Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie, Ranked (According To IMDb)


Tobe Hooper’s horror classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has fueled a franchise, but not every entry is as good as the next.

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Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

The story of infamous cinematic serial killer Leatherface began with Tobe Hooper’s 1974 low-budget horror film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. With its shocking costuming, implied gore, and cannibalistic antagonists, the movie continues to top lists of the best horror movies of all time. Hooper released The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 in 1986, capitalizing on the success of franchises like Friday the 13th and Halloween – franchises whose narratives were heavily influenced by Hooper’s original film.

Six additional sequels, prequels, and remakes later, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has become a successful franchise in its own right. While they may not be as financially prosperous or critically acclaimed as their siblings, the Leatherface flicks maintain a large following among fans of scary movies.

8 Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (1995) – 3.3

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

The Next Generation is the fourth addition to the franchise, a film written and directed by Kim Henkel – who co-wrote the first movie’s screenplay with Tobe Hooper. The Next Generation follows a group of teens who encounter Leatherface and his deranged relatives on their prom night.

Henkel considers the film a parody of the franchise, but audiences were not impressed; it bombed at the box office. The Next Generation has since gained a cult status among critics and fans who appreciate its absurdist humor, cross-dressing Leatherface, and acting from a young Matthew McConaughey and Renée Zellweger.

7 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) – 4.8

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

The seventh film in the horror franchise, John Luessenhop’s Texas Chainsaw 3D is considered a direct sequel to the 1974 movie, ignoring the subsequent installments. Set four decades after the events of the first film, it focuses on a character named Heather Miller, who happens to be Leatherface’s long-lost cousin.

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Miller, played by Alexandra Daddario, reunites with her chainsaw yielding relative in order to claim an inheritance she’s owed. While a profitable movie in theatres, Texas Chainsaw 3D was derailed by critics for plot holes, poor acting, and a lack of inventive terror sequences.

6 Leatherface (2017) – 5.0

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

The eighth and most recent installment, Leatherface is a prequel that traces its title character’s evolution into a mass murderer and cannibal. Directed by Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, the prequel came into being after the success of Texas Chainsaw 3D.

The filmmakers attempted to remain as dedicated to the original films, both The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2, as possible. Despite stellar acting from Stephen Dorff and Lili Taylor, Leatherface doesn’t approach the creativity and wit of its source material.

5 Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990) – 5.1

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

New Line Cinema produced and distributed Jeff Burr’s follow up to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2, which accompanies Leatherface and his extended family (including a young Viggo Mortensen) as they continue to terrorize people in the Texas backwoods. What New Line Cinema hoped would be the first of many sequels turned out to be the only one due to its poor reception at the box office.

Due to its graphic violence, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III almost earned an X rating, one that was avoided after cutting over 4 minutes of gore from the movie. Still, the movie’s extreme horror turned off critics and audiences alike.

4 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) – 5.6

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

Tobe Hooper returned 12 years after the first film with this darkly comedic sequel. Instead of relying on documentary-style filming and minimal bloodshed, Hooper goes all out here, and the result is an over-the-top bloodbath.

In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, the chainsaws are bigger, the characters are more animated, and the body parts pile high. With its memorable performances from Dennis Hopper and Caroline Williams, what was considered a mediocre movie upon release has since become one of the most beloved in the franchise.

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3 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) – 5.8

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

After Marcus Nispel revived the franchise with his 2003 remake of the original slasher movie, Jonathan Liebesman released this prequel to the remake – the sixth installment. Like 2017’s Leatherface, The Beginning digs into the lives of Leatherface and the rest of the Sawyer clan.

Most of The Beginning, which stars Jordana Brewster and Matt Bomer, is set in 1969; it relies on the overused road-tripping trope to lure its victim into Leatherface’s trap. The Beginning earned back its budget in theatres, but it was considered a critical failure.

2 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) – 6.2

Every Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Ranked (According To IMDb)

Many crew members involved in the making of the 1974 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre returned for the remake, including Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel – who served as producers. While set in 1973, the remake brings young, new faces like Jessica Biel into the franchise, as well as faster action sequences, more jump scares, and elevated brutality.

Critics hated the fifth installment, deeming it completely unnecessary. However, audiences loved it, and it went on to earn over $100 million in theatres, making it the most profitable in the franchise.

1 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) – 7.5

In the minds of diehard fans and critics, no other film in the franchise comes close to the first one. Made with less than $140,000, the movie established multiple tropes in the horror genre: the masked killer, road-tripping victims, and the use of a signature weapon – to name a few.

Inspired by serial killer Ed Gein, Leatherface and his cannibal relatives terrorize passersby unfortunate enough to run through their blight-ridden small town. Through subtle hints and foreboding interactions, the film relies on dread instead of bloodshed to instill fear in audiences.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/texas-chainsaw-massacre-movies-ranked-imdb/

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