Falcon & Winter Soldier Confront Captain America In New Trailer

Falcon & Winter Soldier Confront Captain America In New Trailer

A new trailer for the final two episodes of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier shows that Bucky and Sam are ready to take on John Walker.

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Bucky and Sam are ready to take on John Walker in a new trailer for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Disney+’s second original MCU series has put its titular characters on a collision course with the new Captain America since the beginning. When Sam Wilson gives up Captain America’s shield in the series’ first episode, he doesn’t think that the US government will be so quick to give it to someone else, but John Walker is soon revealed as Steve Rogers’ successor. When Bucky and Sam meet him while trying to take down the Flag Smashers, their distaste for him is clear.

Walker has been slowly positioned as The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s primary antagonist from the start, his words laced with a menacing arrogance that speaks to Wyatt Russell’s layered performance. When he is embarrassed during a fight with the Dora Milaje in the fourth episode, his arrogance comes to the forefront and Walker takes a Super Soldier serum so that he is better positioned to be the true successor to Steve Rogers. The Super Soldier serum serves to amplify his physical strength, but it also seems to bring his hidden rage forth, too, when his partner, Lemar Hoskins AKA Battlestar, is killed and he brutally murders a Flag-Smasher in front of a crowd of onlookers.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s fourth episode ended with what may be one of the MCU’s darkest moments yet and the rest of the season is gearing up for a confrontation between Sam, Bucky, and John Walker. Marvel released a new trailer for the final two episodes of the season and while it has a decent amount of footage that has already aired, there are key moments that tease the upcoming episodes. The most important of those moments comes in the final few seconds of the trailer when Bucky and Sam find John Walker in a warehouse and it’s clear they are gearing up for a fight. Check out the full clip below:

Despite the fact that it’s become pretty clear that Sam ends up in possession of Captain America’s shield by the end of the series, the confrontation between him and John Walker is no less exciting. It will bring to a head the thematic elements of Falcon and the Winter Soldier in important ways, ways that will serve to highlight the conversations the series is having around nationalism and race. The fact that it’s personal for Bucky and Sam adds another layer to the already complicated dynamics at play in the series.

With only two episodes left, it seems like The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has a lot of story left to tell. There’s still the mystery surrounding the Power Broker left to solve, as well as the problem with the Flag-Smashers still being on the loose. The heart of the show, though, seems to be this final confrontation between Bucky, Sam, and John Walker, a confrontation that echoes the finale of Captain America: Civil War in really interesting ways. When The Falcon and the Winter Soldier concludes in under two weeks, the MCU may have yet another Captain America, but it’s clear that the complicated legacy surrounding the figure and the shield will remain an integral part of the universe.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/falcon-winter-soldier-trailer-john-walker-sam-bucky-confrontation/

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