Genshin Impact How to Farm for Ayaka Before 17

Genshin Impact: How to Farm for Ayaka Before 1.7


Ayaka Kamisata is a Cryo sword user rumored to be coming with Inazuma. Here are all the ways players can prepare for her before her official release.

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Genshin Impact How to Farm for Ayaka Before 17

While it is currently unconfirmed, players believe that Genshin Impact’s next update will come with the release of long-awaited character Ayaka Kamisata. While her necessary materials aren’t officially released yet, there are certain artifacts and ascension materials players can farm now to prepare for her debut.

While Ayaka’s official ascension materials haven’t been released, leakers have managed to reveal what her talent and ascension are likely to be (assuming they haven’t changed again before release). With these leaks, players can figure out what they can farm before her banner, and what they need to wait for. Here are all the ways players can prepare for her before her official release.

How to Farm for Ayaka Before the Inazuma Release in Genshin Impact

Ayaka’s main talent and level ascension materials all seem to be unreleased items that will be coming with Inazuma. While this means players can’t farm for all of her necessary items and max out her level on her day of release, there are still things players who will be pulling for Ayaka can do to prepare to build her.

As Ayaka is a Cryo character, she’ll require Shivada Jade to ascend her level (the Cryo gemstone required to ascend all Cryo characters). Farming this item is relatively easy– players can choose to either fight the Cryo Regisvine or Cryo Hypostasis to farm Shivada Jades multiple times per day. With Pyro characters in the team, these fights should be relatively easy, although they do require 40 Resin to reap any rewards.

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Players can also obtain Shivada Jade by fighting the weekly bosses Lupus Boreas, or Childe. These boss fights only take 30 Resin, and have the chance of dropping multiple different kinds of ascension gems, however, they can only be done once a week. Thus, players should make sure they remember to do at least one of them each week.

In terms of talent ascension materials, it seems the weekly boss drop needed for Ayaka will be the Bloodjade Branch. This is a material dropped by the Lv. 70+ Azhdaha boss battle. If players are struggling to get Bloodjade Branches, they can use Dream Solvents to convert other Azhdaha boss drops into the correct one. Ayaka needs 6 Bloodjade Branches to max out each talent, which can take a lot of farming, so players interested in crowning her talents should make sure to complete the Azhdaha boss every week.

For artifacts, players looking to build a DPS Ayaka should start farming the Peak of Vindagnyr Domain, located at the peak of Dragonspine. This Domain houses the Blizzard Strayer artifact set, which provides a Cryo Elemental DMG boost as well as a CRIT bonus when 4-pieces are equipped. This set is perfect for a Cryo DPS like Ayaka, so players should start farming it as soon as possible to collect as many good artifacts as they can.

Finally, like all characters, Ayaka will need plenty of Mora and EXP Books to increase her character level, talents, and ascend her artifacts. These can be obtained by farming Ley Line Outcrops. By following all these steps, players should be as prepared as possible for the release of Ayaka, before Inazuma releases and players can start farming for the all-new items she’ll require.

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