Doctor Who Theory The Divison Was Behind The Time War & War Doctor

Doctor Who Theory: The Divison Was Behind The Time War & War Doctor


Doctor Who: Flux has introduced the Division, a secret group who manipulate history – and they could be the ones truly behind the Time War.

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Doctor Who Theory The Divison Was Behind The Time War & War Doctor

This article contains spoilers for Doctor Who: Flux episode 5.

Doctor Who: Flux episode 5 finally revealed the truth about the Division – and raised the possibility they were the ones truly responsible for the Time War and the War Doctor. No one can fault current Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall on his ambition. His Timeless Child retcon has rewritten the history of the Doctor, revealing she’s not a Time Lord at all; rather, she is the Timeless Child, a being who originates from the universe with a billion years of forgotten history. Still, that ambition is rewriting major sections of Doctor Who’s canon, which ultimately may prove disastrous.

The Timeless Child was discovered by a Gallifreyan explorer named Tecteun, who experimented upon her adopted “daughter” in order to unlock the power of regeneration. According to Doctor Who: Flux season 5, Tecteun – who granted herself unlimited regenerations and thus immortality – founded a covert organization called the Division. Where the Time Lords swore an oath of non-intervention, Tecteun dedicated herself to doing nothing but interfering, and indeed to controlling the development of the universe. The Division based themselves outside the universe itself, monitoring everything and everyone, recruiting operatives throughout time and space. They have shaped and controlled history.

Chibnall’s Division retcon is frankly even bigger than the Timeless Child, because it means a shadowy force has been operating in the background through the entire history of Doctor Who. Ironically, it seems the Doctor has been unwittingly fighting them all along, unwittingly foiling their plans and changing the course of history, causing no end of frustration for Tecteun. It’s not too difficult to figure out how the Division could have factored into smaller-scale events; any background character could have been a secret Division agent. Here’s how the Division figures into the biggest event in the history of Doctor Who – the Time War and the creation of the War Doctor.

The Division Could Have Orchestrated The Time War

Doctor Who Theory The Divison Was Behind The Time War & War Doctor

Doctor Who’s Time War was the brainchild of Russell T. Davies. When he relaunched Doctor Who in 2005, Davies revealed a lot had happened since the classic series had gone off the air in 1989. The Time Lords and the Daleks had become locked in a conflict that spanned time and space. It was best described by a member of an alien race called the Gelth in the episode “The Unquiet Dead.” “The whole universe convulsed,” the Gelth recalled. “The Time War raged. Invisible to smaller species but devastating to higher forms.” Much of the universe was destroyed during the Time War, and then reborn as history was written and rewritten. Entire races were erased from existence as the Time Lords and the Daleks attempted to undermine their enemies’ history. It all ended over the skies of Gallifrey, as seen in “The Day of the Doctor.”

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The seeds of the Time War were actually sown in the classic series, when the Time Lords sent the Fourth Doctor to Skaro to try to prevent the Daleks from ever being created. He chose not to do so, insisting the universe would work some cosmic good out of even their evil. “I know that although the Daleks will create havoc and destruction for millions of years, I know also that out of their evil must come something good,” he explained to his companions. His optimism was misplaced, because his very presence at the Daleks’ birth led to war on an unimaginable scale; the Daleks eventually came to realize the Time Lords had attempted to destroy them, and their retaliation became the beginning of the Time War. But now, in light of Chibnall’s Division Doctor Who retcon, there’s another power to factor into this story: how was the Division involved in the Time War?

The Division Could Have Caused The Time War

Doctor Who Theory The Divison Was Behind The Time War & War Doctor

The Time War ravaged the entire universe – but the Division, based outside time, would not be affected by it directly. Tecteun possessed a longer view of history even than the Time Lords, and it’s therefore reasonable to assume she recognized the potential for the Time War. Devoted to the theme of control, aiming to remake the universe as she desired, she would have seen this as an opportunity, with the Time Lords and the Daleks serving as her tools. It’s always seemed odd that the Daleks realized the Time Lords were behind the Doctor’s mission to Skaro in “Genesis of the Daleks,” because they knew the Doctor tended to act independently. But the Division finally explains it, as it could have arranged for certain Time Lord secrets to make their way to the Daleks. This would have ensured the Time War began when the Division was ready for it.

The Division had been born on Gallifrey, and no doubt retained many Time Lord agents – including some high-ranking ones. It would easily have been able to manipulate the war, watching from outside the universe, ensuring the damage was contained. From inside the timeline, the Time War was chaos, but from the Division’s perspective, it would have been a way of pruning history – removing races Tecteun did not see the need for, writing out moments where things hadn’t quite gone as planned, negating some of the Doctor’s influence. What’s more, the likely ultimate outcome of Doctor Who’s Time War – the mutual annihilation of the Daleks and the Time Lords – would have removed the only two races who could potentially notice the Division’s interference in history.

The War Doctor Changed The Course Of The Time War

At first, the Doctor kept out of the Time War, refusing to pick a side, furious at what his people had become. But, as seen in the Doctor Who short “Night of the Doctor,” eventually the suffering became too much. He regenerated again, into the War Doctor, and soon found himself on the front lines. The Doctor became a war hero for Gallifrey, his bravery and inventiveness the cause of countless Dalek defeats, and – assuming all this really was orchestrated by the Division – he no doubt became quite a problem. In the end, the Time War broke the Doctor; he saw what the unending war was doing to the Time Lords, and he decided neither they nor the Daleks were worthy to survive. Ironically, that would probably have meant he finally served the Division’s purpose, erasing the two races who could have discovered their existence.

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But the Doctor is chaotic and unpredictable, especially when other forces manipulate him. The Doctor chose an ancient Time Lord weapon called the Moment as his tool to destroy both the Time Lords and the Daleks, but it had developed a conscience, and it ensured the Doctor found another way. Gallifrey survived, preserved within a bottle universe, only restored at the very end of time. Worse still, even the Daleks didn’t truly die, but rebuilt their empire. The Time War would have served the Division’s purpose, but its final resolution would have been very disappointing indeed to Tecteun.

Gallifrey’s Fate Explains The Flux

All this is only speculation, of course, but ironically it explains the greatest unresolved question of Doctor Who: Flux: why the Division waited until now to destroy the universe. The Division’s technology was born on Gallifrey, which means it’s entirely possible the Time Lords would have figured out what was going on when the Flux was unleashed. At the very least, it’s notable the Doctor’s TARDIS was apparently able to affect the Flux in some uncertain way. Thus the Division had to wait until Gallifrey was finally destroyed – something that only happened in Doctor Who season 12, when the Master learned the truth of the Doctor’s identity and burned Gallifrey to the ground in a fit of rage. Indeed, it’s even possible the Master’s discovering records of the Timeless Child was the beginning of the Division’s plan, because he isn’t quite so unpredictable as the Doctor.

If this theory is correct, then the Division is behind everything that has happened since Doctor Who was relaunched in 2005. They were the ones truly responsible for the Time War, they used this conflict to shape the universe, and in the end, they were thwarted by the Doctor when he chose not to destroy Gallifrey. It was then that Tecteun decided this universe was beyond recovery due to the Doctor’s influence, but she couldn’t act until everything else had fallen into place. Unfortunately for Tecteun, she continued to underestimate the Doctor, and in Doctor Who: Flux episode 5 she did the same with Swarm, leading to the end of all her plans.

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