Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Game of Thrones: Samwell Tarly’s 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)


Game of Thrones’ Samwell Tarly didn’t have an easy start, but, over time, he began to thrive. Still, he made mistakes that everyone can learn from.

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Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

For Sam, it’s a hard start in his adult life when he’s kicked out of his family by his own father. A father who threatens to murder him if he doesn’t renounce his titles and join a celibate fighting organization in the farthest reaches of the frozen North. And yet, Sam ends up not only thriving (eventually) but surviving and serving a new king.

However, this was not an easy path and Sam would not have made it without a lot of luck and a lot of assistance from those around him. Sam may be one of the wiser characters in Game of Thrones but that doesn’t mean he didn’t make mistakes, and we are the ones who would be wise to learn from them.

10 Stealing Books

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Sam obviously feels guilty about pilfering from the Citadel in Oldtown, he asks Daenerys on their first meeting if she might not smooth over that action when she takes power. Sure, he had a good reason for taking the books with him, and the Arch Maesters didn’t deserve much of the respect they were usually shown, but Sam did have to carry that guilt around with him for quite some time and who wants to do that? Everyone, despite their intentions, should consider their actions before they take them. How one feels in the moment isn’t necessarily how one will feel further down the road.

9 Joining The Nights Watch

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Of course, in the end, everything ended up working out for poor Sam, but joining the Night’s Watch was not a wise move by the supposedly wise Sam. Of course, it’s understandable that, with a death threat hanging over his head, he would leave home as requested, but it’s not as if his father led him to The Wall. Sam would have been smarter to take a different path when leaving home. Maybe he should have headed right for the Citadel instead of The Wall once he was on his own. Everyone should be aware of what they’re getting into and make alternate plans.

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8 Going Off With Gilly

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

It’s no surprise that Sam would be keen on the first girl to show him any attention but, as a sworn brother of the Night’s Watch, he should have taken his comrades into account when things at Craster’s started going south.

What good could Sam have done Commander Mormont during the mutiny? Maybe, not much. But that doesn’t mean that his fleeing into the night was a good choice either. Don’t leave one’s comrades behind.

7 Letting Bran Through The Wall

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Maybe he was distracted by Gilly, maybe he’d spend too much time away from civilization, but the fact that Sam let a boy, a few boys and a girl, young children, through the wall was not a wise move.

In that situation, Sam was the adult and he needed to act like it. Sometimes people need to stand up and take charge. And, when it comes to protecting those smaller, younger, weaker, and less experienced, it becomes especially important.

6 Telling Jon About His Heritage

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Any good friend should be honest; one can give Sam that. But, his timing was selfish and poorly planned. Sam decided that right before a major battle for the fate of the world it was a good time to let Jon Snow know his true heritage and throw the future of the realm into greater chaos. There is a time and a place for everything and Sam was certainly mistaken in choosing his. Everyone can learn to assess a situation a little better than Sam did.

5 Fighting in the Battle of Winterfell

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Sam was very smart when he offered his family valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane, to Jorah to use. He knew he wouldn’t do as much damage with it as Jorah could. But, in understanding his limitations, Sam decided to fight in the battle of the Long Night anyway.

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Why, due to the importance of his knowledge and healing skills, didn’t Sam wait out the battle in the crypts with Tyrion? Instead, he got in the way and needed to be pulled out of harm’s way at least once by Jorah. It’s better to know one’s own strengths and stick to them.

4 Returning to His Family

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

When Sam leaves the North to head to the Citadel and be trained as a Maester, he thinks it’s a good idea to visit his family on the way. With the father who threatened to murder him? Oh, and he also decides he might just leave his Wildling girlfriend in this man’s company as well? It was not a smart choice by a character usually honored for his brains. When it comes to toxic families, it is better to leave them behind.

3 Showing Weakness

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Sam knew he was weak and lacked the fighting skills he needed in the trainer yards of Castle Black, and yet, he not only performed poorly but also sniveled and complained. Don’t highlight one’s own weaknesses for all to see.

Take a different angle, play the class clown, be self-deprecating. It’s one thing to know one’s own strengths, but it takes a particular sort of person to play to them.

2 Ignoring Gilly

Game of Thrones Samwell Tarlys 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Sam may have loved Gilly, but he needed to learn to respect her as well. Of course, Sam gets all the credit for discovering the secret of Jon’s parentage, but it was really Gilly. And, what did Sam do when she wanted to share this news? He complained, and then he ignored her. Everyone should learn to listen more to the people they care about, especially the women.

1 Can’t Stop Jon Going After Robb

Eventually, Sam enlists Pip and Gren to help him go after Jon when he flees Castle Black. However, when Sam tries to stop Jon the first time, Jon ignores him and leaves anyway. Why? Because at that point, Sam is alone. He hasn’t made friends, ingratiated himself, he has no back-up. One person is, very often, not enough. Everyone should learn to have a team around them sooner rather than later.

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