Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU


Disney+’s Loki reveals just some of the variants that have been apprehended by the TVA. Here’s every Loki variant confirmed in the MCU.

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Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Loki episode 5.

After being captured by the Time Variance Authority and told he’s a timeline-violating criminal known as a “variant,” Loki Laufeyson also learns that he’s not the only one. Loki episode 2, “The Variant,” reveals that the TVA has had to “prune” Loki variants more than almost any other type of variant. To drive the point home, Mobius shows Loki just a few of the other variants that have troubled the TVA.

The existence of so many previous Loki variants explains why Mobius already seems to know him so well, and talked to him like they were old friends (or enemies) when Loki first arrived at the TVA. Through its exploration of the “sacred timeline” and the threat that variants present to it, Loki is setting up the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s multiverse – a concept that was teased in Spider-Man: Far From Home and will be the central premise of next year’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

As an incurable trickster and the God of Mischief, it’s little wonder than Loki has tried to break away from the sacred timeline in so many different ways. One Loki variant in particular has been attacking TVA Minutemen and stealing their reset charges as part of a plan to disrupt the sacred timeline beyond repair – but what did the others do? Here’s every Loki variant confirmed so far in the MCU.

Updated Friday July 9, 2021 by Craig Elvy: This article was updated to include all the Loki variants revealed in Loki episodes 4 and 5.

Loki L1130

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

The main Loki variant in Loki was created during the events of Avengers: Endgame, when the Avengers went back in time to steal the Infinity Stones from before their destruction by Thanos. Following an unfortunate encounter between Tony Stark and the Hulk, the Tesseract slid within Loki’s reach and he used it to escape, breaking away from the sacred timeline in which he was taken back to Asgard and began his journey towards redemption. This 2012 edition of Loki hadn’t yet experienced the heartbreak of Frigga’s death, the loss of Odin and the destruction of Asgard, but he got all caught up on those events – as well as his own death – by viewing the TVA’s records. And after meeting Lady Loki, this Loki variant may be hoping to alter the main timeline to one where he isn’t killed by Thanos.

Hulk Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Perhaps the most bizarre-looking of all the Loki variants is one that resembles the Hulk, with greenish-yellow skin and powerful muscles. This version of Loki appears to have curved horns growing directly out of his head, rather than being worn as a helmet, and has torn clothing indicative of either a recent transformation or a semi-feral existence. The Loki that fans know and love is always seeking power, so perhaps this variant saw the Hulk and decided that he wanted some gamma-irradiated blood of his own. The Hulking Loki appears briefly in the comics, where all different Lokis are gathered together.

Viking Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

One of the variants, Loki L7803, is a direct nod to a story told by Loki in Mighty Thor. The ancient Viking outfit, including a horned helmet that covers the top half of Loki’s face and a cape of green moss, is worn by Loki on the cover of Mighty Thor #6 and in a Viking-era story that the present-day Loki tells. In the story, a Viking warrior called Bodolf is angered when his prayers to Thor fail to win him victory in battle, and so he prays to Loki instead. Always eager to sabotage his brother, Loki tells Bodolf to drink the blood of a dragon, which will give him the power to defeat Thor in battle. Bodolf does so and becomes strong enough to defy Thor, but at the cost of transforming himself into a monster. It has been established in the MCU that the Asgardians visited Midgard during the Viking era and were hailed as gods by the Norsemen, so this Loki variant may have been one that was pruned for meddling centuries ago.

Tour De France Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Not all Loki variants want to become the King of Space; Loki L1247 apparently just wanted to be praised for his long-distance cycling. Seen wearing the race leader’s yellow jersey, some personalized bike shorts and a bib with “Team Loki” emblazoned on it, Loki L1247 is also holding the Coupe Omnisports – the trophy given to the winner of the Tour de France. This blue and gold cup made headlines in 2018 when Tour de France winner Geraint Thomas’ Coupe Omnisports was stolen. The trophy was never recovered, and Thomas was eventually given a replacement. Perhaps Loki L1247 was the culprit, and stole the Coupe Omnisports so that he could return home bragging that he’d been crowned the greatest cyclist on Midgard.

