Even Superman Isnt Worthy of DCs New Mjolnir

Even Superman Isn’t Worthy of DC’s New ‘Mjolnir’

A powerful weapon has landed on Earth, but much like when the Avengers tried to lift Thor’s hammer Mjolnir, Superman couldn’t move it at all.

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Even Superman Isnt Worthy of DCs New Mjolnir

Warning! Spoilers for The Flash #775 by DC Comics below

Much like Thor’s hammer Mjolnir, a new weapon has crash-landed on Earth in the DC Universe – but Superman isn’t worthy of lifting it. In The Flash #775 by DC Comics, Superman tries his best to lift a mysterious glaive that’s come to Central City. However, despite putting all of his strength into moving the weapon, Superman has no luck in even making it budge.

In the last issue of The Flash by DC Comics, the comic ended with a mysterious glaive dropping down from space into the Earth’s atmosphere and ended up causing an explosion. In the wake of the crash, the glaive was stuck in the ground. Now, the greatest heroes and villains from across Prime Earth have assembled in hopes of lifting the glaive. But, not even the world’s strongest – Superman included – can make the weapon move, even slightly. While Superman has lifted the actual Mjolnir before, he can’t claim to be worthy of that hammer or the glaive.

In The Flash #775 by Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin, Matt Ryan, Jeromy Cox, and Steve Wands, Wally West watches as Superman tries his best to lift the mysterious glaive from the ground. Despite Mr. Terrific telling Kal-El that there might be some magical force preventing him from lifting it, the Man of Steel continues to try to lift it. Wally jokes that he didn’t think there “was anything you could move,” and that he “can’t wait to tell Dick.” Superman snaps at Wally, telling him he will be able to lift the weapon. Unfortunately, Superman is not worthy of raising the glaive. But, in doing so, he proves he’s also unworthy. DC Comics previously hinted the glaive could only be wielded by the “unworthy,” and that the fates of many worlds rest on the wielder.

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It’s later revealed that the glaive gives off an energy that makes everyone around it filled with rage – hence why Superman lost his cool with Wally. The Flash ends up using crystalline shielding and builds a barrier around it – causing several villains and innocent bystanders to calm down. However, the wall is broken by the villain Starbreaker, who claims the glaive for himself. After he lifts it, the energy vampire is consumed by the weapon and transformed into something darker.

While the weapon’s origin and true powers are still unknown, the fact Superman couldn’t lift it shows that it’s not to be messed with. Factoring in the anger the glaive caused those near it to experience, plus Starbreaker’s declaration of its immense power, DC’s new (and evil) Mjolnir-like weapon is about to create even more problems for The Flash. If Superman couldn’t lift it, how can the Flash stop it? The Flash #775 is in comic book stores now.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/superman-not-worthy-mjolnir-glaive-dc-comics/

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