Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

Every Season Premiere Of The Americans, Ranked (According To IMDb)


Each season of The Americans brought something new to the table, but which inaugural episode is the best among the six?

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Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

From the start (no, not that START), The Americans was just a really great show. The writing was great, the performances were fantastic, and the soundtrack tricked everyone into remembering the 80’s as being much cooler than they really were.

The show kicked things off with an amazing pilot that already had the identity of the show and characters figured out. Each season’s premiere introduced a new set of trials for the Jennings and brand new characters to face.

6 EST Men (Season 3): 8.2

Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

A meeting with an informant goes wrong when the woman’s guilt drives her to turn herself in, putting Elizabeth in jeopardy of blowing her cover. She escapes after a fight with two FBI agents. She and Phillip have a new/old handler; Gabriel, the wonderful Frank Langella, with whom they share an almost familial bond.

The Centre still wants Paige, but Phillip and Elizabeth strongly disagree on how to move forward. Elizabeth desperately wants to recruit her daughter for the cause she believes in so much, but Phillip is horrified by the idea of Paige learning the truth about them and possibly being brought into their lifestyle.

5 Pilot (Season 1): 8.3

Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

The pilot quickly introduces us to the ugly side of what Phillip and Elizabeth do, with Elizabeth having to sleep with a man in order to gain intelligence. The plot that drives this episode is the defected KGB operative, who Phillip and Elizabeth are tasked with kidnapping in order to prevent valuable Russian secrets from falling on American ears.

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Their lives are further complicated when FBI agent Stan Beeman moves in to the house across the street. The timing literally couldn’t be worse, since the Jennings have the man the FBI is looking for hidden in the trunk of their car. Phillip and Elizabeth’s biggest difference is revealed in this episode: Phillip’s solution to the KGB officer in the trunk is to defect themselves, while Elizabeth would rather die than betray her country.

4 Glanders (Season 4): 8.3

Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

In “Glanders”, Phillip and Elizabeth are tasked with getting a dangerous and deadly strain of a disease, which will impact the following events of the season. Paige tells Pastor Tim her secret and immediately stresses out about whether or not she’s made a mistake, possibly realizing (finally) just how much danger she may have put her parents in by divulging certain details.

After being screwed over by Stan, Nina is still working to survive, this time back in Russia. She’s tasked with getting close to Anton to ensure that the Centre gets what they need from him. The relationship Nina eventually forms with Anton plays out as one of the most beautiful and heartfelt of the series.

3 Amber Waves (Season 5): 8.3

Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

Season five isn’t the flashiest season. By this point, we’ve seen plenty of what Phillip and Elizabeth’s jobs entail, and we’re well aware of what’s at stake. Season five showcases the brilliant storytelling choice to hone in on the worst parts of what Phillip and Elizabeth have to do, and this is established right off the bat in “Amber Waves”.

William is dead after injecting himself with the disease he was supposed to transport safely to Phillip, but the Centre still wants the strain. Phillip, Elizabeth, and a small team of operatives dig up Williams’s body in order to take a flesh sample containing the pathogen the Centre wants. A simple mistake results in Phillip and Elizabeth having to kill Hans, her latest protege, and it’s only the first in a series of acts that wear on their psyche throughout this harrowing season.

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2 Comrades (Season 2): 8.5

Every Season Premiere Of The Americans Ranked (According To IMDb)

The cliffhanger at the end of season one was Elizabeth’s fate after being shot, as well as the fate of her relationship with Phillip. Elizabeth has recovered from her gunshot wound, and she and Phillip are stronger than ever together. They do the KGB-version of a double date with another undercover couple, and it’s clearly a relief for them to communicate with people who know exactly what they’ve gone through.

Also, Paige’s suspicion that was hinted at towards the end of season one drives much of her actions in season two. In this episode, her Phillip and Elizabeth are made aware of her spying, which alerts them to the fact that Paige may notice more than they’ve been giving her credit for.

1 Dead Hand (Season 6): 8.8

A lot has changed when we pick back up with the Jennings’ in the final season of The Americans. Phillip is almost entirely out of the game, only maintaining his contact with Kimmy so as to gain intelligence on her father, the head of the Soviet division at the CIA. Paige has fully committed to being trained as a spy and works closely with her mother and Claudia to learn all that they want her to know. Henry remains blissfully ignorant of his parents’ real jobs, having relocated far away to a boarding school, where he can escape their drama.

The summit is approaching, and Elizabeth, still committed as ever, is tasked with meeting a man who wishes for her to be one of a select view made aware of “Dead Hand”. This is the season that finally breaks the strongest love Elizabeth has: her love for her country. The people she has worked for and been loyal to all this time have lied to her and used her, and she can no longer do what she’s told.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/the-americans-every-season-premiere-ranked/

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