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Trickster Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

The Vikings weren’t the only civilization that had a trickster god. Loki variant L8914 – who has horns, a beard, and what appear to be cloven hoofs instead of feet – bears a resemblance to the Greek god Pan. The son of another trickster, Hermes, Pan is traditionally depicted as a faun with goat legs, a beard and horns, and is the god of the wild, known for his love of nature and music, and also for being incurably lusty. Loki is only a little over a thousand years old, and therefore too young to have been a god to the ancient Greeks, but perhaps this variant modelled his appearance on Pan. He’s wearing a loose green suit, a scarf or beads around his neck and, rather curiously, appears to be wearing one of President Loki’s campaign badges.

The Trickster Loki tease pays off in Loki episode 5, “Journey Into Mystery,” as the mischievous fellow is one of the nine variants that invades the bowling alley hideout in the Void. Though he’s sporting a few post-apocalyptic adornments, the beard and neckwear confirm this is the same trickster from the TVA’s holographic file, and also explains why he’s wearing a “Vote Loki” badge. Last seen brawling with the other variants.

Frost Giant Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Loki might look like an Asgardian, but the events of Thor revealed that he’s actually the son of Laufey, the king of the Frost Giants. Loki had always been a bit of a bad boy, but learning that he wasn’t Odin’s biological son is what truly sent him down a path of villainy. His origins are referenced in Loki episode 2 when Mobius calls him an “ice runt” (in the comics, Loki was drastically undersized for a Frost Giant). Mobius’ recap of previous encounters with Lokis reveals that one variant fully embraced his Frost Giant heritage by proudly wearing his blue skin and red eyes. Perhaps this version of Loki broke away from the timeline when he decided to rule Jotunheim, the home of the Frost Giants, rather than conquering Asgard or Midgard first.

President Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

After featuring heavily in Loki’s marketing, many fans expected President Loki to play a significant part in proceedings on Disney+. Some even speculated the plot would be partially inspired by the Vote Loki Marvel comic run that coincided with the 2016 U.S. election. President Loki finally surfaces in Loki episode 5, and is the only other live-action variant thus far to be played by Tom Hiddleston. This version of the character is lifted straight from the Vote Loki miniseries, in which the God of Mischief runs for president. His campaign platform argues that all of the candidates are liars and cheats, but he vows to boldly and proudly lie directly lie to the faces of Americans – a policy that makes him surprisingly popular.

The political pest is one of the Loki variants consigned to the Void by the TVA and leads a band of other, less ambitious Lokis also trapped at the end of time. Along with his silent cohorts, President Loki invades the bowling alley HQ attempting to steal Kid Loki’s throne, revealing an allegiance with Boastful Loki which is quickly (and predictably) reneged upon. While politicians are usually magnanimous in their speech, President Loki manages to insult Alligator Loki and gets his hand bitten off in return (a neat nod to MCU Phase 2’s motif of characters losing limbs). This sparks a furious battle between the variants. At present, no one knows for sure what became of this Loki candidate.

Lady Loki/Sylvie

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

The big reveal at the end of Loki episode 2 is Lady Loki – otherwise known as Sylvie. This mysterious character, played by Sophia Di Martino, wears a variation of Loki’s Asgardian clothing and has a similar hairstyle to his (albeit in blonde) as well as wearing a smaller version of his horned helmet. There’s precedent for Lady Loki in the comics, where Loki was reborn into Lady Sif’s body, and in the MCU Loki’s files, the character is confirmed as gender-fluid. However, Di Martino’s character is more an amalgamation between the traditional comic Lady Loki and Sylvie the Enchantress, combining elements of both with a few new touches.

Sylvie lived happily on Asgard as a child before committing an as-yet-unknown crime against the Sacred Timeline (possibly aspiring to become a Valkyrie). Arrested by Ravonna Renslayer during her Minutemen days, Sylvie managed to swipe a TemPad and escape into a life on the run. Sylvie’s overarching goal amounts to little more than revenge against the Time-Keepers who wronged her, but even after reaching their elusive chamber, Sylvie’s thirst for vengeance remains unfulfilled. On her quest to discover who really runs the show at the TVA, Sylvie has developed a close, romantic connection to Tom Hiddleston’s variant.

