Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3


Game Of Thrones holds some of the most iconic moments in tv history, but which moments truly made season 3 standout?

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Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

The first two seasons of Game of Thrones has already made it one of the most popular shows on television. However, Season 3 is what everything changed and the show cemented its place in pop culture history forever.

Season 3 saw the series expand further in its storytelling. The fantasy elements were becoming grander, the political intrigue was becoming even more engrossing, and there were still plenty of surprises left to deliver to the unexpecting fans. Many fans still consider it to be the best season of the show. Here are the most iconic moments from the third season of Game of Thrones.

10 Climbing The Wall

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

The third season of the show finds Jon Snow becoming a more complex hero. While infiltrating the Wildlings and pretending to join them, Jon falls in love with the Wildling woman Ygritte. This makes things complicated when the Wildlings decide to invade Westeros.

In order to do that, Jon, Ygritte, and the others have to climb the Wall, the massive frozen structure dividing the lands of Westeros from the lands Beyond the Wall. It is a thrilling survival sequence that helps bond Jon with the Wildlings.

9 The Hound Versus Beric Dondarrion

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

After abandoning the Battle of the Blackwater in Season 2, The Hound reappears as a captive of the Brotherhood Without Banners. This band of outlaws seeks to bring peace to the smallfolk of Westeros and put The Hound on trial for his alleged crimes.

The Hound is forced to fight the Brotherhood’s leader, Beric Dondarrion who wields a slamming sword. The fight is a fantastic one, but the outcome is quite unexpected. After nearly slicing Dondarrion in half, the outlaw is miraculously brought back to life showing the extent of the Lord of Light’s powers.

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8 Night’s Watch Mutiny

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

Season 2 ended with the Night’s Watch being attacked by the White Walkers while traveling Beyond the Wall. The remaining members make their way back to Craster’s Keep, led by Lord Commander Jeor Mormont.

However, while taking shelter at the keep, many of the members grow tired of having no food and facing death at every moment. Tensions run high until some rebellious members kill Craster and Mormont in a brutal mutiny. Even a seemingly heroic army like the Night’s Watch are plagued by bad men.

7 Tyrion And Sansa’s Wedding

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

With the arrival of Margaery Tyrell in King’s Landing, Sansa Stark is thankfully cast aside as Joffrey’s intended bride. However, Tywin Lannister has other ideas for her. Tyrion is forced to marry Sansa much to both of their dismay.

The wedding is a disaster as Tyrion is humiliated by Joffrey then proceeds to get hilariously drunk. The night ends with Tyrion threatening to castrate Joffrey in front of everyone. Of course, in the end, it is not even the worst wedding this season has to offer.

6 Theon’s Loss

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

Season 3 proves to be an especially rough season for Theon Greyjoy. After taking Winterfell in Season 2, he became one of the show’s most hated characters, but this season somehow made audiences feel sorry for him.

Theon finds himself held captive by the sadistic Ramsay Snow who delights in torturing him physically and mentally. Ramsay finally shows just how cruel he is by castrating Theon and sending the dismembered part to his family on the Iron Islands.

5 Jaime Loses His Hand

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

Jaime Lannister is another character who was once easy to hate but went through a significant transformation in Season 3. Also like Theon, Jaime’s redemption began with him losing a part of his body.

While traveling with Brienne of Tarth to King’s Landing, they are captured by Bolton men. Jaime tries to use his family name to persuade the captors to let him go but they don’t appreciate his arrogance. As punishment, they cut off his hand depriving of his skills as a warrior.

4 The Ladder Speech

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

One of the most underrated relationships in the show was between Littlefinger and Varys. These two men were among the most cunning in Westeros and shared a mutual respect for each other even while trying to ruin each other.

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Season 3 features their best scene while Varys comments that the chaos in Westeros is a pit waiting to swallow everything. Littlefinger corrects him, “Chaos is a ladder.” His speech explaining this is a brilliant one that sums up so much of the show and its characters in an effective way.

3 Jaime Reveals The Truth

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

After losing his hand, Jaime finds himself humbled and begins to show signs of a more complex man who may not be all bad. He also begins to see Brienne as more of an equal which leads to him revealing a secret about his past.

While most people view Jaime’s murder of King Aerys as a cowardly act to save his own skin, Jaime explains that he killed his king because he was planning on burning King’s Landing and its people to the ground. From that point on, Jaime Lannister becomes one of the most interesting characters in the show.

2 Daenerys Gets The Unsullied

Game Of Thrones 10 Most Iconic Moments From Season 3

As her dragons continued to grow, Daenerys began making plans to build her army and prepare for her invasion of Westeros. It started with acquiring the Unsullied army, one of the most disciplined armies in the world made up of slave children who are taken from their mothers.

In order to pay for the army, Daenerys agrees to give the slave master one of her dragons. However, once she is given control of the army, she orders the Unsullied to kill all the masters and her dragons burn the rest. It is one of Daenerys’ most badass moments.

1 The Red Wedding

Following the death of Ned Stark, many fans put their hopes for revenge on Robb Stark’s shoulders. The new King of the North had proven himself to be an expert military commander, though he did make many mistakes off the battlefield.

After breaking his promise to marry the daughter of Walder Frey, Robb attempts to make it right by setting up a marriage between the Frey girl and his uncle. However, Walder isn’t so forgiving and uses the wedding as an ambush to kill Robb, his mother, his pregnant wife, and most of his army. It is the moment Game of Thrones became the most talked-about show on television.

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