Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

Friends: The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler


While Monica and Chandler were a favorite couple on Friends, sometimes Monica made the wrong decision and hurt Chandler.

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Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

As far as most sitcoms go, Friends is the most iconic. As 2 of the 6 main characters, Monica and Chandler are seemingly the perfect match. They share a loving, healthy relationship built on honesty, laughter, and trust. Whenever Monica and Chandler come across a problem in their relationship, they are usually able to talk it out, being respectful of each other’s needs and wants.

However, no couple is perfect. There are a few times when Monica can come off too strong-willed and overbearing. While these moments are few and far between, they still tend to happen. In those times, Chandler usually has to face his own insecurities while working through the issues presented alone.

10 Monica Called A Co-Worker The Funniest Person She’d Ever Met

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

Although Monica didn’t intend any harm, she wounded Chandler’s pride when she referred to her co-worker as one of the funniest people she had ever met. Though innocent in intent, Monica forgot about her husband’s insecurities. The comment left Chandler, who had always felt inadequate in his relationships, trying to prove that he was the better man. In the end, it actually came down to Joey to remind Monica of how frail Chandler’s pride is. Joey told Monica to put things right for Chandler’s sake.

9 Monica Initially Rejected Chandler Multiple Times

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

Throughout the first few seasons of Friends, Chandler often joked that he was a good match for Monica and that together they would make the ideal couple. When Carol was giving birth to Ross’ child, Monica felt insecure. Monica worried that she’d never have a family of her own, until Chandler swooped in, trying to save the day with an offer that he could be there for her. In The One With The Birth, Monica was annoyed at the implication that she needed a backup, so she spurned the offer.

In The One At The Beach, Chandler tried to prove that he’s the ideal candidate to win her affections. Like before, Monica rejected him. Chandler was just being his usual, goofy self, but it’s possible that he was using humor to cover up his actual feelings. Monica’s constant rejections definitely wounded his ego.

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8 Monica Lied To Chandler About Meeting Richard For Lunch

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

In The One In Vegas, fans find out Monica bumped into Richard and joined him for lunch. While the act in itself was not malicious in intent, Monica didn’t trust how Chandler would react. She decided not to tell him, in order to spare his feelings. Ever since Chandler and Monica started dating, it’s clear to see that Chandler thought that Monica was settling for him, as he claims that Richard was the love of Monica’s life. Although this isn’t true, Monica doesn’t help herself by lying about meeting Richard, thus increasing Chandler’s insecurities.

7 Monica Doesn’t Value Chandler’s Opinions

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

When Monica and Chandler move in together, they decide what to do with Rachel’s old room. Chandler is eager to come up with suggestions that will please them both. Monica is quick to shoot down Chandler’s ideas in favor of her own. Despite having control over most of the apartment, she isn’t very forthcoming with what she will allow Chandler to have in ‘her’ space.

Later in Friends, Chandler wants to help Monica plan their wedding. She appears eager to accept his help. Whenever his opinions differ from hers, she acts like she hasn’t heard him until Chandler agrees. When Chandler wants to save his money for their life together, Monica pushes hard to get a big wedding. Fortunately, she gives up her stance and agrees that she would rather have a marriage over a wedding. Monica makes it clear that she holds little value over Chandler’s opinions.

6 Monica Pressured Chandler Into Harassing The Maid

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

Whenever Monica is curious about something, she doesn’t stop until she has the answers, even if that means making Chandler uncomfortable in her search for them. In one of her more paranoid moments, Monica is certain that the maid Chandler hired is stealing her clothes. Monica begins her investigation against the maid, quickly dragging an uncomfortable Chandler into it. No matter how much Chandler protests, Monica ignores him, putting her own wants over his needs.

5 Monica Tricked Chandler Into Sleeping With Her

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

When Monica and Chandler are trying to get pregnant, Monica is willing to do anything to conceive. She even tricks Chandler into sleeping with her. After an argument about Chandler smoking, Chandler refuses to sleep with Monica. He doesn’t wish to do anything while they’re going through a rough patch, but this isn’t good enough for Monica.

She then lies to Chandler, telling him that everything is okay and that she’s sorry. It’s only after Monica has gotten what she wanted that she reverts to her previous argumentative self. Chandler felt cheap and used. This storyline is played off as comedic, but if the tables were turned, it would have appeared sleazy and gross.

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4 Monica Accidentally Chopped Off Chandler’s Toe

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

Chandler has known the Gellers for a long time, having gone to college with Ross. Because of this, there’s a lot of shared history between him and Monica, including the grim story of how he lost his toe. In The One With All The Thanksgivings, Monica is forced to relive her worst Thanksgiving ever.

Wishing to get back at Chandler for calling her fat, Monica had attempted to seduce him so she’d be able to humiliate him in front of her family. While her plan for revenge was already unpleasant in itself, it went awry and Monica accidentally cost Chandler his toe. Years later, he’s still mad about it.

3 Monica Chose Her Career Over Chandler In Tulsa

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

In The One Where Emma Cries, Chandler accidentally accepts a job transfer to Tulsa. Although Chandler assures Monica she can stay in New York, she is adamant that she should go with him. She claims that their marriage is more important. However, she receives a job offer as Head Chef of a prestigious restaurant in New York, which she accepts without hesitation.

She back-peddles on her earlier speech that Chandler is more important than a job. Although Chandler is clearly upset that she would choose her career over him, he doesn’t argue against her decision. He always thinks of Monica’s happiness, even in a time when she didn’t consider his.

2 Monica Ran Straight To Richard When She Was Having Trouble With Chandler

Friends The 10 Worst Things Monica Did To Chandler

Chandler is convinced that Richard Burke was the love of Monica’s life. While the audience knows this isn’t true, Monica doesn’t help the situation. She seemingly runs to Richard without a second thought when things between her and Chandler get difficult, thus reinforcing Chandler’s belief that he isn’t the one for her.

Chandler initially ruins his own proposal, so he throws her off the scent by convincing Monica that he doesn’t want to get married. Her friends were right there, waiting to steer her in the right direction. If she didn’t want her friends advice, she could have turned to her family for support, but she turned to Richard instead. This was the most effective way to hurt Chandler’s feelings.

1 She Coerced Chandler Into Lying To The Adoption Agency

Because of a mix-up at the adoption agency, The One With The Birth Mother sees Erika believe that Chandler and Monica are a Doctor and a Minister. Desperate for a child of her own, Monica coerced Chandler into continuing the deception. This is the worst time Monica had asked Chandler to do something that made him uncomfortable, because she is forcing him to break the law. Once again, Monica put herself first and Chandler last.

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