Elden Henson Marguerite Moreau & Matt Doherty Interview Mighty Ducks

Elden Henson, Marguerite Moreau & Matt Doherty Interview: Mighty Ducks

We interview The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers stars Elden Henson, Marguerite Moreau and Matt Doherty about their roles on the show and more.

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Mighty Ducks: Game Changers has been introducing a new generation to the competitive world of childhood hockey, but it hasn’t forgotten its roots. Aside from boasting Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez) as a series regular, the reboot is bringing the OG Ducks back for a reunion in episode 6, “Spirit of the Ducks,” which airs April 30.

Elden Henson, Marguerite Moreau and Matt Doherty spoke to Screen Rant about the joy of returning to the ice rink and collaborating with Mighty Ducks creator Steven Brill once more.

I used to play this NHL game when I was a kid, and I legitimately put all the Mighty Ducks in because I was a huge fan. I was 11 years old when the first movie came out, and this is a dream come true for me. Thank you guys for this experience. Here we are now many years later, and now the show is focusing on the parents as well as the kids. Did you guys think the Mighty Ducks would have such a big following some 25 or 30 years later?

Matt Doherty: Can I jump in really quick, Joseph, and just say that when you share something like how you grew up with the film and you want to thank us, I can say this exact same thing back to you.

Marguerite Moreau: We were little kids, and it was so special to us. So, for you to tell us that it was special to you too, and to get to share that, means everything.

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Matt Doherty: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I grew up with you and the film,” and I just kind of go, “So did we.” It’s the same experience.

It’s great, because now I’m getting to teach the younger generation. My girlfriend’s daughter and I have not only watched all three of the films – and Fulton Reed is her favorite – but we’ve started binge watching the new show. Where are your characters now in the Mighty Ducks universe? What are your professions?

Matt Doherty: Exact GPS coordinates? Because I’m not good with math.

Marguerite Moreau: Okay, Connie and Guy are happily married with many children. And Connie is working at the local and state level to make the world a better place.

Elden Henson: Fulton is working in construction and loving every second of it. He operates a jackhammer, and to him that’s just the greatest thing in the world, man.

Matt Doherty: After finishing my memoir entitled I’m Funny to Nobody But Myself, which is 1250 pages long, and I wrote it while in Auckland, New Zealand – I just drive people around and kidnap them in my car and just talk to them nonstop until they need to get out of it.

So, I actually have become M. C. Gainey, which is great. He’s one of the most amazing character actors of all time. So yeah, I drive people around in a limo – which is, ironically enough, something I’ve done in my real life if you want to talk about the reality of it all.

This episode that you guys are returning to is directed by Mighty Ducks creator Steven Brill. How was it reuniting with him?

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Elden Henson: It was amazing. Steve’s a great guy, and I feel very indebted to him. He created this franchise, and this franchise changed my life. I actually ran into Steve at a Dodgers game, and he was talking about how he was pitching this idea. He’s like, “You would come back for an episode, right?” I was like, “Of course. Anytime, man.”

Then it was almost a year later, fairly recently, and then to be back… And it was crazy, cuz I’d run into him at a Dodgers game, and then we were all watching the Dodgers win the World Series together during the actual making of this episode.

I love Steve. He’s a funny guy, and it was great to work with him in this capacity.

Marguerite, when you guys reprised your roles on the Ducks, you also put on the skates. Was that almost like riding a bike for you?

Marguerite Moreau: Oh, I wish it was like riding a bike. I thought it was gonna be like riding a bike. At the last minute, I had my son with me, and I thought my husband was going to be there. So, I was going to get a couple of skating opportunities before cameras rolled just to have fun and brush up on things.

I couldn’t make it. And I’m like, “Oh, it’ll be fine. I didn’t skate that long ago.” I got on the ice, and I heard Brill yelling, “Connie, what have you been doing this? Oh, God, you can’t!” I was just like, “Nobody hit me. I don’t even have any pads on, and I’m gonna fall over.” I was so embarrassed.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/mighty-ducks-game-changers-henson-moreau-doherty-interview/

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