Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

Gilmore Girls: 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay


Lindsay plays a fairly major role in the Gilmore Girls saga, but we’d wager that most fans forgot most of the details about her life.

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Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

Lindsay Lister made her first appearance in Gilmore Girls in season three as Dean’s new girlfriend after his relationship with Rory came to a roaring halt. Lindsay was the complete opposite of Rory. She was tall, blonde, and was satisfied with being a stay-at-home wife and mother, which is what Dean wanted in “That Damn Donna Reed”. As he got more serious with Lindsay, the two became engaged and got married. But, as soon as the two advanced in their relationship, the worse they became.

After about a year of marriage, Lindsay kicked Dean to the curb when she found out he cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend. Not much is known about Lindsay once she divorced Dean, but her time on the show was quite impactful. With fans focusing on Dean and Rory, they forgot all about Lindsay.

10 Lindsay & Rory Go Way Back

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

As serious as Dean and Rory were, Rory knew Lindsay before Dean and basically grew up with her. While Dean moved to Stars Hollow from Chicago in high school, Lindsay and Rory grew up in Starts Hollow and went to school together.

In the fourth grade, Lindsay even bought Rory a magnet of Mark Twain after Rory didn’t have enough money to buy it. When Rory offered to pay Lindsay back, she denied her. The irony of Rory taking more than one thing from Lindsay does not fall on blind eyes.

9 But They Haven’t Seen Each Other Since Chilton

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

As is the case for many students, Rory and Lindsay knew each other and were in the same classes growing up but they weren’t technically friends. The first time Rory sees Lindsay is at Dean’s hockey game. Rory and Lindsay laugh that they haven’t seen each other since Rory left Stars Hollow High for Chilton.

During the conversation, Rory and Lane couldn’t help but notice how awkward it was. They didn’t realize it was because Lindsay was now dating Dean and didn’t want to make things weird with Rory.

8 She’s Not A “Music Freak”

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

In the episode “Keg! Max!,” there was a house party that most of Stars Hollow High attended. Rory was even able to get Jess to tag along, even though he hated every second of it.

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While Rory and Jess were waiting in line for the bathroom, Dean and Lindsay showed up and made chit-chat with Rory and Jess. To be nice, Rory asked the couple if they liked Lane’s band. Lindsay admitted she didn’t know many of the songs they played, to which Dean said “she’s not a music freak like you.” When Rory asked her what kind of music she liked, Lindsay said Michelle Branch and Matchbox 20. As usual, Jess rolled his eyes and made a sly remark at Lindsay’s taste.

7 Lindsay’s Issues With Rory Grew As She Got Closer With Dean

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

If fans rewatch the progression between Lindsay and Dean, they’ll realize how much Lindsay’s personality changes when she’s around Rory. At the hockey game, Lindsay was cordial but shy with Rory. But, as Lindsay and Dean became more serious, Lindsay became cold towards Rory and rolled her eyes during their conversations.

In “A Tale of Poes and Fire,” Lindsay rolled her eyes at Rory’s Mark Twain story and obviously grew hate for her when she overheard Rory talking poorly about her in Doose’s. From then on, Lindsay wanted nothing to do with Rory. Is it because she knew how much her husband was still pining for her?

6 “Dino”

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

In “Scene In A Mall,” Lindsay and her mother dropped off lunch for Dean and his co-workers. When Rory asked if it was too early to eat lunch, Lindsay’s mother said “Oh, our Dino’s up at 5:00 am.” Dean looked lovingly at his wife and mother-in-law.

Meanwhile, instead of being proud of Dean’s work-ethic, Rory is more taken back by the fact that Lindsay and her mom call Dean “Dino.” Fans can chalk Rory’s response up to jealousy.

5 Lindsay Seemed Happy For Dean’s College Dreams

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

In “A Tale of Poes and Fire,” Lorelai and Rory take a second to catch up with Dean and Lindsay. Dean congratulated Rory on getting into Harvard—while Lindsay stayed silent—and told her that he got into Southern Connecticut State. Shockingly, Lindsay smiled and looked proudly at Dean when he shared the news. The odd thing about this moment is that, when Dean and Lindsay got married, she didn’t want him going to school. She wanted him to start working so that he could provide for their family. But, what went wrong? Why did Lindsay have a change of heart when it came to her husband’s education?

4 She Could Be An Only Child

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

Not much is known about Lindsay’s family life besides her close relationship with her mother. Dean has also mentioned that her family is incredibly selfless and that they do everything to help the couple when they can. Heck, her mother even bakes for him and the construction team.

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But, in “Chicken or Beef,” Rory overhears Lindsay and her mother getting ready for the wedding. Lindsay’s mother tells the wedding planner “she’s our only daughter, frost the town!” This could mean Lindsay has brothers if she’s the “only daughter” in the family, or it could mean she’s their only child.

3 She’s Environmentally Concious

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

The Gilmore Girls writers do a fantastic job of showing what a good-natured woman Lindsay is compared to Rory. With Rory’s mind focused on school and herself, she didn’t have much time to worry about anything else.

Lindsay is the complete opposite. She purposely didn’t go to school just so she could cater to Dean and their life at home. She’s also, apparently, environmentally concious. When she and her mother dropped off lunch for Dean and his crew, she excitedly told Dean that she found a new dry cleaner that used “less solvent.” Dean looked happy for his wife, but Rory looks almost disgusted.

2 She’s Bored When She Gets Married

Gilmore Girls 10 Things Fans Forgot About Lindsay

As Dean and Rory start spending more time together, his marriage to Lindsay begins to unravel. He was working three jobs—was Dean the younger version of Kirk!?—and worked more hours to support the two of them.

One night, Dean is working late at the Dragonfly Inn doing construction when Lindsay barges in. The two get into an argument over their contrasting schedules. Dean needed to work to give Lindsay the life she asked for, but Lindsay wanted to spend more time with Dean as husband and wife. With Dean working so much, Lindsay never saw him. The two began resenting each other and didn’t communicate as a unit. To make matters worse, Lindsay told him she was “bored” in their marriage and that she was going out with friends as Dean stayed late to work.

1 Dean Denied Doing “It”

Who would have thought after meeting Dean in the first season that he would go on to cheating on his wife and having an affair with Rory? In “A Messenger, Nothing More,” Lindsay finally found out that her husband was seeing another woman and had enough.

In a public display of hatred, Lindsay threw all of Dean’s belongings out of the window and onto the front yard, and the entire town saw what happened. While Lindsay is telling Dean she hates him, he says “I didn’t do it.” Uh, didn’t Lindsay just read a hand-written letter from Rory talking about their intimate times together? Nice try, Dean.

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