Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

Far Cry 6: 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara


Yara is a beautiful tropical country brimming with history, conflict, and wildlife. It is sure to test Far Cry 6 players as they seek liberation.

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Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

The Far Cry series is no stranger to bringing players to beautiful settings. These settings typically contain dense, tropical, open-world areas filled with dangerous wildlife, and even more dangerous people. Recently, however, the series had moved away from tropical settings. Far Cry 4 took players to the wintery, mountainous, Kyrat in the Himalayan region. Far Cry 5 and Far Cry 5: New Dawn brought to the fictional Hope County in the real-life state of Montana.

Far Cry 6 brings the series back to tropical settings by being set in the fictional country of Yara. Yara is a small tropical island in the Caribbean led by ruthless authoritative President Antón Castillo. The player, as Dani Rojas, will have to join forces with the revolutionary group Libertad as they seek to liberate Yara once again. Yara is brimming with history, conflict, and wildlife that is sure to test the player as they seek liberation and survival.

10 Yara Is Based Cuba

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

Although Yara is a fictional country, it is based on the real-life country of Cuba. Yara is situated in the Caribbean and brings with it the many features of such an island country such as lush tropical forests, vast beaches, and architectural designs through the game’s cities. Being inspired by Cuba doesn’t stop with its environment and cities as Yara also brings with it a similar political climate as well.

Despite being based by the country of Cuba, Cuba still does exist in the Far Cry world. Flora Guillen, from Far Cry 2, hails from Cuba.

9 Yara Is Comprised Of Five Main Regions

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

Yara is made of five different regions. The first is Zamok Archipiélago, which is the home of Libertad Island. The Isla Santuario, which is made up of districts Quito and Vencejo. Madrugada is made up of Costa Del Mar, Lozanía, and Aguas Lindas. El Este is made up of Sierra Perdida, Conuco, and La Joya. Valle De Oro is made up of Balaceras, Cruz Del Salvador, Noventarmas, and Barrial. Finally, the capital city of Esperanza with the Isla Del León.

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Each of these regions are led by members of Antón Castillo’s military force Fuerzas Nacionales de Defensa (often shorthanded as FND). Collectively, these five regions make up the biggest Far Cry map yet.

8 The Capital City Of Yara Is Esperanza

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

The Capital city of Yara is Esperanza, which means “Hope” in Spanish. Because Yara itself is inspired by Cuba, Esperanza is likely inspired by Cuba’s capital city of Havana. Despite being a populous city, Esperanza is also heavily guarded giving players are true look at the oppressive power Antón Castillo holds.

Off the coast of Esperanza is the Isla Del León, which is the home of Antón Castillo. True to its name, translated to “Lion Island,” Esperanza as a whole is nicknamed the “Lion’s Den” in reference to Castillo’s affinity for Lions and analogies involving them.

7 Yara Contains A Variety Of (Dangerous) Wildlife

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

One of the most engaging and engrossing aspects of each Far Cry setting is through its wildlife. Players aren’t just combating with other people for survival, but also nature, and Far Cry 6 is no different.

Far Cry 6 brings with it deadly cats such as leopards and panthers. On top of that, the crocodiles in the game will actually go out on land. That doesn’t mean the waters are safe as Sharks infest the waters of Yara. Other notable animals include wolves and boars that will be sure to bring caution to players. Players will also get a chance to hunt mythical versions of these animals in a series of optional hunts.

6 Tobacco Is The Main Export Of Yara

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

The main export of Yara is tobacco, similar to its real-life counterpart in Cuba. Beyond use in smoking, Yara’s tobacco plants are also used to create the fictional medicine of Viviro. Viviro is a cancer medicine that is well desired from countries across the world. One of Yara’s lead partnerships is through Sean McKay, a businessman from Canada, who handles the exportation of the medicine.

This comes at a price, however, as these tobacco fields are managed through forced, slave, labor. This is one of the many reasons that inspired the setting’s latest revolution.

5 Yara Was Faced With A Previous Revolution

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

The current revolution players take part in is not the first revolution in Yara. The first was led by Santos Espinosa and the Legends of 67 in what later became known as the Revolution of 1967. Prior to this, Yara was seen as a rich and prosperous country. However, Yara was not perfect as the less fortunate were faced with heavy oppression.

The outcome of the Revolution of 1967 was the execution of Yara’s authoritative leader Gabriel Castillo, father of Antón Castillo. Gabriel Castillo was killed in front of his son, Antón, an event that would shape the life of his son.

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4 Yara Fell Into An Economic Decline

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

Despite overthrowing the Gabriel Castillo regime, Yara failed to retain its prosperity. Freedom would come at a price as the country would see a large economic decline, leaving its citizens struggling to survive and make ends meet.

Similar to Cuba, Yara is filled with vintage vehicles. In Cuba, this is due to the embargo on the importation of items from foreign countries. Among those were American vehicles and parts. This American car and parts ban would later be lifted in 2016, but the pricing still makes newer models difficult to come by for regular citizens. It’s very likely that Yara went through similar policies and struggles.

3 Anton Castillo Brought The Castillo Family Back Into Power

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

Antón Castillo was raised to believe Yara belonged to his family and that the country was stolen from him. At age 13, he was imprisoned where he worked in a Tobacco field. Upon seeing how much of a decline Yara took after his father’s reign, Castillo grew to feel that Yara could not survive without a Castillo in charge. Castillo would later run for President, which he would go on to win.

Castillo also has a 13-year-old son named Diego Castillo. Castillo envisions a future where Diego succeeds him as President of Yara when his time is up and works hard to teach and train Diego to follow in his footsteps.

2 Rule Under Antón Castillo Is Harsh

Far Cry 6 10 Things You Need To Know About The Island Of Yara

Under the rule of another Castillo, Yara would regain some of its prosperity through the exportation of Viviro. However, Yara was once again faced with harsh and oppressive conditions. Military encampments would litter each of the five regions of Yara giving its citizens little room for any freedom.

Citizens were faced with extreme levels of propaganda and censorship. Any citizen who tried to speak out against the Castillo regime was either killed or forced into slave labor in the tobacco fields. This would eventually lead to the rise of Libertad and, with that, another revolution in Yara.

1 Yara Is Undergoing Another Revolution

In an attempt to escape Yara, as opposed to joining the revolution, Dani Rojas finds him/herself the last surviving member of an escaped ship crew. The rest of the crew were killed by Antón Castillo’s military force. It is then that Dani reluctantly joins up with the Libertad to fight for the freedom of Yara.

The biggest difference between the two revolutions is the advancement in technology. Most notably the Supremo Backpacks, which contains a vast array of different abilities whether to heal or cause as much destruction as possible. To succeed in overthrowing an oppressive regime, players will need all the help they can get. Through allies, companions, and Supremo Backpacks, players will grow their revolutionary forces as well as become a force themselves.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/far-cry-6-yara-island-details-trivia/

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