Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Gilmore Girls: 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)


Luke (and his Diner) are central to Gilmore Girls, but would the season one character like how his story plays out?

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Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

When Stars Hollow residents wanted a hot cup of coffee, Luke’s Diner was always a safe place to land. This location is so popular with Gilmore Girls fans that there have even been pop-ups over the years. This beloved restaurant is all thanks to Lorelai’s major love interest Luke Danes, who has run his own business for a long time after taking over his dad’s hardware store.

Many Gilmore Girls episodes took place in Luke’s Diner and when the Netflix revival A Year In The Life was released, fans were excited to catch up with this character. While Luke had many successes that he can be happy about, his life took a few turns that he would have disliked.

10 Hate: He And Lorelai Never Had A Child

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Luke loved his town and he was a supportive character in many ways. While he loved Rory and took care of his nephew Jess, it seemed like he would have enjoyed having his own kid, too.

In the revival, fans learned that Luke and Lorelai wanted to have a child together, but for some reason, it just never happened. They realized that they hadn’t discussed it and they had lost the chance to start their own family. This was definitely heartbreaking and it was one of the many sad turns that the revival took.

9 Proud: Living In Lorelai’s House And Still Close To Rory

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Luke was there for Rory more than Christopher and this continued in A Year In The Life.

Luke was “super proud,” as Lorelai put it, that Rory was a journalist who was published in The New Yorker and Luke would have been glad that in the revival, he was still really close with Lorelai’s daughter and BFF. Luke would have been very proud that he and Lorelai were living together in her house and that they had gotten into a happy and solid routine. They watched Lifetime movies in bed (or Lorelai watched them and Luke was confused by the titles) and enjoyed many sweet and small moments as a couple.

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8 Hate: Emily Still Wasn’t A Big Fan

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Emily Gilmore was always tough and it was no secret that she intimidated Luke, along with her late husband, Richard.

In the revival, Emily still wasn’t the biggest fan of Luke, and while she seemed to accept that her daughter loved him, she didn’t exactly jump for joy whenever she saw him. Luke would have hated this part of A Year In The Life because he would have hoped that after so much time, Emily would have come around and been nicer and more supportive of him.

7 Proud: Built A Great Relationship With His Daughter April

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Luke learned about his daughter April Nardini in season six and didn’t tell Lorelai for a while. This created conflict and made viewers wonder if the couple would stay together.

In A Year In The Life, April visited Stars Hollow and hung out at the Gilmore house, and April and Rory got the chance to talk. Luke would be so thrilled to know that he and his daughter managed to maintain a wonderful relationship over the years.

6 Hate: Lorelai Left After A Major Fight

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

In the first season, Luke was in love with Lorelai, but he wasn’t able to tell anyone or even admit it internally. He just knew that he loved serving her coffee and seeing her all the time and he would do anything to help her or Rory if they were in trouble.

Luke would hate that in the revival, he and Lorelai had a big fight, and Lorelai left for a little while. She felt inspired by the Cheryl Strayed story Wild and decided that she needed to do something for herself. While thankfully they made up and even got married, it was still a rough patch and a horrible moment.

5 Proud: Continued Running His Own Business And Listened To His Heart

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Many Gilmore Girls scenes took place in Luke’s Diner and it’s a favorite location for fans.

Luke was still running his own business in the revival and listening to his heart. Richard had wanted him to open up some other restaurants and turn the diner into a franchise, but this didn’t feel right to Luke, and he was still convinced that was the wrong path for him in these new episodes. Luke would be proud of how he continued on his own journey and knew that he didn’t need anything else to make him happy.

4 Hate: He And Lorelai Took Forever To Get Married

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Season one Luke loved Lorelai and didn’t know that they could ever be more than friends. It would have been exciting for him to know that in the future, they would be married.

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Unfortunately, they put off the wedding for a long time, and they weren’t even married in the “Fall” episode of the revival. Luke would be sad that they hadn’t been able to have their big day yet and he would have wondered what was taking them so long.

3 Proud: Stuck To His Principles

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

While Luke would never become a social butterfly, he definitely grew a bit by the time fans caught up with him in the revival.

But he still hated cell phones and he had a few more pet peeves that he wanted his diner customers to know about. He put up a sign in the diner that said “no texting while ordering” or “taking pictures of food” or “headphones.” He also mentioned that he didn’t like when people listened to loud music with headphones on as he wrote on the sign, “If I can hear your music through your headphones, WHY ARE YOU WEARING HEADPHONES?” Luke also complained about man buns, which is hilarious. Luke would be proud that he stuck to his principles and what he believed in.

2 Hate: He And Lorelai Didn’t Talk About Deeper Issues

Gilmore Girls 5 Things Season 1 Luke Would Hate About Revival Luke (5 Things He Would Be Proud Of)

Luke and Lorelai had several arguments as their romance was never totally smooth. But in the revival, it turned out that they hadn’t ever really spoken to each other about what mattered.

When Lorelai and Luke went to the surrogacy clinic that Paris started, it was clear that they hadn’t properly talked about having a child. Lorelai joked about “a fresh kid” and Luke said if she wanted one, she would have let him know, but that seemed like a way of avoiding the topic. If season one Luke was watching himself in the revival, he would have definitely wished that he and Lorelai had some deeper conversations in the past few years.

1 Proud: He And Jess Had Mended Fences

In the first season of Gilmore Girls, Luke wasn’t close with his nephew Jess, as Jess hadn’t come to live with him yet. They didn’t exactly bond or connect during the second season when Jess came to Stars Hollow, but Luke tried. It was tough since Jess made many mistakes and some bad decisions during his time living with his uncle.

In the revival, Jess came to visit, proving that he and Luke had worked through their issues and differences and had figured out a better relationship. This is a huge accomplishment for Luke, who must have been glad to see that Jess was doing so well.

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