Galactus Hired a VenomPowered Deadpool to Kill a Cosmic Being

Galactus Hired a Venom-Powered Deadpool to Kill a Cosmic Being

After the Beyond pulls an unsavory prank on Galactus involving M.O.D.O.K. Galactus hires a Venom-powered Deadpool to kill the cosmic being for revenge

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Galactus Hired a VenomPowered Deadpool to Kill a Cosmic Being

The superior killing ability possessed by Deadpool is so impressive that he was once hired by Galactus to kill a cosmic being, and Deadpool picked up the Venom symbiote along the way. Deadpool quite literally burst into Marvel Comics in New Mutants #98 when he blew a hole in the X-Mansion while trying to murder the future X-Force leader Cable. Since his debut, Deadpool has become a bit more loveable from the villainous mercenary he once was, becoming more of an antihero rather than a straight up villain. While his mood certainly softened, Deadpool’s killing ability remained as proficient as ever, with word of his skills getting back to even Galactus who hired Deadpool to kill another cosmic entity.

In one of the wackier What If…? comic stories titled What If Venom Possessed Deadpool? by Rick Remender and Shawn Moll, Deadpool is summoned to Galactus’ ship as the Devourer of Worlds has a task for him. After the cosmic being known as the Beyonder pulled a prank on Galactus that included permanently fusing M.O.D.O.K. to Galactus’ butt, Galactus decides that he cannot allow the Beyonder to live. At the moment, the Beyonder was on Earth in a mortal form, vulnerable to attack, so Galactus hired Deadpool to kill him. While on the job, Deadpool’s story really begins once he bonds with Venom.

While riding in a limo with his target, Deadpool and the Beyonder are attacked by Spider-Man who was wearing the Venom symbiote. Spider-Man tracked down the Beyonder to help him get the suit off after the events of Secret Wars in which the Beyonder led Spidey right to the symbiote. Spider-Man gets what he wished for as the suit jumps off of him and right onto Deadpool creating the infamous Venompool. Soon after the Beyonder discovers that Galactus hired Deadpool to kill him, and so he goes after the Devourer of Worlds himself, no longer in a pranking mood but one of homicidal intent.

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While Galactus and the Beyonder battle it out in space, Deadpool finds a way to access powers beyond his understanding in the vein of the Ultimate Nullifier and brings the fight to a permanent close. Once the initial storyline of Galactus hiring Deadpool to kill the Beyonder comes to an end, the comic goes completely off the rails including Deadpool making a movie about himself as Venompool then killing everyone in the Marvel Universe except people he deemed attractive then deleting the entire universe, bringing the book to an abrupt ending.

As far as What If…? comic book storylines go, this one was easily one of the craziest from start to finish. Even before the painfully meta nature of new-age Deadpool completely takes over the comic, the idea of Galactus hiring anyone let alone Deadpool to kill the Beyonder because of a prank involving MODOK being attached to his butt is pretty off-the-wall. But, it happened, and after Galactus hired Deadpool to kill the Beyonder, the Mer with a Mouth got an incredible upgrade courtesy of Venom.

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