Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)


Every member of The Umbrella Academy has unique abilities, but they are not at same level of power. Here’s how they rank from least to most powerful.

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Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Warning: Spoilers for The Umbrella Academy season 2

The Umbrella Academy members have extraordinary abilities, but they’re not at the same level, and some of them are more powerful than the rest. Based on the comic book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, The Umbrella Academy made its debut on Netflix in February 2019 and was an instant hit with critics and viewers, becoming one of the streaming giant’s most popular titles. A bit over a year after season 1 was released, the second season arrived with more action, another apocalypse, and new superpowers.

The Umbrella Academy follows the family of adopted siblings, the Hargreeves. All seven of them, along with other 36 babies, were born on the same day, at the same time, and none of their mothers was pregnant when the day began. Eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves set out to adopt as many of those babies as he could but only got seven, and as they developed unique sets of superpowers, he trained them and formed the team “The Umbrella Academy”. Reginald wasn’t exactly a good father figure, and the Hargreeves ended up parting ways, reuniting years later for Reginald’s funeral and to stop the fast-approaching apocalypse – sadly, the end of the world was provoked by their supposedly powerless sister, Vanya (Ellen Page), and the only thing they could do to save themselves was travel to a safer point in time.

Season 2 caught up with the Hargreeves in Dallas, Texas, but in different years and days between 1960 and 1963. The siblings had to find a way to reunite and join forces again to stop the apocalypse (for real this time) and protect themselves from the Swedes, a trio of cold-blooded assassins working for The Commission. Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy made some big reveals, such as The Handler being alive and bringing her daughter, Lila (Ritu Arya), with her. Lila was not only a key player in The Handler’s plans to take over The Commission and bring the Hargreeves down, but she was also revealed to be one of the 43 babies, and just like the Hargreeves, she has superpowers. Here are the powers each member of The Umbrella Academy has.


Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Being Number one doesn’t mean being the most powerful of the bunch. Luther has superhuman strength, later amplified by his ape-like physiology following a mission gone wrong, and his resistance is also enhanced. However, neither his strength nor his ape upper body make him invulnerable, as he bleeds like any other human and can be defeated (though that might not be as easy as it seems). Strength and resistance are important when fighting crime and saving the world, but compared to the rest of the team, Luther is definitely the least powerful one.

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Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

The theory that says the Hargreeves’ numbers correspond to power but in reverse, meaning Vanya is the most powerful and Luther is at the bottom of the list, makes sense until taking a deeper look at the abilities of each Umbrella Academy team member, how they use them, and how useful they are. Allison’s power is mental manipulation through prefacing a statement with “I heard a rumor…”. She can then make people do whatever she wants, which she used for personal gain prior to the events of season 1. This brought her a lot of problems, especially with her daughter and husband, so she doesn’t really use it anymore – and when she has to, she thinks about it over and over before really using it. This hesitance, while understandable, makes her less powerful than she, in theory, really is.


Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Diego Hargreevess possesses the ability to manipulate the trajectory of the objects he throws or are thrown at him. In season 1, Diego used this power mostly with his knives, his preferred weapon, which made viewers think there wasn’t anything truly extraordinary in him other than perfect accuracy when throwing knives at his desired targets. Season 2, however, proved that his powers are not limited to knives, and he can use them to stop and redirect a bunch of bullets shot at him, which definitely gives him a big advantage over some of his siblings.


Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Klaus has the ability to communicate with the dead and temporarily make them corporeal, which is why Ben was around during season 1 and almost all of season 2. As this power can be too much, especially without proper training, Klaus developed an addiction to drugs from an early age, which has stopped his powers from reaching their true potential. By the end of season 1, Klaus was able to make Ben corporeal to the point where the deceased Hargreeves sibling was able to use his powers and help the rest. At the beginning of season 2, Klaus used his powers to summon various dead soldiers to help them fight in the apocalypse, but by the end of the season (in a new and fixed timeline), he only used them to have someone who could catch him. Still, and as shown in the first episode, Klaus’ powers can come in handy by making a whole army of dead people corporeal – and he wouldn’t even need to fight.


Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Five’s abilities are interesting but also tricky when comparing them to those of his siblings. Five possesses space-time manipulation, meaning he can jump through time and space, whether just a few seconds into the future or go back in time many, many years. Five’s powers are what saved the team from the end of the world in season 1, and they give him some advantage while fighting, but what truly helps him defeat his enemies is his training as a deadly assassin – just with his powers, Five wouldn’t be able to do much harm.

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Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

Although Ben has been dead for over a decade, he was able to show his powers thanks to Klaus, and he revealed a new ability in season 2. Ben was able to summon tentacled horrors from his body thanks to a portal in his stomach, which is how he was able to help his siblings at the end of season 1 and during the second apocalypse at the beginning of season 2. As a ghost, he developed a new ability that was possession, which he used to talk to Jill, a member of Klaus’ cult he was attracted to. Ben also used this new ability to help Vanya control her powers and come out of a dangerous trance that could trigger the apocalypse.


Every Power In The Umbrella Academy Explained (Season 1 & 2)

The member of the Hargreeves family that was believed to be powerless turned out to be the most powerful and dangerous of all. Unable to help her control her powers, Reginald decided to keep her under medication and “rumor her” into believing she was ordinary with the help of Allison. Vanya’s abilities are related to sound, manipulating sound waves to her desire and converting them into energy and physical force she can use in different ways, including telekinesis and flight. Her emotions heavily influence her powers, especially when she had no control over them. In season 2, she was able to share her powers (though unintentionally) when she gave CPR to Harlan, also creating a telepathic link in the process. Thanks to Vanya, the army of Temps brought by The Handler was defeated, but she can be as dangerous as she’s powerful.


The biggest surprise The Umbrella Academy season 2 brought was Lila, The Handler’s adopted daughter and Diego’s ex-girlfriend who he met at the psychiatric hospital. Lila is one of the 43 babies, and as such has extraordinary abilities as well. Lila gave the Hargreeves a big fight all by herself, as she turned out to have the ability to mimic others’ powers: she attacked the team by mirroring Vanya’s powers (and knocking her out in the process), she jumped from one spot to the other while fighting Five, she fought Luther, and she rumored Allison into stopping breathing. This makes Lila the most powerful of the group, as she pretty much has all their powers, though she can’t use them all at the same time. Lila ran away to another timeline, and it’s unknown where she is and if she will join the Umbrella Academy at some point… or the Sparrow Academy.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/umbrella-academy-powers-ranked-most-least-powerful/

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