Game Of Thrones’ Final Season Failure Is A Good Sign For The Books

Game Of Thrones’ Final Season Failure Is A Good Sign For The Books

Game of Thrones’ final season failure was disappointing for fans of the series, but it may bode well for George R.R. Martin’s upcoming books.

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Game Of Thrones’ Final Season Failure Is A Good Sign For The Books

HBO’s Game of Thrones has a disappointing final season, but the show’s failure may be a good sign for George R.R. Martin’s books. Unfortunately, Game of Thrones’ final season didn’t go how HBO had planned. After seven seasons of the show’s viewership and popularity continuing to grow, fans were brimming with anticipation for season 8. However, Game of Thrones’ final season drew harsh backlash online. Fans were upset about various issues, including confusing story decisions and modern-day items appearing in the show’s background. The online negativity completely took over the narrative of the final season, and it even made its way into the cast’s WhatsApp chat group.

Of course, author George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice And Fire books, the first of which hit shelves in 1996, inspired the wildly popular fantasy show. George R.R. Martin’s initial plan was to have all of the books in his seven-novel series published before the HBO show ended. However, that didn’t happen. The author was able to get A Dance with Dragons, the fifth book in his series, published in 2011, but the last two books, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, still don’t have official release schedules.

While Game of Thrones’ failure is disappointing to fans, it might bode well for Martin’s upcoming books. Game of Thrones famously ended with an abbreviated final season, but Martin would have done it differently if he had his way. Author James Andrew Miller’s new book, Tinderbox: HBO’s Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers, adds layers to the story. According to Paul Haas, one of Martin’s representatives, the fantasy author would “beg” HBO for more seasons. Haas explained that Martin thought the show needed ten seasons of ten episodes each to provide “a more satisfying and more entertaining experience.” Since Game of Thrones’ final episodes didn’t satisfy many fans, Martin was clearly onto something.

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Where Game of Thrones failed, Martin’s books will succeed. One of the most popular criticisms of Game of Thrones’ final season was that the ending didn’t make logical sense. From Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) scorching King’s Landing to Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) becoming the king, fans could understand the story, but they disagreed with how the show got there. Because of a shortened final season consisting of only six episodes, events seemed rushed, and the story didn’t play out naturally. If HBO had listened to Martin, the show could’ve given fans a more satisfying conclusion, allowing major events time to breathe. Instead, Game of Thrones’ season 8 failure shows that Martin was right about the story, and his book readers will benefit.

To HBO’s credit, the network gave the show an ending. Martin knows the story inside and out, and his plan for additional seasons would’ve likely given fans a more welcomed end to the show. However, the author hasn’t released a book in his popular series for a decade. Yes, HBO’s conclusion had issues. There were production mistakes, and the story felt rushed. However, Martin is clearly having trouble bringing his story to a satisfying conclusion as well. Though many fans weren’t satisfied with the Game of Thrones ending, at least it had one.

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