Failed Superman & Green Lantern Movie Pitches Detailed By Christopher McQuarrie

Failed Superman & Green Lantern Movie Pitches Detailed By Christopher McQuarrie

Christopher McQuarrie reveals some details regarding the Superman and Green Lantern DCEU movies he was attached to, but never materialized.

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Director, Christopher McQuarrie, has revealed some details concerning the Man of Steel 2 and Green Lantern Corps. DCEU projects he was attached to, but that ultimately never became a reality. After working with Henry Cavill on Mission: Impossible – Fallout, reports began to emerge suggesting that McQuarrie could be lined up to direct a sequel to 2013’s Man of Steel, and the man himself confirmed he had discussed potential ideas with the Superman actor and would be interested in such a project.

Ultimately, nothing tangible came of this interest, but it wasn’t long before McQuarrie was connected to the previously announced Green Lantern Corps. movie, at that time slated for 2020. Once again, the director confirmed that he was open to the idea of exploring a new, big screen version of the Green Lantern but, as with the mooted Man of Steel 2, the idea didn’t seem to lead anywhere. McQuarrie would later reveal that he held talks with Warner Bros. regarding Green Lantern Corps. but didn’t sign on to the project, as there was no script or overall direction in place and the studio didn’t seem too enthusiastic about the director’s own suggestions.

McQuarrie has now answered some questions from DCEU fans via his Twitter account, revealing some details about how far his pitches for Man of Steel 2 and Green Lantern Corps. came along and why they never materialized. The director confirms that he pitched an idea for a second Superman movie along with Cavill, and then submitted a written proposal for Green Lantern, but to no avail, claiming that Warner Bros. wanted someone to fix their own “broken” ideas, rather than suggest new ones. The exchange goes on to reveal that not only could these two proposed movies have tied into each other, but the plot would’ve worked as a sequel to the original Man of Steel. McQuarrie’s full comments can be read below.

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Too complicated to explain. It tied into the Superman movie that Cavill and I were proposing. No takers. The studios have never cared for my original ideas. They prefer that I fix their broken ones.

Green Lantern was a written proposal. Superman was a pitch.

It certainly could have.

These latest details dispel the suggestion that McQuarrie’s ideas were turned down because they were too standalone and didn’t connect to the wider DCEU. The director makes it plain that his Superman movie could’ve continued on from Man of Steel and then tied into his subsequent idea involving Green Lantern.

DC fans will likely feel somewhat disheartened that McQuarrie’s vision for these two superheroes never made it to the big screen. The director received plenty of acclaim for his work with the Mission: Impossible franchise and was a popular choice to join the DCEU, with Henry Cavill himself evidently sharing those sentiments. In the past year, the fate of the DCEU as a shared universe has looked uncertain, as Warner Bros. shifts to more standalone projects such as Joker, which don’t connect to previous movies in the series quite as explicitly. Even more unclear is the fate of Superman and Green Lantern in the franchise’s future, with both of these major characters currently in limbo, and this only raises more confusion as to why McQuarries ideas were passed on.

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