Gal Gadot To Star In Cleopatra Directed by Wonder Womans Patty Jenkins

Gal Gadot To Star In Cleopatra Directed by Wonder Woman’s Patty Jenkins

Gal Gadot will star as Cleopatra in a new collaboration with Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins for Paramount Pictures, with Gadot co-producing.

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Gal Gadot To Star In Cleopatra Directed by Wonder Womans Patty Jenkins

Gal Gadot will star in a new biographical drama about Cleopatra directed by her Wonder Woman collaborator Patty Jenkins. Gadot is best known for her role as Wonder Woman. She has starred in three films in the DCEU as the Amazonian warrior, with a fourth one, Wonder Woman: 1984 still scheduled to release this December. Jenkins also directed the two stand alone Wonder Woman films.

The epic story has been told on screen before, with a 1963 film directed by Hollywood legend Joseph L. Mankiewicz. The film, simply titled Cleopatra, starred Elizabeth Taylor in the titular role. The film won four Academy Awards at the 1964 Oscars after being nominated for a total of nine. The 1963 version was also a major box office success, the highest grossing film of that year in the U.S. At the time, Cleopatra was the most expensive film to date, nearly bankrupting 20th Century Fox.

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According to Deadline, the deal is a major coup for Paramount Pictures. Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins will team up again after recently completing Wonder Woman: 1984. Gadot herself came up with the idea, pitching the film on numerous Zoom meetings. The script is written by Laeta Kalogridis. The auction came down to five studios, including Netflix, Apple, Universal, and Warner Bros. Warner Bros. is currently the home of Gadot’s Wonder Woman. Gadot will be co-producing the film with the production company her and her husband, Jaron Varsano, started, called Pilot Wave Motion Pictures.

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Studios have been trying to get another film about the iconic Egyptian queen off the ground for years. The last major film to be released centering Cleopatra was the Elizabeth Taylor film. A veritable list of Hollywood’s greatest have been set to tackle an adaptation since the early-2000’s. Everyone from James Cameron to David Fincher and Denis Villeneuve have had their names in the ring to direct a Cleopatra movie for Sony Pictures, but those projects failed to take off. At one point, Angelina Jolie was set to take on the role, a fitting choice, but that project also failed to take off.

With Gadot and Jenkins taking on the adaptation, though, it seems a proper portrayal of the queen is in order. Elizabeth Taylor’s take on the character was admittedly sexual in nature, a portrayal that undermines the bigger picture of Cleopatra’s story. With Gadot’s Wonder Woman already becoming an icon for female empowerment, it makes sense that her version of Cleopatra will veer in a different direction. While it may be a while before fans of Gadot get to see her as Cleopatra, her next Wonder Woman film is still slated to hit theaters this Christmas (if all goes according to plan).

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