Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Friends: The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff


Central Perk is the prime hangout spot for the gang on Friends. These are some of the unforgettable things said at the cafe by Gunther and his team.

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Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Gunther and his efficient team of baristas were the lifeblood of Central Perk in Friends. They dealt with people from all walks of life, the most memorable being the beloved gang of six who spent their time occupying the orange couch and hanging out.

Central Perk was a place full of fun and laughter. It made for the perfect setting for lively discussions held between the friends and for meeting new people. And so, fans will love to look back at some of the best quotes and one-liners that made the coffee shop such an unforgettable place.

When A Waitress Empathized With Rachel In A Wet Wedding Dress

“Can I Get You Some Coffee?”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Rachel Green’s dramatic entrance in the pilot episode is remembered to this day. She waltzed into Central Perk looking for her old friend, Monica. Central Perk’s staff immediately knew how to comfort their soaking wet customer, and the drama ended up being just one of the sticky situations Rachel got herself in throughout the course of Friends.

The waitress at the counter looked at Rachel with empathy and asked her if she’d like a cup of coffee. Monica ordered her friend a decaf and as the ladies took the couch, the waitress arrived in no time with a piping cup of joe.

When Gunther Broke A Bunch Of Dishes In The Storage Room

“I Dropped A Cup.”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Gunther’s lovelorn obsession for Rachel was the defining aspect of his character. His adoration for her was seen in the form of overly generous and comical gestures, such as buying her a $1,500 cat and offering her his apartment.

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In “The One With the Tiny T-Shirt,” Gunther smashed a pile of Central Perk’s dishes, and once the cacophony stopped, he emerged from the scene acting as if nothing had happened. It so happens, Rachel’s ex-coworker, Mark, asked her out seconds before Gunther planned to do the same. Those at the scene looked at him for an answer, and he replied that he dropped a cup, but everyone knew it was more than that.

When Terry Refused To Give Rachel A $100 Advance

“Rachel, Rachel Sweetheart. You Are A Terrible, Terrible Waitress.”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Being the owner of the bustling coffee shop meant Terry sometimes had to make decisions his workers were unhappy with. In “The One Where Underdog Gets Away,” the gang’s Thanksgiving plans were marred with numerous misfortunes.

Rachel, who worked at the coffee shop, planned to go to Vail, but her salary advance request was declined by Terry. Not only did she get an earful, but she also proved her boss right when customers around her either demanded refills or were waiting to be served. Although the gang chipped in later and bought Rachel a ticket to Vail, she’d much rather have paid for it herself.

When Gunther Almost Upheld The No-Smoking Rule

“Oh, No, No, There’s None Of That In Here.”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Gunther delivered this line when Chandler waltzed into Central Perk puffing cigarette smoke everywhere. Season 3’s “The One With the Hypnosis Tape” showed Chandler battling his smoking addiction, which meant every one of his friends, including the Central Perk staff, had a tough time being around him.

When Chandler insisted Gunther let him finish the one he’d already lit, the latter asked for a drag as a compromise. But Chandler was put off by Gunther’s words, “Oh, dark mother. Once again I suckle at your smoky teat,” and let him keep the cigarette. The scene revealed that Gunther had a dark, mischievous side to him, which he didn’t always reveal during work hours.

When Rachel’s Negligence Startled Terry

“You Don’t Clean The Cappuccino Machine?”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Terry said these words out loud when Rachel tried to save Phoebe’s gig in “The One With the Baby on the Bus.” He hired a professional singer to play on Sunday afternoons and wanted Phoebe to stop playing.

Rachel offered to clean the cappuccino machine as a favor for letting her friend play. But Terry was taken aback because waitressing at Central Perk already entailed that she clean the cappuccino machine.

When Terry Vividly Described Phoebe’s Music

“…She Makes Me Want To Put My Finger Through My Eye, Into My Brain, And Swirl It Around!”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Terry’s vivid description of Phoebe’s music in the same episode made Rachel a teensy bit uncomfortable and she responded with, “Okay so you’re not a fan …”

Phoebe’s questionable music has led to some hilarious reactions from the gang of six, but Terry’s scathing remarks beat them all, hands down. His brief appearance on Friends gave the impression he spoke his mind and was a big advocate of honesty. But in this case, he left the dirty work of sacking Phoebe from her unpaid gig to Rachel.

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When Gunther Demanded Joey Follow Workplace Etiquette

“Don’t Wink At Me And Put On Your Apron.”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

When it comes to ranking the main characters’ work ethic in Friends, people like Joey lag far behind the rest. He was a struggling actor with needs to meet in the expensive city of New York. So, sometimes he’d take up temp jobs to pay the bills. In “The One With the Joke,” Gunther suggested he work at Central Perk because the work hours were flexible and the money was good.

Initially, Joey had a tough time getting used to serving his friends. But it all came together when Gunther reprimanded him and told him to be on his best behavior, and his friends, especially Rachel, talked him through it.

When Rachel Got That Complicated Order Right

“So This Is A Half-Caf, Double Tall, Easy Hazelnut, Non-Fat, No Foam With Whip, Extra Hot Latte.”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Though Rachel’s worked as a waitress at Central Perk for quite a while, she rarely got orders right and had set her heart on a career in fashion. One time, she accidentally dropped a piece of pie into a customer’s coat hood, and another time, she served Monica a hot cider with her pencil in it.

However, in this particular instance, in “The One With Frank Jr.,” not only did she get the complicated drink right, but she was able to confirm every little detail of the long order before letting the customer take a sip.

When Gunther Addressed Robert

“Hey Buddy, This Is A Family Place. Put The Mouse Back In The House.”

Friends The 10 Best Quotes Of The Central Perk Staff

Gunther was the person who kept Central Perk running. He took care of every little detail and from this season 3 quote, it sounds like he was committed to maintaining a family-friendly vibe in the coffee shop. It so happens that Phoebe dated a Californian jockey named Robert, who revealed a little more than he meant to.

When everyone (including Phoebe) had it with Robert’s constant flashing, Gunther stepped up to the plate and asked him to cover up. The incident took place in “The One Where Monica and Richard Are Friends,” and this line should definitely be up there with Gunther’s funniest quotes.

When Joey Asked His Friends To Vacate The Orange Couch

“How About Clearing Out Of Here So I Can Get Some New Customers?”

With words like this, Joey hits the nail right on the head. In “The One With the Joke,” he spoke on behalf of everyone who ever worked at the coffee house when he asked the gang to clear out.

One of the things fans never understood about Central Perk was how the gang always managed to find the orange couch unoccupied. Although, some eagle-eyed viewers have spotted a reserved sign on the coffee table from time to time, overall, it is only fair that loitering customers be asked to leave so those waiting can be promptly seated.

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