Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

Game Of Thrones: 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)


Joffrey didn’t do much to win fans over, but there were times when he was tolerable.

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Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

Game of Thrones has its share of villains and dark forces. However, Queen Cersei’s and Jamie Lannister’s offspring, Joffrey, is one of the most disliked characters in the whole series. Not only does he inherit his mother’s lack of empathy and destructive personality, at times his acts are even more immoral that those of Cersei. His ego drives his actions, and his insecurities fuel his corrupt and volatile behaviour. However, like any good villain, there are small fractions of moments when Joffrey exhibits a sense of mercy. Scroll below to discover 5 times Joffrey acted like a monster, and 5 times he showed mercy in the Game of Thrones.

10 Acted Like A Monster: Killing The Butcher’s Boy

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

In the second episode of season 1, Joffrey catches Arya Stark playing with the butcher’s boy. This fuels his anger and he draws his sword towards Mycah, the boy. However, he soon begins trying to take swings against Arya when she tries to defend the boy, followed by Arya’s direwolf finally scaring him off. This episode proves too much for young Joffrey’s ego to endure and he orders the Hound to murder Mycah as well as the dire wolf’s sister, leading to one of the saddest moments in the Game of Thrones.

9 Showed Mercy: Apologising To Sansa

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

In season one after Arya’s dire wolf attacks Joffrey, he has Sansa’s dire wolf executed instead. However, Cersei, with her shrewd mind urges Joffrey to be nice to Sansa and earn her goodwill. Therefore, Joffrey presents Sansa with a necklace along with a speech which is very unlike his character.

While talking to Sansa, not only does he apologise for being disrespectful and cruel to her before, but also admits he has ‘behaved monstrously’ in the past few weeks. This is perhaps the only apology and admission of guilt by Joffrey witnessed in the entire series.

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8 Acted Like A Monster: Ordering The Execution Of Eddard Stark

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

Eddard Stark’s death was perhaps the first big bombshell dropped through the entire series. It hit fans just as hard as it hit Stark’s family in the show, and this demise was brought on by no one other than Joffrey.

However, Joffrey didn’t stop there. He shows his true monstrous side when he forces Sansa to stare at her beloved father’s head hanging from a pike and promises to have more of her family member’s heads next to him.

7 Showed Mercy: Stopped The Execution Of Ser Dontos

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

In season 2, Ser Dontos shows up to King Joffrey’s nameday celebrations drunk, causing much distress to the young king’s mood. Joffrey starts by kindly offering Ser Dontos a few more cups of wine before ordering Ser Meryn and others to incessantly pour wine down Ser Dontos’s throat until he dies.

However, once Sansa warns Joffrey of the bad luck this could bring to his named ceremony, Joffrey instructs the guards to take Ser Dontos to a cell. In one of his few exhibitions of mercy, he also agrees with Sansa not to kill Ser Dantos the next day, but to keep his alive as the court’s fool.

6 Acted Like A Monster: Asking Ser Meryn To Beat Up Sansa

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

In the fourth episode of season four, Joffrey’s ego is especially hurt due to Robb Stark’s victory. In order to ease his ego and send her brother Robb a message, he decides to kill Sansa, however Cersei urges him to keep her alive. Therefore, Joffrey orders Ser Meryn to humiliate and beat up Sansa in front of everyone in the throne room. Luckily Tyrion Lannister shows up at the right time, saving Sansa from the torture and stopping his nephew from making a horrible decision.

5 Showed Mercy: Letting Tyrion Live

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

Tyrion Lannister, Joffrey’s uncle, was perhaps the only character in the Game Of Thrones who constantly stood up to Joffrey, even after he was crowned king. There were many opportunities for Joffrey to order his guards to arrest or murder Tyrion, however, perhaps because of the fear of his family, or perhaps because Tyrion was his own blood, Joffrey lets Tyrion live, only trying to cause him distress and embarrassment, but never any real harm through the course of the series.

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4 Acted Like A Monster: Murdering All Of King Baratheon’s Bastards

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

Cersei’s yearning for power is nothing in comparison to Joffrey’s when he orders the death of all of King Baratheon’s bastards. This hateful act leads to the murder of many innocent men who wouldn’t even dream to try to claim the throne.

However, it gets even worse when Joffrey’s men kill a prostitute’s newborn baby in Petyr Baelish’s brothel. Committing all these murders just to stay on the throne not only makes him look like a heartless coward, but also shows his true monstrous personality.

3 Showed Mercy: Defending Margaery

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

After a recent riot in King’s Landing, Joffrey and his fiancé, Margaery Tyrell pass through Flea Bottom with a convoy of guards. However, Margaery decides to stop and communicate with the locals as well as visit the orphanage.

On their return to the castle, Cersei questions Margaery’s actions and exhibits how they could have been harmful for Joffrey. However, instead of choosing himself for once, Joffrey shows complete empathy for Margaery and defends her actions in front of his mother.

2 Acted Like A Monster: Murdering Ros

Game Of Thrones 5 Times Joffrey Was A Monster (& 5 He Showed Mercy)

Tyrion Lannister gifts two prostitutes, Ros and Dasiy, to his nephew, Joffrey, as his named present. However, realising that this present came from Tyrion, and his dislike for his uncle, makes Joffrey torture the prostitutes to no end. He orders Ros to repeatedly hit and spank Daisy with a sceptor while pointing a crossbow at her the entire time. Eventually when Ros is recaptured in season 3, Joffrey uses her as a live target by tying her to a bed and repeatedly shooting her with his crossbow.

1 Showed Mercy: Greeting the Smallfolk

Much like his biological parents, Cercei and Jamie, Joffrey too shares a strong dislike for the small folk and shows no interest in getting to know them. However, with Margaery urging him to join her, Joffrey orders for the doors to be opened against his mother’s wishes, and steps out to greet a crowd of happy and cheerful small folk along with his betrothed, Margaery Tyrell.

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