Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

Game Of Thrones: 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasn’t)


Game of Thrones fans wonder if Jon Snow was really the king Westeros needed or not.

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Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

There are many debates over the technicalities of the last season of Game Of Thrones, and one of the top ones is the storyline relation to Jon Snow’s ancestry. The fact that he is referred to a bastard for the majority of the series just to have this line of thought flipped at the last minute was a shock to audience members, but that wasn’t the worst part about it.

The point of contention exists in the writers complicating Jon’s birth and then letting the storyline die there. Because Jon’s birth entitled him to be the rightful heir of Westeros, many fans daydream about the show taking this route, musing on whether or not he should have ended up on the Iron Throne.

10 Was: He’s A Good Listener

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

Jon values the input of those around him. He doesn’t see himself as greater than anybody, and so doesn’t face the ego problems that end up being the downfall of most leaders. He still has his egotistical moments, of course, but these are nothing compared to the narcissistic tantrums of past kinds, and of Daenerys–if one can call what she does “tantrums”…

9 Wasn’t: He Didn’t Want To Be King

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

One can talk until the cows come home about all of the attributes that make Jon the perfect choice to lead Westeros, but the fact remains, as Tyrion once asserted, that Jon doesn’t want to be king and therefore perhaps shouldn’t be. One could say this might not matter, but if he doesn’t want it he could have ended up resenting the role and becoming apathetic in his duties.

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8 Was: He Was The Rightful Heir

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

If one considers the technicalities of the situation, there is no other choice for the throne but Jon. He has led before, and he is already loved by the people of the north. Then one is to find out that he has a right to be king? What a perfect destiny! Such an ending would have been too tidy for the series that is notoriously full of twists, of course.

7 Wasn’t: He Might Have Gone Mad, Too

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

Jon’s right to the throne lies in the fact that he is of Targaryen blood, just like Daenerys–and just like Daenerys and her father before her, if he was granted the power of a king he may have gone mad.

For all the audience knows, Jon could just as easily go mad minding his own business manning the wall of the north. If it is in his blood, it’s possible. In that case, he may have been no better than Daenerys, in the end.

6 Was: He’s Mild Tempered

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

Jon is more level-headed than any other leader who sat on the throne. One could suggest Bran, but Bran doesn’t exactly count as a person anymore, at least not on the same level as everyone else. No, Jon holds the reputation of being the most reliably tempered person when it comes to leading other people and making difficult decisions.

5 Wasn’t: He’s Too Generous

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

Jon has a history of being too generous. He has a big heart, and his intentions are good, but such good intentions blind him to the bigger picture, and end up causing problems in ways he didn’t anticipate. His generosity has served his causes well many a time, but his tendency is to go overboard. If he did this as king, he could lose the support of his people or his allies.

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4 Was: The Public Follows Him

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

As many characters point out, Jon already has the support of the north. People consider him their leader and look to him as a symbol of strength and hope. He also accomplished the support and adoration of the Wildling peoples, support not easily won. Such instances prove Jon’s ability to follow his word and come through for those who rely on him.

3 Wasn’t: He Was Exhausted With Life

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

There is a moment in season seven when Jon is ready to leave Westeros behind and live in a sort of retirement. He has just been brought back to life, and the shock of being murdered by his own men weighs heavily on him.

Jon tells Sansa that he no longer has the strength to fight, and fair enough. He manages to gather himself to defend Westeros against the Night Walkers but asking him to go onto a life of leading the country after that doesn’t fit with who he is anymore.

2 Was: He Knows The Land

Game Of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon Was The King Westeros Needed (& 5 He Wasnt)

Jon has been a fighter most of his life and he is familiar with the geography of Westeros. Daenerys is a foreigner to the land, putting her at a disadvantage as Queen. Daenerys may make use of advisors when considering her strategies of rule, but this isn’t the same as having in-depth knowledge of a place. Jon would not have to rely on the word of those around him.

1 Wasn’t: He’s Naïve

A quality that follows Jon to the end is his Naïvety. He always wants to see the best in people, and more times than not puts his trust in those who he has no reason to. He hardened a bit as the series went along, but he maintained a strong streak of innocence and hope, qualities which, in a gentler world, would do him well, but which are primarily the harbingers of betrayal and misery in Westeros.

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