Facebook Outlines Plan To Stop Marketplace Amazon Rainforest Land Sales

Facebook Outlines Plan To Stop Marketplace Amazon Rainforest Land Sales


After it was revealed that Amazon Rainforest land was being sold on Facebook Marketplace, the company has committed to stopping sales like this.

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Facebook Outlines Plan To Stop Marketplace Amazon Rainforest Land Sales

After users were found to be selling pieces of land from the Amazon rainforest on Facebook Marketplace, the company is now taking steps to prevent this from happening again in the future. Facebook Marketplace typically provides users with the opportunity to make deals on a wide range of items, from cars to furniture to homes for sale or rent. However, it seems that having so many permissible options wasn’t enough for certain enterprising Facebook users.

The social media giant has already had enough to deal with recently, with an outage lasting for hours hitting not only Facebook, but also Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. In addition to the outage, after leaking crucial insider information, a whistleblower revealed their identity and explained in an interview with 60 Minutes that Facebook repeatedly chose what was best for the company over public interest.

The BBC first reported on the issue back in February, describing some of the plots of land for sale as equivalent in size to “1,000 football pitches.” According to the BBC, finding plots was as simple as searching for related words in the Marketplace search bar. At the time, Facebook noted it was working with authorities in Brazil, but seemed to suggest that it wouldn’t be taking any action of its own. However, Facebook has since said that it is now starting to compare Marketplace listings to an “authoritative database of protected areas” from an international organization. The updated commerce policies will hopefully prevent anyone from buying or selling land that is in an ecological conservation area in the future. Facebook also explained that it will work with sustainability authorities to confront the problem on all of its apps to prevent a recurrence.

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Facebook Stepping Up

Facebook stated in February that the issue should be left to local authorities, and that the problem was too complex for it to figure out on its own. However, with the change in policy and the use of the new database comparison, Facebook has shown that its entirely capable of working with the necessary organizations to try and stop this from happening.

Environmental protection is a crucial issue which should concern everyone, and especially major companies like Facebook whose influence and power can make a difference. Apple previously highlighted that tech companies can have an impact when it opted to remove the iPhone charger from the box. The move reduced transport emissions and minimized the amount of materials being mined from the earth. Hopefully, Facebook finally stepping up to curb the sale of Amazon rainforest land will help to protect this important ecosystem.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/facebook-amazon-rainforest-marketplace-land-sale-response-commitment/

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