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Classic Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Played by Richard E. Grant, this older Loki is what happens when the God of Mischief lives beyond the events of Avengers: Infinity War. Whereas most Lokis opt for daggers as their weapon of choice, this classic variant chose to master sorcery instead, becoming so skilled he was able to trick Thanos into murdering an illusion. Surviving past his fated point of death, Grant’s Loki became a target of the TVA, but managed to hide in exile for many years. Eventually coming to miss his brother, the variant took a step beyond his refuge and was immediately picked up by Minutemen, pruned, and sent to the Void.

Meeting the L1130 variant, this classic version of Loki (referred to as such because he wears the God of Mischief’s earliest comic book outfit) rediscovered his glorious purpose and sacrificed his life to conjure a mirage of Asgard and distract Alioth, thereby allowing Sylvie and Loki to reach beyond the Void and discover the true enemy of all Lokis.

Kid Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Jack Veal’s Kid Loki is obviously more threatening than he appears – his Nexus event was killing Thor. Though the full story hasn’t yet been told, it seems this young variant took childhood sibling rivalry too far and actually succeeded in offing the God of Thunder, Odin’s true son. This deviation from the Sacred Timeline earned Kid Loki a one-way ticket to the Void, where his Thor-killing exploits translated into leadership over the other Loki variants. The youngster seems to have a close bond with the Alligator Loki variant, and his temperament is more measured than his tender years and violent past might suggest.

Loki’s young whippersnapper variant is partially based on Kid Loki from the Marvel comic books, with the design and costume of both extremely similar (even down to the logo on his shirt). The original Kid Loki also sought to better himself, rather than be consigned to a life of villainy. With that said, the comic character tried to prove himself to Thor, not murder him. Fond of Ghostbusters-themed juice boxes, apparently.

Boastful Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

When a Loki variant holding a hammer appeared in the post-credits sequence of episode 4, fans might’ve thought a superhero God of Mischief had finally emerged. Unfortunately, Boastful Loki isn’t just a fancy name, and DeObia Oparei’s character likes to bend the truth to breaking point. Speaking with Hiddleston’s character and the other variants, Boastful Loki claims his Nexus event was defeating Iron Man and Captain America in quick succession, then claiming a full Infinity Gauntlet all for himself. Obviously, this is untrue and Boastful Loki’s real time crime remains unknown. We can perhaps infer from Boastful Loki’s tall tales that the hammer he carries is less Mjolnir variant and more Mjolnir knock-off.

While his friends are on the road the redemption, Boastful Loki retains the God of Mischief’s treacherous nature, betraying Kid Loki and making a power play himself. This variant also appears to lack the intelligence of other Lokis, not expecting to be betrayed by President Loki.

Alligator Loki

Every Loki Variant Confirmed In The MCU

Is it a Loki? Is it just an alligator? Either way, the next great mystery of the MCU has arrived. Kid Loki and the others discovered an alligator in the void world and assumed it was a Loki variant like them due to its green coloring. While no one seems to know for sure, Classic Loki can evidently understand the alligator’s speech, suggesting he’s more than a simple creature, and if the animal wasn’t a Loki variant, he surely would’ve invented a better Nexus event than eating the wrong cat. Though Alligator Loki is quick to anger (taking a bite of Boastful Loki and an even bigger chomp from President Loki), he seems to trust Kid Loki completely.

The Void Variants

Alongside President Loki (center) and Trickster Loki (second-from-right) who are discussed above, seven other variants populate the Void world and serve as the President’s loyal-ish soldiers. From left to right, there’s a hooded Green Arrow Loki, a horned Jumpsuit Loki covered everywhere but the eyes, a hairier Tall Loki lurking toward the back, Pilot Loki who’s definitely compensating for something with those horns, and Samurai Loki clad in a spiked helmet. To the right of the president, there’s a European Conqueror Loki dressed similarly to Ghengis Khan from Night at the Museum, a Red-Haired Loki who looks like he was pruned straight out of Camden Town, and a chilled-looking Punk-Rocker Loki.

In terms of weapons, Red-Hair Loki has a ball on a chain, Samurai Loki prefers a blade, Green Arrow Loki uses a yellow knife, and Conqueror Loki wields an axe. The remainder use various degrees of nondescript melee weapons scavenged from the ruins of Loki’s Void. Pilot Loki is spotted using magic during the free-for-all battle, while the bigger, hairier Tall Loki appears to boast the most raw power. Whether we’ll see these rough-around-the-edges variants again remains to be seen.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/loki-variants-mcu-confirmed/

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