Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Game Of Thrones: 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow


Jon Snow has a heroic journey throughout Game Of Thrones. Here are some lessons fans can learn from all of his adventures in Westeros.

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Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Jon Snow has a heroic journey throughout Game Of Thrones. The bastard son of Ned Stark joins the Night’s Watch in season one and eventually works his way to the position of Lord Commander. After leading his army to victory in the Battle of the Bastards, Jon becomes King in the North before allying with Daenerys Targaryen and discovering the truth about his parentage.

The secret Targaryen son endures multiple hardships and struggles in his quest to unite the realm against the Night King. Many of these mistakes became definitive moments that taught Jon–and viewers–integral life lessons. Here are ten lessons we can learn from Jon’s story.

10 Defy Other People’s Negative Perceptions

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Jon enjoys a semi-privileged lifestyle growing up in Winterfell, yet is shunned due to his supposed status as a bastard. Catelyn Stark makes no secret of her resentment towards Jon during his youth. Like the majority of Westerosi people, Catelyn sees Jon as inferior because of his illegitimate parentage.

Despite this, Jon rises to the position of Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, before he is crowned King in the North. Jon’s success defies the expectations of other people in an admirable life lesson for fans.

9 Take Vows Seriously

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Jon joins the Night’s Watch early in season one. The secret Targaryen initially struggles to let go of Winterfell and his Stark family, though eventually dedicates himself to life at the Wall, swearing his vows in front of a weirwood tree.

Jon honors his Night’s Watch oath until his death in the season five finale. The Lord Commander rejects Stannis’ offer to make him Lord of Winterfell and only leaves the Wall after he is resurrected by Melisandre.

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8 Don’t Mix Personal And Professional Lives

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

One of Jon’s biggest errors in season seven is his relationship with Daenerys. The two are unknowingly related, as Jon is revealed to be Rhaegar’s trueborn son. Moreover, Jon and Dany’s romance blurs business and pleasure as the two monarchs struggle to separate their professional and personal lives.

Jon’s decision to relinquish his crown and swear fealty to Daenerys proves to be an unpopular act with the Northerners. The people of Winterfell reject the Targaryen forces, making their desire for independence clear.

7 Help Those In Need

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Jon makes some bold choices during his tenure as Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. The Targaryen heir breaks from tradition by allowing the wildlings to cross the Wall and offering refuge from the White Walkers.

Jon’s decision is controversial amongst the Night’s Watch and leads to his death during a mutiny. Nevertheless, his actions save the lives of countless Free Folk who soon swear loyalty to him as their leader.

6 Don’t Trust Everyone

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Jon shares many similarities with Ned Stark, including a strong but naive sense of honor. This naivete has fatal consequences in season five. Jon underestimates Alliser Thorne and the other disgruntled Night’s Watch members, who murder him during a mutiny.

Jon remains oblivious to the extent of the Night’s Watch’s hatred towards the wildlings until it is too late. Thankfully, the Lord Commander is revived by Melisandre, learning valuable life lessons about trust in the process.

5 Learn To Lie When Necessary

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Unfortunately, Jon’s naivete follows him from the grave. The King in the North adheres to Ned Stark’s example to his detriment in season seven. During the dragonpit meeting, Jon jeopardizes everything by refusing to lie to Cersei Lannister about bending the knee to Daenerys.

Luckily, Jon’s refusal to play the game of thrones doesn’t do any lasting damage. Tyrion meets with Cersei to convince her to agree to the truce. Unsurprisingly, the Lannister queen soon betrays her new allies.

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4 Stand Up To Bullies

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

Jon strikes up a lifelong friendship with Samwell Tarly in the first season of Game Of Thrones. The former heir to Horn Hill is mocked by the Night’s Watch members when he arrives at the Wall. Jon stands up to the bullies and makes it clear that their cruelty won’t be tolerated.

Jon’s compassion is a fundamental quality that makes him a worthy leader. The Targaryen heir protects people from a range of menacing threats, from Rast and the mutineers to the Night King himself.

3 Appreciate Your Pets

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

The former King in the North earned the ire of fans during season eight when he departed from Winterfell without his loyal canine Ghost. Jon leaves the direwolf with Tormund and the wildlings, instructing his friend to return Ghost to the “true North.”

Jon is separated from Ghost throughout the majority of the later seasons. The two are happily reunited in the series finale when Jon is banished to the Wall for Daenerys’ murder.

2 Be Careful Who You Fall In Love With

Game Of Thrones 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Jon Snow

The former Lord Commander makes multiple mistakes when it comes to matters of the heart. Jon falls in love with the wildling Ygritte in season three. Their star-crossed romance ends in tragedy when Ygritte is killed by Olly during the Battle of Castle Black in season four’s “The Watchers On The Wall.”

Ygritte isn’t the only lover to die in Jon’s arms. In the series finale “The Iron Throne,” Jon kills Daenerys during a loving embrace after the Targaryen queen massacres the inhabitants of King’s Landing.

1 Keep Some Secrets To Yourself

Jon’s trusting nature continues to backfire in the final season. Underestimating Sansa’s shrewd nature, Jon defies Daenerys’ wishes by telling the Stark sisters the truth about his heritage as Rhaegar’s son and heir.

Despite being sworn to secrecy, Sansa immediately reveals this information to Tyrion Lannister. The truth about Jon’s parentage sows dissent in Dany’s council and ultimately leads to her downfall. Jon’s honor is admirable, though his naivete offers important life lessons that viewers can learn from.

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