rubber snake, which has thankfully been replaced by a CGI version for the DVD release.

9 The Dæmons (1971)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

The Third Doctor era pushed a full-on Halloween-worthy story with the creepy serial The Dæmons. It’s a mixture of science, sci-fi, and gothic horror ripped right from the pages of a Hammer horror film script. It’s also one of the only episodes to feature The Master involved in the practice of black magic and other nefarious rites.

The principal antagonist in the story was Azal, a being who could have represented the real Satan, if not for the fact that his species the Dæmons were an alien race with matter-energy conversion technology akin to black magic. They represent one of the few classic Doctor Who villains who should make a comeback in the future.

8 The Vampires Of Venice (2010)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

Vampire stories are the backbone of good Halloween scares, and this episode brings them to the forefront in a unique way. The story focuses on the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory visiting Venice way back in 1580, where they come across a girls’ school whose students appear to be full-fledged vampires.

It’s later learned that the creatures are actually an aquatic alien race in disguise, but that does little to stem the terror. There’s a lot of laughs thrown in with the scares, making this a much more fun and exciting horror romp than some of the dark Who stories out there.

7 Revelation Of The Daleks (1985)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

The classic Daleks were at their absolute worst in this Sixth Doctor story that also brought back Davros as “the Great Healer,” a man responsible for helping to end galactic famine, while simultaneously breeding a deadlier form of Daleks in the bowels of a mortuary company.

It’s notable for subject matter that borders on the macabre, from beheaded humans used as Dalek test subjects to the themes of grave-robbing, and (perhaps most controversially) human cannibalism. The entire serial plays out like a horror film from start to finish and is one of the darkest in classic Who.

6 Tomb Of The Cybermen (1967)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

The very first Cybermen shown on Doctor Who weren’t particularly threatening, and in many ways, they were downright silly. That all changed when the creatures were upgraded for their next appearance, opposite the Second Doctor. Tomb of the Cybermen continues to be one of the most chilling Who stories in the franchise, and for good reason.

These Cybermen were far more ominous, believable and creepy than their first-gen predecessors. At the time, the very sight of Cybermen tearing through their alcoves was enough to scare young and old alike. The scares aren’t quite as effective nowadays, but it’s still a fun Halloween watch with the lights off.

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5 The Waters Of Mars (2009)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

One of the final episodes featuring the Tenth Doctor, this story focused heavily on his impending “doom” during the return of Gallifrey, one of the saddest moments of his lifetime. The story revolves around one of mankind’s first Martian colonies, whose staff has been infected by an intelligent water-based virus.

The story is deeply unsettling and dripping with darkness from start to finish. Whether it’s the terrifying images of the screaming zombie-like infected or the shocking twist in the final act, few stories are this bleak and ominous. It’s scary, intense, and chilling, which is perfect for Halloween viewing.

4 The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit (2006)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

The Doctor has run into many fearsome and frightening beings before, but this excellent two-part Doctor Who story was the first to pit him against the actual Satan. The entire premise of the show is incredibly creepy and disturbing – so much so that it’s a surprise it made the cut given the show’s family-friendly focus.

The Beast served as the main antagonist for the story – a creature formed before the beginning of the known universe who did battle with the Disciples of the Light and was subsequently imprisoned on an “impossible planet” adjacent to a black hole. Its consciousness would serve as fodder for every Devil figure in the universe, across multiple alien cultures. The frightening use of satanic imagery, demonic possession, and Exorcist-style telekinesis makes it a Halloween winner.

3 The Curse Of Fenric (1989)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

One of the most Halloween-worthy Who episodes is undoubtedly this classic 1989 story that came just prior to the end of the series. It found the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace battling an ancient malevolent entity known as Fenric, who had been inadvertently set free by a scientist who used a supercomputer to translate ancient runes underneath a church crypt.

The episode saw the Doctor and Ace go up against not only Fenric, but his terrifying Haemovores, a mixture of vampire and ghoul that fed on the blood of humans, and could only be taken out with a stake to the heart. Psychic barriers such as sheer force of will and the concept of religious faith were capable of keeping them at bay – another creepy element to an already terrifying Doctor Who story.

2 Blink (2007)

Doctor Who The 15 Scariest Episodes From The Entire Franchise To Watch Before Halloween

Few Doctor Who episodes give fans the chills more than Blink, the first story to feature the terrifying Weeping Angels as a major villain. The episode is one part mystery, one part time-hopping adventure, and one part horror movie with a strong emphasis on the unseen, versus the seen.

The concept of the Weeping Angels as a predatory species “time-locked” to prevent them from existing whenever they are looked upon by another being is ingenious. It forced the director to rely on clever use of shadows and lighting to compensate for the complete lack of movement on the part of the Angels. This is one Doctor Who story suitable for casual fans and diehards, alike.

1 Midnight (2008)

Blink might be universally regarded as the scariest Doctor Who episode, but Midnight has it beat by a slight edge. It’s one of the most terrifying and unsettling Doctor Who stories ever written, and its effectiveness at scaring people is derived solely from how simplistic and straightforward the subject matter is.

Things go bad when the Doctor takes a joyride on a train to visit a famed alien site, and an unknown malevolent entity takes over the mind of one of the passengers. The entity forces its host to repeat anything someone else says, eventually becoming adept enough to mimic their speech at the very same time. It’s one of the most chilling and frightening moments ever seen on Doctor Who, and the rest of the story is a descent into utter fear, madness, and paranoia as the Doctor fights for his very soul against an unstoppable force.

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