Expanse Season 6 Premiere Resolves Alexs Replacement Issue

Expanse Season 6 Premiere Resolves Alex’s Replacement Issue

The Rocinante needed a new pilot following Alex’s death, and The Expanse fills that vacancy – even if the replacement isn’t who everyone expected.

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Expanse Season 6 Premiere Resolves Alexs Replacement Issue

Alex Kamal’s death meant The Expanse season 6 needed a replacement Rocinante pilot, and though the issue is fixed, it’s not the solution most viewers expected. Mirroring the original books by James S.A. Corey, The Expanse seasons 1-5 featured the core Rocinante crew of Holden, Naomi, Amos and Alex. Following multiple accusations of inappropriate conduct and an ensuing internal investigation, however, Alex actor Cas Anvar was written out during The Expanse season 5’s finale, killed suddenly by a stroke in a manner that didn’t require Anvar to film additional material.

The biggest problem posed by Alex’s death was finding a replacement to pilot the Rocinante. Martian gunships aren’t the simplest, and Alex’s space ace skills have been a major factor in the Roci surviving The Expanse’s interplanetary wild west this long. Piloting duties couldn’t be assigned to any old maverick, and The Expanse season 5 strongly set up José Zúñiga’s Bull as the successor to Alex’s chair. Not only did Bull pull off some stunning tricks while assuming temporary control of the Roci’s wheel, but he also found himself at a loose end following Fred Johnson’s death, and ended The Expanse season 5 drinking from Alex’s old coffee mug – surely a clear signal of his new role.

In The Expanse season 6, however, Bull is nowhere to be seen. Nor is he mentioned throughout premiere episode, “Strange Dogs.” The Rocinante has been on a reconnaissance mission for Avasarala more or less since The Expanse season 5 wrapped up, and the crew now consists of Holden, Naomi, Amos and Peaches (who was brought aboard by Amos at the end of season 5). Piloting the Rocinante these days is James Holden, balancing his captain gig with Alex’s role of driving the bus. Steven Strait’s character is shown simultaneously shouting orders and frantically pressing buttons during the Roci’s opening battle against a Free Navy skiff, and it seems he’ll be continuing to pull double duty for the foreseeable future.

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Holden piloting the Rocinante is a plausible solution to Alex’s Expanse departure. Before he became an ice hauler (as seen at the beginning of The Expanse season 1), Holden served as a First Lieutenant in the UN Navy. He didn’t specialize as a pilot like Alex in the MCRN, but it’s logical to assume he can fly to a respectable standard – if not the same standard the Rocinante is accustomed to. As seen in The Expanse season 6’s promotional material, Bobbie Draper will be joining the main gang before long. As a Martian marine, she might be be able to take the wheel for a while also.

Though Holden replacing Alex in The Expanse season 6 makes sense, some viewers will undoubtedly be calling Bull on José Zúñiga’s absence. His season 5 finale pilot hints were relatively transparent, suggesting something must’ve changed behind-the-scenes. Perhaps the actor wasn’t available to reprise his role, or maybe The Expanse’s writing team decided keeping the core Roci crew authentic to the books was important for the final season, rather than altering the dynamic – especially since Bull’s presence would unbalance the ship’s multi-cultural dynamic with yet another Earther.

Neither solution is especially ideal. Holden driving the Roci muddies his role, and Bull sticking around might’ve upset the ship’s balance. But similar to how Alex’s death scene in The Expanse season 5’s finale was as good as it could’ve been under difficult circumstances, so too is Holden taking over pilot duties in season 6. The Cas Anvar allegations left no alternative but to write Alex out of Amazon’s space opera, and The Expanse can only find the least awkward remedy.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/expanse-season-6-alex-pilot-replacement-no-bull-fix/

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