Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Dune (2021): 10 Main Characters, Ranked By Intelligence


The characters of Dune were either deceitful, cunning, emotionally intelligent, or gifted with foresight. Some of them were smarter than the others.

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Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Audiences were left in awe of the all-new adaptation of Dune due to its spectacular visuals, a shining cast of superstars, and nuanced performances, which left audiences wanting more with the cliffhanger teasing more adventures to come. The characters of Dune were a highlight, with all of them either deceitful, cunning, emotionally intelligent, or gifted with foresight.

Almost every character in the sci-fi epic displayed some form of intelligence, but some not enough, which cost them their lives and homes. Some of the main characters were decidedly smarter than the others, which allowed them to survive the dangerous political and social intrigues of Frank Herbert’s futuristic universe.

10 Thufir Hawat

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Hawat was the Mentat Master of Assassins for decades for the noble House Atreides, which meant that he had vast experience in military tactics, espionage, and trickery. However, his lack of attention to the possibility of Harkonnen tricks when they all landed on Arrakis diminished his intelligence a fair bit.

After finding one Harkonnen spy hidden in the walls of Arrakeen, he should have been smart enough to know that somebody within the Atreides staff had betrayed them, but he didn’t and that led to the downfall of the House in the movie.

9 Duke Leto Atreides

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

The Duke was one of the best characters of Dune, and he had run the House dutifully and smartly in Caladan. Even on Arrakis, his aim was to include the Fremen and strike an alliance with them, instead of oppressing them, which was also a politically sound decision to make.

His emotional intelligence was high, as he couldn’t bear to see his spice harvesting crew get swallowed by a sandworm, and risked his own life to rescue them. A fair ruler with the best intentions, it was his trusting nature that brought about his downfall, and the naivete of checking on the dead Fremen maid without backup left him vulnerable to attack.

8 Dr. Liet-Kynes

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

A silent spectator most times, Dr. Liet-Kynes had a lot going on in her mind as the film’s resident ecologist. She was clever to have survived on the harsh Arrakis by allying with the Fremen, but her “neutral” stance didn’t really give her the chance to truly protect the spice-laden planet.

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She was smart enough to keep an ornithopter ready for escape hidden away, but couldn’t outsmart the Sardaukar troops no matter how hard she tried. Her last move with the thumper and the sandworm was a sharp one because it helped her evade capture and probably death by them.

7 Dr. Yeuh

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

The Suk doctor had seemed to be a loyal aide of the Atreides clan, even warning Paul of the Bene Gesserit’s nefarious intentions, but he was a cunning man under a lot of pressure. Being a trusted doctor, he could slip any substance to the nobles and knew about their health intimately, which made him the perfect spy.

His plan to kill the Baron with the poisonous peg tooth was also genius, but he underestimated the Baron’s brutality, most likely in the hurry to rescue Wanna. He couldn’t foresee how the ruler would twist his words and ultimately kill him, and his plan to assassinate the Baron also didn’t progress quite as he would have imagined.

6 Gaius Helen Mohiam

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Another character who was absolutely lethal and wily, the Reverend Mother played several long games for the Emperor as his Truth Sayer, even at the cost of her mentee Jessica and her son, who were like family. She played crafty games in the Imperium, and was an expert at using The Voice.

However, her faith in the slimy Baron and his word also betrayed a chink in her intellectual armor. As somebody who was a master of words, she should have known that he would look for loopholes in her statement, thus endangering Jessica and the prophesized One who would save them all.

5 Lady Jessica

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Apart from wearing some of the best outfits in Dune, Lady Jessica was a woman impossible to know what she was thinking, and that was definitely a deliberate measure she took to disillusion her enemies into thinking that she was delicate and easy to defeat.

Paul’s mother had foresight and gave birth to a son knowing that she would produce the Lisan al Gaib. She made sure that he was taught the Bene Gesserit ways to make him powerful, and thus also protected herself. She was a good fighter and knew how to survive, making her one of the more intelligent characters of the movie.

4 Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

The slippery leader of the Harkonnens was devious and scheming, and his underhanded ways of thinking kept him and his people alive. His plan to stage a withdrawal from Arrakis, which he hatched with the Emperor, and then plant a spy to destroy the Atreides from the inside and make it look like a fair coup was awful, but genius.

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He knew when to bide his time and wait, and how to utilize the spice for huge profits while ruling the Fremen with an iron fist. The fact that he could save himself from the poisonous gas that Leto released also speaks volumes of his quick thinking.

3 Stilgar And The Fremen

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

As the leader of Sietch Tabr, Stilgar had the brainpower required to command a large faction of the Fremen, who were definitely one the most intelligent races in the Imperium. Their technologies and innovations that they devised to stay alive on the brutal Arrakis, not limited to their suits and walking style to avoid sandworms, were second to none but not recognized by the universe.

Stilgar, too, had his doubts about Jessica and Paul, but his experience told him that they were formidable alone and together, so he decided to make them allies, which Jamis did not think of and lost his life for. Now, audiences’ questions about the Fremen will only be answered in Dune Part 2.

2 Duncan Idaho

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Jason Momoa’s Duncan Idaho may seem like the good-natured brawn of the movie, but he had big brains which he used for the benefit of House Atreides. Apart from being a loyal aide, he was also a solid resource to depend on. Duncan used his pleasant nature to become a part of a sietch and befriend the Fremen on his recon trip to Arrakis, which helped form a vital alliance between the House and the race.

He gained the trust of the Fremen rightfully and even explored their amazing technology which he shared with the Atreides. He was the right mix of political diplomacy, intelligence, and physical power. Not only is Duncan one of the most intelligent characters in Dune but also one of the most likable as he uses his craftiness to help Paul out when he needs it the most.

1 Paul Atreides

Dune (2021) 10 Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

The Lisan al Gaib was a likable character in Dune, and beyond intelligent because of his origins and upbringing. He was quiet, but not because he didn’t have anything to say. Paul was an observer, and his otherworldly powers gave him powerful visions of the future and the past, which made him easily the most intelligent character. He was a natural leader, and his presence of mind, grit, quick thinking, and courage contributed to his intellectual prowess.

He was certainly gifted, and he was smart enough to listen to and follow the visions he got. The cleverest thing he did was to not fight his destiny, but embrace it head-on and with strategy, making him the most brilliant person of the entire Imperium.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dune-2021-main-characters-ranked-by-intelligence/

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