Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

Fantastic Beasts: 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Aren’t Really Friends


Fantastic Beasts highlights the partnership between Newt and Jacob as they are thrown into various difficult situations. But are they really friends?

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Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

Fantastic Beasts paints Newt Scamander as a prime time loner. He prefers the company of animals to that of people, so when he is finally confronted with the possibility of a friend, it’s understandable that he balks a little and isn’t the best at it. Meanwhile, Jacob Kowalski is a muggle living in a wizard’s world, which automatically classifies him as an outcast. He could use all the allies he can get.

Newt and Jacob come together and spend so much time together across the two films that they develop something of a chemistry. But even in spite of all the time he spends with the hapless muggle, to give them the title of “friends” might be a bit of a stretch. Here are 10 reasons why.

10 They Hardly Know Each Other

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

It’s kind of hard to be friends with someone that you barely know. Despite all the time they spend together, most of that time is spent avoiding death, charging into battles, avoiding fantastic beasts and hiding from the Ministry of Magic. You’d think that would push the two closer together, and to an extent it does, but it doesn’t help them know each other any better.

They are still relative strangers when everything calms down, hardly ever knowing what to talk about, and it’s sad to see. When they aren’t around Tina or Queenie, Jacob and Newt are practically strangers. Speaking of which …

9 They’re In It For The Ladies

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

All things considered, Newt and Jacob probably would never have seen each other again after the bank incident. But for a chance run-in with the Goldsteins, they’d have gone their separate ways. Once the Goldstein’s intervene, that is what is holding them together.

Newt is interested in Tina, Jacob is interested in Queenie. Pretty much any voluntary decision they make is to get back to their love interest, while nothing they do is to benefit their prematurely failing friendship.

8 They Don’t Care About Each Other’s Passions

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

Jacob wants to be a baker, remember Newt? When has Newt ever asked Jacob for a pastry or a danish? They have to be good, right? Wouldn’t Newt want to show his enthusiasm for his friend’s career choice by engaging in at least a discussion? And the same goes for Jacob. When has Jacob ever been even slightly interested in the fantastic beasts that Newt tends to?

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Sure, a couple of times Newt enlists Jacob’s help, but like every other time (more on this later), it isn’t voluntary by any means.

7 They Don’t Trust Each Other

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

This is a subtle one, but it’s definitely there. Neither Newt nor Jacob trusts the other and their methods. For Jacob, he frequently doubts what Newt is doing, for example with the feather in Paris, or when Newt is tracking Tina and licking the dirt. Jacob always has a condescending “oh, we’re doing that now.”

For Newt, he never trusts Jacob to accomplish anything. Even with a simple task, like retrieving tweezers, Newt has to explain to Jacob what tweezers are, as if he actually thought Jacob didn’t know. Friends trust friends and these two never do.

6 They Don’t Listen To Each Other

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

There are quite a few smaller instances where Jacob and Newt ignore each other, but one of the biggest examples comes from Crimes of Grindelwald, when they are seated in the outdoor cafe, using the feather to find Tina. Jacob talks about Queenie, but Newt is very overtly not listening to him and Jacob notices, so he stops talking.

A very similar thing happens from the other side when Newt is talking about Tina on the way to the portkey. The advice that Jacob gives Newt makes it clear that he was not listening to Newt at all.

5 Newt Puts Jacob In So Much Danger

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

This is something that falls on Newt’s shoulders, but it’s a glaring example of something that friends just don’t do. Right from the start, Newt continuously puts Jacob in danger and while he does keep him safe, it’s not like it’s his top priority.

Jacob is dragged through the magical realm where he is constantly in danger and no one stops to wonder if he might be better off staying safe somewhere else. Sure, Jacob is responsible for this too, as he pursues Queenie and this leads him into danger, too. But half the time, Newt is just stringing him along into precarious situations.

4 They Don’t Care About Each Other

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

This piggybacks on the last point. When does Newt or Jacob ever ask each other if they’re okay? How they’re feeling? Do they need anything? Never. The nicest thing Newt does for Jacob is drying his clothes with magic, but that’s done because Newt wants to get going to Paris. Sure, he saves his life a couple times, but this happens after situations that Newt put him in, so it’s not like he was doing him any favors.

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Meanwhile, Jacob is just as guilty. He never shows any concern for Newt’s wellbeing. Perhaps it comes from a point of not being able to do anything about it, but this is beside the point. The closest he gets is telling Newt to get away from the Zouwu, but this just shows that he doesn’t understand Newt.

3 No Sympathy For Each Other’s Heartbreak

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

Friends are especially handy when experiencing heartbreak. Both Newt and Jacob have lost their love interest and they are in pursuit of them. This would be a prime time to see Newt and Jacob come together, but they just never do, and it’s sad to see. They try to give each other advice and it’s bad — they talk about their respective romantic interest and the other knows nothing about it.

It’s really just happenstance that Tina and Queenie are sisters, which keeps them on the same path. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Speaking of which …

2 They Have Nothing In Common

Fantastic Beasts 10 Reasons Why Newt & Jacob Arent Really Friends

This goes well beyond just the fact that Jacob is a muggle in a magical world. But that certainly doesn’t help. Newt is a career wizard; Jacob doesn’t have a magical bone in his body. Jacob and Queenie are more traditional romantics, while Newt and Tina are quirky.

According to the movies, Newt has eaten pretty much nothing throughout the entire movie. Jacob, meanwhile is a gourmand. Even small things like this show that they really have nothing in common with each other, which might be why they don’t listen to each other or know each other.

1 They Don’t Understand Each Other

This is the saddest one because there was so much time for them to get to know and understand each other in Crimes of Grindelwald, but they never came together. This comes from them not only not knowing each other well from a lack of time spent together, but from just not understanding what the other person is all about.

Jacob has a few spots of fascination for the fantastic beasts that Newt keeps, but apart from that, these two might as well be strangers. There is a certain affection between the two because of their shared plight, but despite that shared plight, they don’t understand what the other is all about. Does Newt even know what Jacob wants besides Queenie? Does Jacob know what Newt wants besides Tina? Probably not.

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