Every Version Of Captain America’s Shield In The MCU (& Where They Are)

Every Version Of Captain America’s Shield In The MCU (& Where They Are)


Captain America’s shield is one of the most recognizable symbols to come out of the MCU. Here’s every shield that Steve Rogers used in the franchise.

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Captain America’s shield is one of the most significant symbols to come out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe – but Steve Rogers carried more than one shield throughout his run. Tony Stark had his suit, Thor had his hammer, and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) had the shield. It wasn’t just used as a form of protection, but also as a powerful weapon. Throughout the MCU, Steve obtained several shields during his time as Captain America but one reigned supreme.

Steve rarely went into battle without a shield. The super soldier treated the item as if it was another limb. Like Thor’s hammer, Steve only felt comfortable carrying the shield if he felt worthy enough. When veering away from the Captain America name for a brief time, Steve left his shield behind since the moniker and weapon went hand-in-hand.

The red, white, and blue shield will always be an emblematic image connected to Captain America. The design also serves as an important item within the entire MCU. It took time for Steve to find the perfect weapon, and like the rest of the franchise, the shield evolved over the years. Here’s every shield that Steve Rogers used as Captain America and what happened to each one.

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Captain America’s USO Shield

Every Version Of Captain America’s Shield In The MCU (& Where They Are)

The first shield that Steve ever took into battle was a prop from his USO tour costume in Captain America: The First Avenger. After being denied active duty, Steve toured around as “Captain America” to promote War Bonds. He carried a traditional heater-shaped steel shield painted with stars and stripes. Steve used the shield when he went on a rescue mission to liberate Allied soldiers in Austria, including Bucky Barnes. The shield was dented and heavily damaged when he fought HYDRA’s commander, Johann Schmidt.

Captain America’s Original Vibranium Shield

Every Version Of Captain America’s Shield In The MCU (& Where They Are)

Later in The First Avenger, Steve noticed that Howard Stark had a prototype shield among the weapons he was working on for the Army. Howard explained that the shield was made from vibranium, an extremely strong substance that could protect against gunfire and other power weaponry. To match Captain America’s newfound look, Howard designed the circular shield with a white star in the middle of a blue circle surrounded by white and red stripes. This would go on to become Steve’s primary shield for most of the MCU, using it in The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron (where it was equipped with magnetic controls), and Captain America: Civil War. The shield was damaged and abandoned by Steve in Civil War but Tony Stark held onto it for a brief time. Steve used dual-retractable vibranium shields in Avengers: Infinity War. His original vibranium shield was repaired and returned to him in Avengers: Endgame, which he used until Thanos completely destroyed it during the battle at the Avengers Compound.

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Tony Stark’s New Prototype Shield

Every Version Of Captain America’s Shield In The MCU (& Where They Are)

In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Happy Hogan mentioned that Tony had a prototype shield for Captain America. The MCU originally planned for Tony to give the prototype to Steve during Infinity War before giving him back the original in Endgame. Instead, Steve used the retractable shield designed by T’Challa and Shuri. Versions of the prototype have since been revealed by Marvel Studios.

Captain America’s Alternate Vibranium Shield

Following the defeat of Thanos in Endgame, Steve traveled back in time to return the Infinity Stones back to their rightful places. He then remained in the past to live a full life with Peggy Carter. In doing so, he presumably created an alternate timeline. Steve obtained that timeline’s original vibranium shield, which was the version he brought to the primary timeline. Now an old man, Steve passed the vibranium shield to Sam Wilson along with the Captain America moniker, launching a new chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/captain-america-shield-different-versions-mcu/

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