FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

Future-Cast: If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today


The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest sci-fi sequel of all time, but if it were made today, it would need an incredible set of actors to work.

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FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

The Empire Strikes Back did the impossible – it followed the world-shaking success and commercial hysteria that occurred in the wake of the original Star Wars, and somehow made it better. It currently stands as one of the greatest sci-fi movie sequels ever made, but it might have looked a lot different had it been developed today, as opposed to many decades ago.

The right actors would need to fill these roles in order for the film to succeed, and that means they’d need to have the appropriate on-screen chemistry. It’s hard to top Empire’s impeccable cast of characters that have already been solidified in pop culture history, but it’s fun to consider some modern-day alternatives.

10 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Iain Glen)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

The upcoming Obi-Wan series will hopefully answer a lot of unanswered questions about the character, and that’s a testament to how iconic his presence was in the original trilogy. Game of Thrones alum Iain Glen would have made an excellent Obi-Wan Kenobi, even if his particular performance would have been quite different. It’s almost impossible for anyone other than Ewan MacGregor to capture Alec Guinness’s signature mannerisms, vocal style, and delivery, so that’s not surprising.

Glen has an authenticity about him that allows him to pull off characters facing dangerous dilemmas. In his case, it would have been the Jedi on the brink of extinction with only one hope remaining. Doubtless, the actor has what it takes to project that sense of urgency, while still being believable as a mentor figure.

9 Captain Firmus Piett (Kenneth Branagh)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

Kenneth Branagh has played just about every role there is, and then some. The role of Captain Piett would need to go to someone who can effectively pull off an understated, yet serious commander role. The character knows when to speak up, and when to duck when Darth Vader’s wrath is turned loose.

Branagh has always been able to play characters who have their ear to the ground, gauging those around them so as to make the right step. With a shaved face and a good suit, he’d definitely make a great Captain Piett – one of the few Imperial officers to have netted Vader’s respect, while avoiding his judgment.

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8 Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

It would be too easy to put current Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal in the role of a modern-day Boba Fett, which is why the role should go to one person, and one person only – Temuera Morrison. After all, he has practically set the template for the Fett bloodline, in more ways than one.

Given that he was able to capture the subtle nuance of Fett’s character in The Mandalorian, Morrison could definitely handle the role with ease. Depending on whether George Lucas made episodes I, II and III first, it would have also tied in nicely with the sequels, not to mention the slew of content to prepare for the upcoming Book of Boba Fett TV show.

7 Lando Calrissian (Darrin Dewitt Henson)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

Darrin Dewitt Henson has a long and multifaceted career involving choreography, directing, producing, acting, and even book writing. He’s got a natural charm that mimics the original Lando Calrissian actor Billy Dee Williams, but with an entirely different kind of delivery.

Henson’s personality is a great fit for Lando, a character who doesn’t realize he’s a hero until he’s pushed too far. The real uncertainty is whether Henson is really capable of selling himself as a rugged scoundrel into all sorts of shady dealings, given his rather clean-cut nature.

6 C-3PO (David Tennant)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

It’s hard to replace the iconic Anthony Daniels as the voice of C-3PO, and few actors have what it takes. Doctor Who star David Tennant is one of them, but his delivery would be somewhat different compared to the one fans and know and love.

Tennant has shown that he can play high-strung characters like Doctor Who to excellent effect, which fits well with the nature of C-3PO. He’s also thin enough to get into the suit if the role called for it. Tennant would need to throw everything cool out of his delivery, and focus exclusively on the neurotic nature of the droid.

5 Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

Few actors have the height of the late 7’1″ Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew, but a few come close enough to fit the bill. Joonas Suotamo took over the role of Chewbacca following Mayhew’s departure, and he slipped right on in at an imposing 6’11” height.

There’s no reason why Suotamo wouldn’t be a good fit for Chewbacca if it were cast today. He’s already proven he can handle the role quite well, and thanks to all the makeup and prerecorded vocal lines, all he’d need to do is look the part.

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4 Leia Organa (Kate Bosworth)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

This casting decision would come down to the ability to sell a particular age bracket. While Carrie Fisher was around 24 years old when she filmed The Empire Strikes Back, she was able to convincingly portray a more mature woman with a sense of self-confidence that tends to settle in during a person’s thirties.

By contrast, Kate Bosworth is approaching 40 years of age, yet can still embody the character’s youthful determination. She’s also able to portray serious roles with a sense of conviction and seriousness, which would be a hard requirement for a Princess actively engaged in a grueling military conflict with a massive superpower.

3 Han Solo (Matt Lanter)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

Matt Lanter already has multiple Star Wars projects under his belt – including The Mandalorian – as well as a host of other roles that have solidified his cool guy geek status. He also has a similar type of swagger and understated charisma to Harrison Ford, who seems to have no doppelganger.

Lanter voiced Anakin Skywalker in the Clone Wars animated series for many years, but there’s no reason he couldn’t portray Han Solo in an Empire remake. He’d definitely need to work on selling gruffness, impatience, and recklessness to match the character, but there’s no doubt it would come together.

2 Darth Vader (Dennis Haysbert)

FutureCast If The Empire Strikes Back Were Made Today

A baritone voice is absolutely necessary for selling the menace of Darth Vader, but finding the right voice actor with the appropriate cadence, aggression and power is a difficult task. Dennis Haysbert may be up to the task, as he has a similar voice to James Earl Jones.

The question is whether he could deliver the menace of a Sith Lord like Darth Vader, who has faced down powerful opponents and emerged triumphant each time. Vader was an evil character just starting to show the first cracks in his psychological armor when Empire played out. Haysbert wouldn’t have trouble tapping into his humanity, but he’d have to deliver the goods when it came to being a bad guy.

1 Luke Skywalker (Nicholas Hoult)

By now, Nicholas Hoult has undoubtedly proven himself as an action movie vet with a versatile range. He’s portrayed young Beast in the X-Men films, Nux in Mad Max: Fury Road, and Casey Stein in Collide. He also has the energy and optimism to portray Luke Skywalker, just as he’s about to endure his first devastating tribulations.

Hoult has a way of evoking great power in his performances, whether it’s selling drama, intensity or action move bravado. He also has the same unassuming physicality as Mark Hamill did when he first filmed Empire, which would undoubtedly make him an interesting substitute for the would-be Jedi Master.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/future-cast-empire-strikes-back-made-today/

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