Forget Quicksilver Eternals Makkari May Finally Give Marvel Its Flash

Forget Quicksilver, Eternals’ Makkari May Finally Give Marvel Its Flash

Speedsters, while a dime a dozen in DC Comics, are lacking in the Marvel universe, but Makkari of the Eternals may be ready to change that.

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Forget Quicksilver Eternals Makkari May Finally Give Marvel Its Flash

Spoilers ahead for Eternals: Celestia #1!

While Quicksilver may enjoy being Marvel’s premiere speedster, he may soon be looking over his shoulders at Makkari of the Eternals, who may become Marvel’s equivalent of the Flash. In Eternals: Celestia #1, readers learn more about the newest incarnation of Makkari, who possesses speed powers far beyond Quicksilver. In fact, Makkari’s powers put them in a league with the Scarlet Speedster himself. The issue is on sale now in print and digital.

While speedsters seem to be a dime a dozen in the DC Universe, they are decidedly less so at Marvel. While Quicksilver is likely the first one that springs to fans’ minds, others may point to the Whizzer, of the Squadron Supreme. But Makkari is another valid option. As one of the Eternals, Makkari gained their powers thanks to the Celestials, who created the Eternals by experimenting on humanity’s ancestors. The Eternals live in a strictly regimented, orderly society and can be reborn upon death. Makkari, the Eternal’s resident speedster, was recently reborn and has lost their ability to verbally and telepathically communicate, using sign language instead; Makkari is also deaf. As readers learn more about Makkari’s new form, it is clear Makkari is going to be Marvel’s version of the Flash. The issue is written by Kieron Gillen, with art by Kei Zama, inks by Zama and John Livesay, colors by Mathew Wilson, and letters by Clayton Cowles.

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Makkari’s powers are on full display in this issue. They show the extent of their super speed, warping Ajax out of a potential conflict with Ghost Rider and crisscrossing the globe in seconds. Makkari also demonstrates the Flash’s ability to read and comprehend texts in a matter of nanoseconds. Finally, Makkari is able to generate tachyons while she runs—making her perhaps Marvel’s top speedster.

While Makkari’s speed power alone is equivalent to Quicksilver’s, it is the other abilities they display that set them apart from the rest of Marvel’s speedsters. Neither Quicksilver nor the Whizzer have shown the ability to engage with books as quickly as Makkari. They cannot create tachyons as they run either, severely limiting how fast they can go. Makkari’s ability to manipulate tachyons is what will truly distinguish them from the rest. These hypothetical particles, which travel faster than light, can allow Makkari to travel through time—something Quicksilver has never shown the ability to do. Makkari’s physics-defying abilities come straight from the Celestials, whose technology allowed them to create Marvel’s ultimate speedster. Makkari represents a new era for the Eternals as well. Much like Ajax, they have communed with the Celestials, but unlike Ajax, whose faith has hardened them into a fundamentalist, Makkari’s faith was shaken, and they now seek to chart a new course for the Eternals.

The Flash and the other speedsters are staples of the DC Universe, but this is a concept that has never seemed to catch on at Marvel, but now Makkari of the Eternals is set to change that, supplanting Quicksilver as the universe’s top speed demon.

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