Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Game Of Thrones: Brienne Of Tarth’s 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)


Though filled to the brim with honor, Brienne of Tarth still made her fair share of mistakes in Game of Thrones that viewers can learn from.

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Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Brienne of Tarth, or Ser Brienne, was one of the only true knights to be portrayed in Game of Thrones. Her knighting by Jaime Lannister in season eight was one of the highlights of the show’s final season. But, just because Brienne was better than many, if not most, of the other armed characters on the show, does not mean that she was perfect.

In fact, it was Brienne’s honor that often saw her making mistakes (a little bit like Jon Snow does when trying to defend and maintain his own honor). However, overall, Brienne was a great person, and so her mistakes are certainly some that can be learned from.

10 Pledging Herself To Renly

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Brienne pledges herself to Renly because back when they were children Renly was kind to her. There are far worse reasons to pledge loyalty to a person, but Brienne knew very little about who Renly really was or the political situation surrounding the coming war of the five kings. Obviously this pledge didn’t lead to honor and glory, in fact, it led to Brienne’s having to flee Renly’s camp. Before making pledges or promises people should really understanding the surrounding circumstances.

9 Letting Arya Get Away

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Perhaps we can say that it was more Podrick’s mistake that let Arya get away while Brienne was busy fighting the Hound, but it was Brienne’s job to find Arya, and it was Brienne who had Podrick watch her. The important thing was never defeating the hound, the important thing was always keeping her pledge to Catelyn Stark. It’s important to know your strengths, as well as those of who you fight with, and better to focus on the real goals than any sidequests.

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8 Getting Romantic With Jaime

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Of course, it was great television, and Brienne deserved to be happy, but Brienne also knew Jaime better than almost anyone ever had. She should have known better than to get romantically involved with him. His relationship with his sister was always more than complicated, his family was trouble, and he had quite a long history of causing trouble. The heart may want what the heart wants, but no one should ever ignore their experience and let the heat of the moment get the better of them.

7 Putting Jaime In The Book Of Brothers

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Of course, it’s honorable to forgive and forget, but Jaime did not deserve for Brienne to give him an honorable entry and history in the Book of Brothers, containing the deeds of the members of the Kingsguard.

While it’s kind of her, what Brienne really needed to do wasn’t to honor Jaime, but to let him go. When the relationship ends, as painful as that can be, it’s important to move on. Brienne still wasn’t able to do that by the show’s end.

6 Waiting For Sansa To Ask For Help

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Brienne was the adult in the situation, the knight, the one with a promise to keep, she should not have waited for a sign from Sansa (a candle in the window) that she needed help. Brienne should have taken Podrick, ridden into Winterfell, and taken Sansa from Ramsay. Obviously, she didn’t know all the horrors taking place, but she knew Littlefinger had left Sansa there, and she knew Littlefinger was no good. Sometimes you have to be the adult in the situation and take charge.

5 Killing Renly’s Kingsguard

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

In the moment Brienne is forced to kill Renly’s Kingsguard because they come upon her and Catelyn Stark with Renly’s dead body (even though the real killer was Stannis and Melisandre). But, did she really have to murder them? She ends up being suspected of the death anyway just because she runs away. She could have maybe just knocked them out instead of murdering them. (See Jorah in the first fighting pit). Violence may be necessary, but murder doesn’t have to be the only option.

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4 Fleeing Despite Her Innocence

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Even if Brienne had spared the lives of her fellow Kingsguard members she still would have been suspected of murdering Renly because she fled camp with Catelyn Stark. It was, of course, Catelyn Stark’s idea, but how well did Brienne know Catelyn at that point? Sometimes it’s a better decision to listen to your own gut than to take the advice or insistence of people around you.

3 Helping Catelyn Free Jaime

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Brienne is, of course, pledged to serve Catelyn Stark, not King Robb, but helping Catelyn free Jaime was a mistake. It led to quite a bit os strife between Robb and his Bannerman and, in the end, not even to the return of Catelyn’s daughters.

Brienne knew exactly who Jaime was and she knew their was no guarantee Catelyn would get her daughter’s back. Honor may have been upheld, but helping to free Jaime was not really for the greater good. It’s important to consider more than just one person when making group decisions.

2 Stopping To Bury The Tavern Girls

Game Of Thrones Brienne Of Tarths 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Everyone can respect Brienne for wanting to bury the tavern girls, but that doesn’t mean this honorable decision wasn’t a mistake. This moment of “honor” leads to Jaime being recognized and Brienne being forced to murder more men (Stark men to be specific). If Brienne had ignored her moral compass she and Jaime would have gotten away and no one would have had to die. Honor and goodness are important, but it’s more important to remember the kind of world you are living in.

1 Approaching Littlefinger

Littlefinger is a known entity. He visited Renly while Brienne was still pledged to him. The fact that Brienne first approaches Sansa while she is sitting with Littlefinger is a mistake. Had she followed the pair and waited to approach Sansa on her own she may have been able to free Sansa and join her service much sooner. Waiting for the opportune moment is often key to success, and certainly worth waiting for.

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