Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)


The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise has proven to be among the most beloved slasher movie series ever but how do critics rank the entries?

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Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Wes Craven’s hit 1984 movie A Nightmare on Elm Street added a unique premise of Inception-like dream murder to the increasingly popular slasher formula and it instantaneously birthed one of the biggest icons of the subgenre and horror movies in general (the claw-handed sweater-wearer from Hell, Freddy Krueger) into existence.

As it goes with profitable slasher movies, the sequels were plentiful and the quality was inconsistent, to say the least. It can leave many prospective fans struggling to know where to start with a franchise that technically branches out with various entries going on all the way to the 2010s. With this in mind, here are all of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies ever, ranked according to critical scores accumulated by review aggregate site Metacritic.

9 A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) – 35

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

The remake of the beloved classic was, despite a very solid cast of actors, not a hit with critics or audiences.

The 2010 version ultimately added nothing substantive to the original’s already very played-out premise and the defining atmosphere proved uncopyable.

8 Freddy vs. Jason – 37

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

The face-off against the two iconic slasher movie killers which was promised to audiences at the end of Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday a decade prior was, for all its schlocky qualities, sufficiently satisfying for fans.

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It’s firmly within the boundaries of the more tongue-in-cheek tone which each franchise had developed over their own life spans whilst still being more of a creative horror movie than a comedy, often bringing out the best in each of its famous villains.

7 Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare – 39

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Of the original run of Nightmare on Elm Street movies, Freddy’s Dead is by far the most commonly hated by quite a wide margin.

While the remake is mostly just a non-entity within the franchise’s memory, The Final Nightmare, much like The Final Friday, had strayed too far into an overly convoluted narrative and forgotten a lot of the horror elements that made the title so famous in the first place.

6 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge – 43

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Though historically considered as the real black sheep of the franchise, and it is fairly light on the grotesquery that the title is known for, Freddy’s Revenge has endured as one of the most fascinating slasher movies ever made.

This is almost entirely down to the blatantly homoerotic subtext contained with the movie’s plot which was only finally admitted by the movie’s screenwriter relatively recently.

5 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors – 49

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Tying the events and characters of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise up into a satisfying trilogy, before the inevitable spinning off of the story into more and more sequels, Dream Warriors is one of the more fondly remembered sequels by far despite being moderately low down in critical rankings.

Uncharacteristically for slasher movies in general, the threequel really focusses more on giving the audience heroes to root for and the ingenuity with the kills as at its finest.

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4 A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child – 54

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Despite an increasingly convoluted plot and backstory for Freddy Krueger, critics were still responding relatively well to the Nightmare on Elm Street’s desire for endless sequels.

The unaltered premise allows for some of the franchise’s most memorably bizarre kills even if it leaves it in one of its weakest positions when it’s all over.

3 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master – 56

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Slasher movies are almost always really more about the kills than anything else but Dream Master was when the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise became almost entirely about the kills and both fans and critics responded to it much better than with most previous sequels.

Then-unknown director Renny Harlin made his bones in Hollywood with this derivative but satisfying take on what fans had come to want most from the franchise and, as the score shows, critics agreed that it hits the mark.

2 Wes Craven’s New Nightmare – 64

Every Nightmare On Elm Street Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Next to Scream, New Nightmare would prove to be not one of the most meta examinations of the horror genre in Wes Craven’s career but one of the most meta movies of anyone’s career.

The basic premise follows the original cast of A Nightmare on Elm Street, all playing themselves in real life, as the idea of Freddy begins to intrude into their lives and recreate the movies’ horror.

1 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) – 76

Wes Craven’s original classic is the most well-known movie of the prolific filmmaker’s career and still his most widely loved.

The devilishly simple idea of a slasher villain who kills you in your dreams struck a lasting chord with audiences in no small part thanks to the strength of its cast, which included a young Johnny Depp.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/every-nightmare-elm-street-movie-ranked-metacritic-critics-scores/

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