Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Game of Thrones: 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best


Margaery Tyrell was one of the best players in the Game of Thrones, and here are 10 reasons why her character is the best.

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Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Game of Thrones is one of those shows that has a bit of a mixed record when it comes to its portrayal of women. While some of its female characters were truly strong women who were second to no man in Westeros (or anywhere else), others were less so. Margaery Tyrell was of the former, and from the time that she appeared in the second season she was one of the best things about the entire show.

Time and again, she showed that she was a political force to be reckoned with, and her death at Cersei’s hands was one of the most tragic that the series ever produced.

10 She Accepted Renly’s Sexuality

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Though he only appeared briefly on the show, Renly made quite a splash because he was one of the series’ few openly queer characters. In fact, his scenes with Loras Tyrell showed quite clearly that he was sensitive and emotional in a way that his brothers never could be.

Fortunately for him, Margaery made it very clear that she was more than willing to accept his sexuality so long as it didn’t stand in her way as she ascended the ladder of political power.

9 She Was Smart Enough To See Stannis For What He Was

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

While most people assumed that the knight Brienne of Tarth was responsible for the brutal murder of her lord Renly, Margaery was smarter than that. With her shrewd mind and political cunning, she knew that it was most likely his brother Stannis that was responsible.

Even at this early stage of her political elevation, she knew who posed the greatest danger to her personal safety, and she would use that knowledge to keep herself alive longer than a lot of other, lesser players.

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8 She Supported Her Brother ‘til The End

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Margaery no doubt loved Renly in her own way, but there’s no question that one of the most important relationships in her life was her brother Loras.

It makes sense, considering that together they were the ones responsible for keeping House Tyrell alive and thriving in the next generation. In fact, she stayed loyal to him right up until the moment when they were both consumed in the blaze that destroyed the Sept of Baelor. One can’t help but admire that sort of familial devotion.

7 She Gave Cersei A Run For Her Money

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

The contest between Cersei and Margaery over who would hold the most influence at court was one of the highlights of each season. The viewer was always left wondering which one of them would manage to gain the final upper hand.

Though Cersei eventually won when she managed to destroy the Sept of Baelor with a cache of wildfire, one has to give a lot of credit to Margaery for being able to outmaneuver Cersei so consistently right up until the very end.

6 Natalie Dormer

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

A great deal of Margaery’s charm as a character comes from the fact that she is played by the fantastic actress Natalie Dormer. Dormer is one of those actresses that manages to bring her all to every part that she plays, whether it’s a queen of England or a queen of Westeros.

She has a unique mix of vulnerability and strength that she brings to every one of her characterizations, and Dormer somehow manages to make Margaery appear both warm and politically calculating.

5 She Seemed To Actually Care About Tommen

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Poor Margaery must be one of the unluckiest brides in Westeros. First Renly is slain by a shadow assassin sent by his brother, and then Joffrey dies of poison at his own wedding.

Her third marriage, to Tommen, was happier, if only because she seemed to actually care about the young king, and it’s hard not to think that one of the great tragedies of the series is that she wasn’t able to help him become the kind and compassionate king that he could have been.

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4 She Put Up With Joffrey’s Nonsense

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Before she married Tommen, Margaery had the unpleasant task of being the betrothed of Joffrey, who was as different from his brother as it was possible to be. Cruel and capricious and just generally awful, it would take someone with the patience of a saint to spend any time with him.

One has to give credit for Margaery for being willing to put up with his nonsense as long as she did, and it was quite a relief to know that he ended up dying so that she didn’t have to be married to him.

3 She Realized Something Was Wrong During The Trial

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

Throughout her time on the show, Margaery showed time and again that she had a shrewd political mind, the sort that could see what others were doing and why. Alone among those who attended the trial at the Great Sept, she saw that something was amiss by the fact that Cersei wasn’t in attendance.

If only the High Sparrow and those others in attendance had listened to her, it’s entirely possible that that terrible slaughter could have been prevented.

2 She Seemed To Genuinely Want The Best For Westeros

Game of Thrones 10 Reasons Margaery Tyrell Is The Best

One of the central problems that the continent of Westeros has is that so many of its rulers seem to only be interested in their own aggrandizement. Both petty lords and the great magnates seem to only be interested in getting what they can, no matter how much it hurts the kingdom as a whole.

Margaery, however, seemed to have the interests of her realm uppermost in her mind, and it’s hard not to wonder whether she might have been a truly great queen had she been given the chance.

1 She Was Popular With The Common People

Similarly, Margaery also has the distinction of being one of the few people in power that seemed to be popular with the common folk. It’s made pretty clear in numerous episodes that there’s no love lost between the peasants and the rulers, and people like Cersei in particular seem to think that they can do what they want to the lower classes with impunity.

Fortunately, Margaery is wise enough to know that she needs the common people if she wants to realize her ambitions.

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