Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Ghostbusters: 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes


Ghostbusters is renowned for its imaginative premise and witty dialogue, with some of the funniest quotes coming from Harold Ramis’ Egon Spengler.

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Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

The zany sci-fi comedy known as Ghostbusters is renowned for its imaginative premise, witty dialogue, and iconic designs like the Ecto-1. Though it’s also known for its slew of funny, down-to-earth characters that bring a personal sensibility to this ethereal premise. While the wisecracking Peter Venkman tends to be the favorite for many, it’s hard to understate the value Egon Spengler brings to the table – comedic or otherwise. Played by the late-great Harold Ramis, Egon serves as the grounded, technical counterpart to his more naive and nonchalant ghostbusting colleagues. He’s sort of the brains of the operation; the Donatello of the group. It makes sense, as was envisioned by the writers as a “New Wave Mr. Spock,” after all.

The talks of the new Ghostbusters film, Afterlife – which apparently features his grandkids – further reinforces his importance in this saga. Additionally, though, Egon is the source of some of the movie’s funniest, most quote-worthy lines; many of which are repeated by fans today. Let’s explore ten of his most memorable gems.

10 “That Would Have Worked If You Hadn’t Stopped Me.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Director Ivan Reitman and writers Aykroyd and Ramis establish pretty early that GB will be rife with subtly-witty dialogue. Case in point? This zinger from Spengler in the first act. After Peter brings up an odd instance where Egon apparently experimented with head-drilling on himself, he responds with this gem.

This blend of goofiness and craftiness – the kind of gag that gets funnier as one thinks about it – is a great representation of Egon and the film at large. As a side note – one can’t help but wonder about the details and explanation surrounding such an event…

9 “I Feel Like The Floor Of A Taxicab.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Another of Ghostbusters’ appealing traits is its use of colorful language to vividly paint a picture as well as provide some yuks. That’s the case with this amusing simile by Egon, who finds himself drenched in the gooey remains of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man after they take him out.

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Not only does the viewer get to see the detail of the messy aftermath of his defeat, but this comparison provides a clear feeling of such an unlikely scenario too. On top of this -Spengler’s nonchalant delivery makes it all the funnier.

8 “I Think That Would Be Extraordinarily Dangerous.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Beyond being the smarts of this ghost-busting operation, Spengler also has a knack for keeping the others grounded in reality and hitting them with some harsh truths. One such example is this simple-but-blunt warning to Peter when he suggests uniting the Keymaster with the Gatekeeper.

In typical Egon-form, he adds some emphasis by informing him that this reunion wouldn’t just be dangerous, but extraordinarily so. It makes for a nice little character detail too, as the word “extraordinary” is (fittingly) said by Spengler on multiple occasions.

7 “I Collect Spores, Molds, And Fungus.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Ironically, a character-defining trait of Egon is, well, his lack of character – outside of his passion for science and his hyper-attention directed towards his studies. This quote goes beyond simply being an amusing, unexpected response.

It’s also a great encapsulation of this character, whose scientific studies consume most facets of his life. Apparently, this comes at the expense of having any real hobbies or social skills.

6 “I Don’t Think He’s Human.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

The Ghostbusters aren’t just good at nabbing and containing the paranormal, they’ve also got a knack for busting out clever quips. While Venkman is the main source of these, Egon indirectly backs into a zinger of his own. This happens during the humorous scene in which Louis Tully is possessed by the Keymaster, and is brought back to their headquarters. Janine compliments him on his kindness in “taking care of that poor man.”

This seemingly typical line of dialogue happens to be the setup for one of the most subtly humorous punchlines in the film. And hey – technically Egon is right, as per usual.

5 “…The Neighborhood Is Like A Demilitarized Zone.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Early in the film, the newly-formed Ghostbusters are examining the ruined firehouse that is to be their headquarters, setting the stage for some more humorous banter. Egon states the obvious, in about the most descriptive, colorful manner possible. In so many words, the condition of this place, and the surrounding neighborhood is “substandard,” to say the least.

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He closes it out with this quote, which is yet another example of creative writing succeeding in painting the scene while invoking some laughs.

4 “I’m Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

This delightful line has “catchphrase” written all over it, even though it’s said only once in the film. It does seem to have that Star Wars “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” vibe to it. And really, it’s quite fitting for this brainy character as well as within the context of this epic final act.

It is interesting that even with the looming threat of a huge marshmallow monster, the man is still able to articulate his fears in a stoic, elaborate matter. Classic Egon…

3 “Let’s Say This Twinkie Represents The Normal Amount of Psychokinetic Energy In The New York Area…”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

While it perhaps doesn’t have the icon status that the famed logo, Stay Puft, or Slimer has in the Ghostbusters universe, Egon’s demonstration twinkie can count itself among memorable GB imagery on some level.

Spengler’s allusion to “something big on the horizon” spurs an amusing perspective comparison to a twinkie. While holding up the snack, he explains that this massive threat would be the equivalent of a thirty-five feet long twinkie weighing a whopping six hundred pounds. This is, of course, assuming the New York area represented the size of a normal twinkie. One can’t help but laugh at the delicious irony of this intellectual’s description of an “apocalypse” scenario amounting to twinkie size comparisons.

2 “There’s Definitely A Very Slim Chance We’ll Survive.”

Ghostbusters 10 Funniest Egon Spengler Quotes

Apparently, with Egon’s unshakable stoicism comes unwavering confidence. Even with the ominous Gozer looming, and the possibly devastating idea to cross streams with their Proton Packs, a relatively calm Egon notes that there’s a small chance of making it through this all. How slim this chance might have been is anyone’s guess, but hey – all’s well that ends well, right?

Perhaps Spengler should have had a bit more confidence in his own gadgetry.

1 “Try To Imagine All Life As You Know It Stopping Instantaneously And Every Molecule In Your Body Exploding At The Speed Of Light.”

Though the Ghostbusters tend to “fly by the seat of their pants” through much of the film, Egon does establish a clear rule that crossing the streams of the Proton Packs is a big no-no. Understandably, a naive Venkman asks for clarification as to how this action would be bad.

As he’s known to do, Egon swiftly and precisely sets the record straight with this whopper of a description. It’s one of those classic repeatable lines that – like a ghostly apparition – has transcended mortality.

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