Everything We Know About Killer7s PC Port

Everything We Know About Killer7’s PC Port


The upcoming remaster of Goichi Suda’s cult-classic Killer7 will be a proper remaster, with developers denying the use of console emulation shortcuts.

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PC players unfamiliar with Capcom’s Killer7 are going to be thankful come fall, as Goichi Suda’s surreal cult-classic game is now slated for a Steam remaster. Originally released for the Gamecube and PlayStation 2 in 2005, Killer7 was Suda’s first game distributed outside of Japan, a strange combination of FPS and adventure game genres, threaded together by a provocative storyline that linked voter fraud, film noir, multiple personality disorder, and international terrorism to deliver what is arguably one of the most memorable games of all time.

Goichi Suda, aka Suda51, is a Japanese video game director and writer who has manifested a unique niche for himself on modern consoles, often heading unusual, left-of-center games like No More Heroes and PS4’s online-only exclusive Let It Die. Reliably utilizing a variety of specific themes like pro-wrestling, punk rock, and geek culture in all of his games, the maverick CEO of studio Grasshopper Manufacture has built one of the most unusual portfolios in gaming, but Killer7 was, for many, the gateway to all things Suda, which is why Killer7’s PC port is exciting fans.

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Considering that the game originally released in 2005, there are many gamers out there who’ve never had the chance to play the game before, which is why a PC port is the right move at this time. And while early reports seemed to hint or imply that the game might be a kind of repackaged emulation using Gamecube/Wii emulator Dolphin (via VentureBeat), players can now rest assured knowing that the Killer7 PC remaster is being properly developed for PC, with no emulation shortcuts.

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When Killer7 first released, there was very little to compare it to on the PS2, let alone Nintendo’s more family-friendly Gamecube. The game put players in the shoes of disabled assassin Harman Smith and his attempts to combat a terrorist organization known as Heaven Smile. Harman can physically transform into seven different controllable assassins, including Mexican American luchador MASK de Smith as well as Kevin Smith, a British hitman equipped with throwing knives (no relation to the filmmaker). The player navigates levels using a unique control scheme, where a single button funnels their character down a main path, but they can also stop on a dime to pull out their weapon if threatened, which changes the camera from third to first-person.

In addition to Killer7’s first-person shooter mechanics, players have to contend with bizarre puzzles and NPC encounters, with each level offering a different flavor and theme. One escapade has the group hunting down a cult leader in a demented theme park, while another includes a trip to the Dominican Republic to hunt down a dangerous comic book artist.

Killer7 is arguably Suda51’s best game, with none of his more recent titles coming close to the 2005 game. The game’s soundtrack, voice acting performances, and weird plot all contribute to its cult status. But restricting it to console owners means that countless gamers haven’t had the chance to experience the game. So long as Grasshopper is able to deliver the best version of Killer7 yet, gamers could potentially see its long-overdue sequel in the future.

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Source: VentureBeat

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Leonardo Faierman was born in Buenos Aires, raised in Queens, on the playground was where he planned most of his schemes. Since then he’s plowed a jagged path as a writer, editor, podcaster, comic creator, and mostly benevolent malcontent in New York City. His favorite comic book is Love & Rockets, favorite film is Mad Max: Fury Road, favorite video game is Guardian Heroes, favorite book is The Thief’s Journal by Jean Genet. At the time of this writing, there is the distinct possibility that all or some of those have changed. Leo’s 1/5th of the long-running podcast @BlackComicsChat, 1/2 of horror podcast @TheScreamSquad, film editor for the independent sci-fi monthly newsletter Narazu, and generally has words all over the interwebs, but they’re frequently gathered up on Twitter at @LeonardoEff — you can go yell at him there, if needed.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/killer7-pc-port-suda/

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